-In the castle dungon- Dark Lancer tried to unlock her shackles that contained her. "God Damit, let me out of here, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she demanded it ever sence they too her.
Kula and Dark Lancer walked over to Helmera. "Good luck to you and your partner." Dark lancer said as Kula gave him a thumbs up. "Kick some major but and we'll see you in the finals!" Kula was extremly happy.
"What the hell is that fairy doing!?" Dark lancer looked amazed
After destroying the necromancer base she started back to the organization.
"Yes we won! but see its affecting you!" Kula said as Dark Lancer rolled her eyes. "Doubt it thier suposed to kill me im not wanted my purpose is done they said..."
"Lancer your datas corrupt! thier trying to get into your file!" Kula seemed worried comfronting Lancer. "No its not but did we win?" She couldnt remember the fight or why her wrist blades were out.
"Lance? Lance?!" Kula looked worried as they appear back into warriors room. "Computer input behind." Dark lancer mumbled faiting and landing on the ground. "Lance!?" Kula helped her up as she returned back to normal.
Kula too care of the other member as Dark Lancer stood up. "Team Strider wins!" The annoucer said though Dark lancer didnt zone back in.
It had only been 15 minutes into the match when dark lancer began spatting out data again. "Damit Lance snap out of it!" Kula blocked Dark Lancer as her eyes turned white. Suddenly Dark lancer dropped her lance and allowed her wrist blades to come out. Fangs slide out where her wisdom teeth were. Suddenly she implaid one of the members of the other team to the ground.
"Team Strider against Team Tomipuff get ready!" the annoucer annouced as both teams faced each other. "3,2,1 BATTLE!" Dark lancer quickly pulled out her ice lance. "Kula ice nails!" Kula nodded making her clawa look like giant icicles. "Lets take them down!"
Dark Lancer stared at the people of this town as the snickerd and some frightened. "He hasnt been here.....hes been banned." One of the people said. "Good burn in hell!" She threw bombs as they exploded she got out of there.
Dark lancer heard the annoucer and telepoted to the area. The crowd cheered as she stepped i the middle with kula. "Ready Kula?" "Ready lance, and you? "Ready as ill ever be..."
Dark Lancer glanced over at Halmera after his comment. Kula looked happy again. "Everyones on edge, Lance when we on?" Kula looked bored leaning against the wall next to Dark Lancer.
Dark Lancer glared at him more. "If i am such a computer my intelligence still beats yours you pathic being of a vampire." Dark lancer walked over to another corner of the room.
Dark Lancers mission was simple. "KILL THE REMAINING NECROMANCERS" Running towards the dark cave that lead to thier home. Walking in she slipped through the gate. "Tell me where your leader is!" Dark lancer demanded.
Reciving her mission she slowly left the org.s area.
Dark lancer sighed waiting. Kula started to talk to Kyo. "My names kula in SUPOSED to be a small demon but it never works out long.."
"I guess your right..." Ignors Kyo sort of..
"Thier competition looks tough..." Dark lancer said watching the match.