The scent came from a house or something. "Dreamscape come out where ever you are!" Talrashia yelled making sure everyone heared her.
Talrashia scented Dreamscape around there. But where? He had to be here.
OOC: yea sorry I didnt read any earlier posts. My bother made my join this rp >< Nah Ill make these people random people BIC: The people looked at her strangly as if they didnt know what she was talking about. "Sorry I bothered you.." She left heading deeper in the town.
Talrashia came to the next town in about an hour. She noticed four people and one of them very discolored. Walking close to them she kept her ground. "Excuse me have you seen a man who carries two pistols and a bunch of foxes lurking around him.." She hopped she would get an answer.
She looked down."Of course we dont because my bother is too stupid to relize that he is. I shall seek guildence in the next town Master, May I have the fox amulet? To summon my bother back." She said queitly looking back up at him.
Talrashia looked at the merchant. "No master I have not he seemed to vanish into thin air as soon as i caught his demonic powers.."
Drake slipped back into her village unoticed. Soon she gathered up her things and slipped back out again. She followed the scent of the angels that flew by there
(Sorry i hope I can still join..) Name: Talrashia Sanity: lost Age: ?????(looks about 16 but is really old) Appearance: Weapon: Short sword, and a magic rod
"Sorry.." She looked at him and smiled and walked over to him.
OCC: Kyle im taking over Germain so dont be too afraid of what im gonna do XD Germain and Lance and Radu sperated before going upstairs. It was dark once more as Germain thought what overcame his brother. He started to walk up the stairs when he notice Lance still standing there. "Coming??" He asked looking back at her. She looked at him and followed when she starting walking next to Germain, he suddenly pushed her against the wall and kissed her. She stood there memorized in his gaze.....
"Mabye you should rest..."
(Im on Kyle now what?!) Lance moved next to Dawn. "You ok..."
She leaned against him. "So where to first?"
The man walked Towards her. "Save your lands once more, Live in darkness again, Warrior of Dying Water." He said stopping in front of her. She froze in fear vhis aura gave off a bad scent. "No! I will not!" She said trying to move but he held a trance. "Then Suffer Dead one!" He said releasing a sword.
Hinata followed behind listing.
OOC: Kyle dont tell mom i got on XD IC: Kula Looked down. "Lance dont worry bout it its not like the Real you was better than you now.." She said trying to make her feel better. "No all orignals are better Kula, even yours....." "Thats not true my orignal was evil!" Kula glared at her.
Lancer and Germain walked into the small town of the necromancers. Everyone stared in fright as they saw Germain was alive. "It is I Your future king! I have returned!" He yelled.
She was extremly happy but in the mean time she hoped he wouldnt drop her.
She smiled and clung to his neck.
"Cool.." She said not relizing he was leaving.