thanks :D, I'm starting to like this website already.
I just got out of school. :D What are you doing?
To everyone who replied :D Thanks for the warm welcome :), I really feel really welcomed and I hope I can become friends. :)
I'm fine, just trying to relax today. How are you? :D
oh thats cool......
not as of yet but I will probably will ahve some soon. So how long have you had an account here?
okay thanks :), and I think I'll take you up on your offer. :D
oh lol a lot of new things to learn, while I'm here.:D
Lol okay, I'll make sure to do that, but I'm still kind of nervous to make new friends though....:( I havent really been talkative as much as I used too
I hope so my friend recommended me here, when she found out that I like kingdom Hearts.
yea sure :)
Thanks for the advice:), I'll make sure to do that.
Hey everyone, I'm new here,(I guess you would know that XD lol) so I am open to any new friends. So yeah.
Hey, hopefully you enjoy my page