rawr .
Random Topics 1.The cake is a lie 2.Keyblades are ghey, lololololol 3.Deathnote is ghey, lololololol 4.Applez are a drug, they make you feel good 5.Bump *Expects closure?*
Bump .
This post doesn't count k? k
*Pulverizes you*
We play nao, k? k
Sephiroth is uber leet, only problem is, he plays cat and mouse too much... That and he's a pansy
I am not lol, i am owh
Hi gunz addict
rofl christer, rofl
I Found It *****!!!
*Punches* Don't do that! People can see us!
I actually didn't find it though, i found it through mibbit chat :/
Hi risk
Hi Hissora
Who are you talking to my dear dear friend?
We know christer, we know EDIT I'm the friend LullabyCaiden, Notice the OWH and OneWingedHeartless?
Hi CatchTheRain
iRick Roll you, yes? Robert is the most epic rick roller in the world, and we the rick rolled people should respect that