I'm glad that its going on the DS! I don't think Coded is that long of a game since it was made for a phone. But I'm hoping that its longer on the DS then on the phone.
I all most cried at the end. It was sad that Xion died but it was even sadder that Roxas lost all memories of her. T^T
I'm very happy that its coming out on DS! I just beat 358/2 Days. I am so looking forward for this.
I think it would be cool if it was on the ds.
I like all of them but if I had to choose I would go with Days.
I would have to go with Luxord. He would have been the best for CO.
I think Axel is overrated. I have nothing against Axel but he is my least fave character my most fave would have to be Marluxia or Vexen. I just don't like the fact that if someone put a poll up he seem to get the most counts then any other character.
Vexen, Marluxia, Saix or Xigbar.
They sound awesome to me. I really like Emperor's voice it fits really will. I can't wait for ff3 people. ^^
Those videos was awesome. I can't wait till it comes out.
Ya I heard about this a couple days ago and I was like WTF!!! Didn't see that coming. But I'm very happey.^_^
Pokemon Silver, Crystal and Yellow
Non-legendary Rapidash Dragonite Charizard Lucario Riolu Legendary Mewtwo Lugia
I have both and I enjoy RE:com more.
I heard this on the news and I'm having a hard time believing that she fell asleep. I herd that the only reason she is sueing is because her dad and boyfriend didn't like it. But they also payed the guy after it was all done.
PETA's need to worry more about animals that are going in extinct then worry about 1 little fly. I mean I'm not going to let a mosquitoes suck blood out of me, I don't think so.
I like Kh2 and Re:com the most I guess it because of the orgs their my fave characters.
Only 3 I like all of them but my top 3 would have to be 1. Marluxia 2. Vexen 3. Saix
8D ya khi is back on! Of course you properly new that.;D
That was so cool. I really like their voices.