Follows behind Neji but waits up for Gaara. "Coming?"
Suddenly she got caught. "What are you doing up so late in the night Miss.Gretchen?"
She nodded looking around. "You were born here!?" She was outstouded
She nodded. "Yea!" She was excited.
She looked around. "Its beautiful here..." she smiled sweetly.
Jadianna didnt care she walked off hearing Snape near by.
She smirked. "So anything were gonna do today?" She was eager to get out and about no matter how much pain she was in.
"What are all of you doing up its nearly dawn!?"
Jaden heard voices down the hall. "Whos there?"(AKA Shes another prefect though dont get caught by her..)
She nodded.
She nodded but then was startled by the intursion. "Whats wrong!?"
"I cant...With out my orignal data im notthing. Wheres Kyo!? Hes been gone too long?"
Lance heard the door. "Whos there?!"
"I need it back, if Kula is deactivated for too long she'll...."
She shurg."I dont know Serin do you?"
"No! She didnt! She couldnt! Wheres mine...." Lance started to flip out.
Drake froze inside the cave. She was both confused and afraid.
"Kula?!" She shook her hand though Kula didnt move. "What happened?!"
"Kula!?" Dark Lancer sprung up. She noticed Kula lifeless on the love seat. "Kula?"
"Wheres Kula?" Dark Lancer said softly.