(Well, he might :D) Zypher started to lower himself out of the clouds more as they neared the islands. Bloodburn was slowly starting to get healed from Zypher too, enough so that Bloodburn was in good enough of a mood to smile that he was finally here. Axel would be proud of him if he accomplishes what he is supposed to, and if he does, he'll get a prize that he doesn't know of yet. Zypher was almost all the way down at the water enough that he was skimming it. Bloodburn could almost see every grain of sand now.
Potato chips, mmmm ;)
I think of Xemnas but shorter :)
(Haha, good idea!) Bloodburn and Zypher flied quietly the rest of the time. Everytime Zypher moved himself in any strange way, Bloodburn was about to take out his knife. However, Zypher didn't attack at all, and Bloodburn thought that Zypher might take him to the Organization XIII's base or something. Bloodburn looked far ahead and saw the Destiny Islands very close now, and if Zypher didn't land, it would force him to jump.
Hmm... I think of the character Xigbar (mine wasn't hard XD)
(What should I do if the guy I'm talking to takes too long to respond? XD)
Darkwatch: You already know we love you back. :D
It's alright. I make pics all the time, but they aren't as good as most of the other ones people make.
Well, if you ever fought the Thousand Heartless in the Great Maw, he's right past there, and you'll see him.
Bloodburn: "Yes he was. How can I trust you aren't one of them?" Bloodburn starts to reach for the knife in it's sheath.
Bloodburn: "How do you know my father? Are you one of those black-cloaked men undercover?"
Bloodburn: "Well then, are you just going to fly and leave me to pass out, or are you ready to heal me yet?"
You didn't give credit to the makers: Rooster Teeth. They also have Red vs. Blue (based off of Halo), and PANICS (based off of FEAR).
Bloodburn: "Cloud? Sephiroth? Where have I heard these names before and why did you offer to take me to the Destiny Islands?"
Ok, the thing with the second one that I messed up for one tiny bit was the fact that for the website I put 'Kh-Vid.net'. I didn't have the S, so if you want me to fix that just tell me.
Bloodburn grabs onto his wing as well as possible. Bloodburn: "Who are you?"
Yeah, did you ever beat Sephiroth? Or were you too afraid you'd hurt him? XD
These are really basic, and I made both of them withen the last 20 minutes, but still:
You just don't seem like it.