You made that in GIMP, didn't you?
Did your parents get mad at you? I know mine would.
(Read all the previous ones from page one, it'll unwrap like a story)
Sheesh I'm just saying....
Bloodburn pushed Yoko down easily and took out his knife quickly and put it up to Gaiva's throat. Bloodburn: "Should I kill you you quickly or slowly?" He brought his other knife and pointed it at Yoko, "And do you want me to kill your friend in the process?"
No, I live in Pennsylvania. It's too bad, I'd like to have a tournament.
I don't like your face, just kidding XD.
Why are you posting that again?
I'll watch the rest tommarow, since it's getting late here.
Yeah, the only fast song I have is Maxx Unlimited unlocked.
Someone who wants me to be the best man in your wedding, lol.
Someone that loves Sephiroth again.
Bloodburn: "I'm not in it. My father was in it, but he wants you dead! His name was Axel! And you're not going anywhere except to the afterlife!"
Yeah, I always laugh at that part too. I saw the episodes a couple of times now.
Wow, someone's.... happy... excited.... hyper...?
Yeah, and if you ever played Metal Gear Solid he's Raiden.
Haha, that's what happens when I have to type an essay.
I've seen up to 7 I didn't see 7 yet because my eyes started to hurt.
Bloodburn: "Well, I'm the son of Axel, friend of your father, as a matter of fact, he saved your father! But I can't let you live. You're the Next Generation, the fate of all the Organization XIII falls onto you, and if I let you live, you will be the death of me, and the death of the rest of the Organization XIII!."
Did you know that Reno's voice is the same as Axel's...?