Lol. Yea they are XD
Lol. XD Okay. -high fives back-
They're coming out with a 3rd season of Code Geass....They're also coming out with a new naruto shippuuden movie....
-glomps- Mew....!
It's Sasuke from Naruto....
Idk.... XD
I got to go to my next class ttly.....XD
I live in redding, ca. XD But i'm an emo and bisexual so yea...
Oh...I'm in computer class 5th period...and it's 1:18pm so bored...
-glomps- Hey haven't talkin to you in a while what's up?
You too. What's up?
Lol Okay then That's awesome.
Lol thanks.
My bf Paul broke up with me two days after my birthday, My girlfreind is not on,I miss her so much and yea my year so far has been ****ed up....
Hey long time no talk what's up?
Hi what's up?
Fine I guess You?
Lol sorry Bye