4 Minutes to save the world - Madonna and Justin Timberlake.
I love all of their voices but the only one I didn't like that will was Axel.
I agree with what *TwilightNight*. PS you put Roxas in you title instead of Riku.
Isn't that the music from kh2fm+, the game that never came overseas? A fan can make a better trailer and the jap trailer was better then this T-T but oh well at leat we got a trailer. ;0)
Lit them on fire
I agree with Azure Flame he is most likey talking about Xehanort/Xemnas.
I wonder what Riku and Namine are talking about. Luxord new cards look cool.
The Land Before Time Anastasia The Prince of Egypt The Road to El Dorado Happy Feet I have others aswell.
I don't know if any one seen these yet http://www.gamekyo.com/newsen30282_kingdom-hearts-358-2-days-comes-back-in-new-scans.html
I would so get this if I had a ps3 or a blu-ray player.
I would have save every one but if I have to pick one it would be Vexen he didn't deserved to die his death was so said.
I seen this a wile ago but thank any way. I hate watching the trailer on their because it the video sound like a broken record, but its butter on YouTube.
Thank Mike I hope we get some new scans in the up coming V-Jump.
The first kh is harder in that game you don't have a lot of things to help you like in kh2. I us summons a lot in kh, in kh2 I didn't us summons at all.
I hope we get a better scan soon.
Those release date are just a guess I mean games don't realy get releas on the last day of the month or fist day of the month.
I like Riku in kh2 more then kh.
I would like to have Genesis in the game I would like to have fight him maybe he can replace Sephiroth.
I think I like Sanctuary better.
I like 1 and 2 but I think I like 2 better.