My favorite is Roxas and Namine and Riku and Kairi.
Oh and happy easter!!!!!!!! LOL :D
Its boring, but life could be better. Lol :) Why is Kody annoyed?
I'm half and half, I don't know which one to choose. So i guess I like bothe Sora and Riku.
Oh thats good, hows kody?
I was a bit confused I thought they put the wrong game in the wrong case, but it was a good thing that I kept playing because I would have returned it. And kept returning it until I would have realized that I have been wasting my time returning the game then playing it instead. That would have made me really mad and silly at the same time.
Don't feel bad, you will raise your grade. So hows life in Seattle. :)
lol yeah, so how is your week going so far?
Lol no im not, its just mom keeps pushing me and its starting to aggravate (I don't know if I spelled that right lol)me.
Trust me it is, :(, i already wish it was summer
Man thats early, and you are right we did start late. Maybe thats why we get out for the summer so late.
I started Sep. 5, when day did you start for school. Its okay lol :)
I would have to say, I don't know why I just do and my second choice would have to be Cloud.
I would have to say dolphin because you get a lot more abilities for his dolphin form then his shark form.
Awww man now im bummed i get out in like the second week of June. This really sucks. lol
I would have to say high jump and dodge roll.
Got a bad grade on a test. XD
lol but luckily school is almost over for us :)
My favorite character is Riku, Roxas, Sora and Goofy.
Lol :D but its only for a week, I wish it was a bit longer