I would like if Riku get his own game.
The shirts look nice. If I ever get one I will properly wear it to bed. ^^
That the bad thing about anime shows they make a lot of changes.
I was going to ask you the same question. Yes I haven't been able to get on khi forums all day yesterday and today but the home page works fine.
I don't think I've seen all of SM shows. I would like if they re-dub it.
I cry at animes, movies and TV. I cry when their is a sad part like when some one dies.
I'm happy for you guys you did the right thing. I lough when you said your friend beat the guy up. But the parents should have press charges on him.
Not much. Just trying to stay out of trouble.
The game was easy. But I did have some parts that gave me trouble.
^ Ya I know how you feel. It suck that they are leaving us in the middle of the series.
Yes its for the DS.
Yup that me. ^^ So what have you been up too?
Sound like the person is just missing with you or he don't know what he is talking about.
I love the character section much better then the japanese one. We have like 4 month before the game come out so I hope they keep updating the site.
I really like Xion's voice I love watching the video over and over again.
I got this magz when it first came in blockbuster. ^^
Will I think the reason that not many people their in that picture is because it might just starting to put things up and it wasn't open yet. (IMO)
That cool.
Thank Mike. I really like Xion's voice it suit her. I'm glad that all the VA are coming back. I can't tell if that Lee voice doing DIz or the one that did in RE:com. But any way I been watching the video all the time I realy like it.
Yes can't wait. Was the videos in english. I hope some one put the video on youtube.