No you are right we can play as her. Oh happy days.:lol: (evil lough)
E3 come early this year cool, I'm going to watch it too.
I'm so happy I could cry. TT-TT
I can't wait to get this game in english.
Cool. Thank Mike ^^
Cool! I was hoping to be able to play as them.
Thank for the info.
Saix attacks look really cool.
Roxas is the main character but it also feels like its Xion store too.
Yes I think this game will make the orgs death even more sad.
No I don't think so. They can still do so much with the series.
Thank for sharing this. It would of been nice if the commercial was a little long but its still nice. I hope they do better for NA.
Ya some Donald and Goofy in action, and fighting along with organization XIII.
More update ^^ that cool that KH 358/2 Days got a good review and its to bad that Wayne Allwine died. T^T
To me I don't really like the idea of a game on a phone. Phone are made to use to talk to some one not play games. Japan cell phones are ahead of every one else it not even funny, the game probably look like crap on are cell phone.
I've seen these and they are very amazon I like how Vexen, Marluxia use their weapon. Zexion is a little weird but its still cool.
I hope we see a better pose of Saix later.
I hope we see some thing like this in N.A.
Larxene looks really fast and Lexaeus looks really powerful.
I got 2 of the kh2: Limited edition books. I hope they do the same thing with Days. Thank for the info.