Well i wanted the right side to be a bit wild, like the music is blocking out her awareness of anything going on around her. hence the entranced text xD
lol i actually have never even seen it, but i made a tag out of it and its one of my favorites :) edit with a couple new versions.
I dont really like it. lol the outcome is really simple. i probably could have done it in 2 steps. But its good for beginners and people who want something simple.
lol sure thing.
lol made with one of the most overwhored sprite tutorials xD Crop off some of the top and bottom. move the text up and use a bigger sprite lol all that empty canvas space is just kinda eh..
Hawt stuff mate. Nice border too ;)
lol thanks mate
np :) and thanks for comments everyone. Dorian I'll PM the stock to you.
its a PS Tut, and i used a 340x100 canvas :) thanks for comments guys. Cant wait to see your outcome darky.
Yea go ahead. :) and thanks for comments everyone.
Still really good for a sixth :)
xD newest. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/7884/spideybnwfrtaggx9.png http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/8826/spideyfrtagun7.png
Its definitely got potential. you should tone down that brightness and up the contrast between the midtones. all that white is killin it.
thats only your 5th tag? O.O wow thats pretty good for a fifth lol mine was way worse. I'll put your tag up in an outcomes section. :)
lol yea, took a while to make. and youre very welcome :)
np :)
well this is probably the most requested tutorial from me. I finally decided to stop being lazy and make it. its on this tag here: unfortunately its too big for any image hosting site to host it, so you will have to download from Sendspace till i figure something out. http://www.sendspace.com/file/6xa966 edit: nvmd ill just upload it to my DA Account lol http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/085/4/c/Creative_Tutorial_by_Cloud4ever.png .:Other Outcomes:. Hikki_Kairi- Hikki_Kairi- The_Burger_King-
lol thanks.
Darky still gets my vote :)
It's because he joined Static Anomaly/Artistic Ingenuity >;] xD i already told ya what i thought about it in the clan thread i think. and if not... well ill get around to it some time xD