Wow, that's a ton of money wasted just to kill him...
Yeah, I can't even remember most of the funniest things in it, it's great!
Very nicely made (and nice use of cheats.).
I see Sephiroth's girlfriend cheering me on while I kill Cloud XD.
I guess that would be cool too, but I'd like 2 player better so me and my brother can both play.
Haha, yeah. What episode did you watch up to?
I'm not, I like it (you're not talking to me probably).
American Witch by Rob Zombie.
Oh, I must've skipped over that part. I hope it has 2 player or something..
I might've I just mabe don't remember it. "Holy shnickeys!"
Well, maybe you just NEED that sucky party member to get on your nerves XD.
Haha *stares at your avatar* Wow, same here. ;)
Haha, well there's a reason that would change my mind if I could vote again, plus the fact I'm listening to heavy metal..
Are you sure they'd have an English voice?
*Xemnas on crack* Hhahahahahahahahahahhaa (that part makes me laugh every time!).
It's a good idea but as everyone said before, Kairi sucks at fighting. I'd much rather have Riku and Mickey though.
Yeah, but I wanna hear it in English!
I'm so happy cuz there's only one of me!
Ohhhhh yeeeaahhh (from the song)