Search Results

  1. Xephos
    This is another one of my acting threads because I'm bored and I wanted to have some fun!

    Xemnas: Keyblade49
    Larxene: naminestwinsister
    Roxas: Sora!
    Zexion: Nymph of Destiny
    Axel: Chocckitten
    Xigbar: swordser2
    Demyx: Jordier0xs0x
    Namine: Namine_of_KH2
    Riku: swordswer2
    Sora: AnimeGirl104

    You may also make up your own character.
    OC Form

    Name: Kasha
    Power:She is able to turn into a cat, and dog
    Description: She has on Knee-high blue jeans, a red shirt, and white sneakers.

    Power:darkness and paupu fruits
    Description:blach shirt shirt with a paupu fruit on it shows beller skinny red short hair black tips black checkerd mini skirt paupu earings neckalce rings andh as many paupu frutis and other outfit short red checkerd shirt blue ripped pants same hair and earings and stuff she knows every one in kh she was there she was on both side but never did nothing she just watched she freinds with both people
    keyblades: dark blade
    ( (

    Name: Natalie
    Power:She has telepathy

    Power:Lightning and water.(bad combo,I know.)
    Description:Light brunettehair,turqoise eyes.wears an Orange blouse,an Olive mini skirt and red sandals.she also wears a light blue cap.

    Name-Alexsandra(Alex for short)
    Personality-Stubborn, Kind, Caring for her daughter, Protective
    Image/Description-Alex wears a green short sleeve shirt and Tan kapri's, I guess. She has brown eyes, like her daughter, and dark brown hair.

    Read what the P.S. says at my other thread called"Organization XIII constructing TWTNW", the same thing will happen to me at this thread.
    Thread by: Xephos, Jun 2, 2007, 305 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xephos
    This is the story when The organization XIII begins to meet each other and decide to build a hideout of their own. Join in this Role-playing story of the mischief and troubles that occurs while building TWTNW.

    Xemnas: Last of the Organization
    Axel: Jordier0xs0x
    Demyx: Gerlet_Fav2005
    Xaldin: Mighty-Matt91
    Xigbar: Kitsune
    Luxord: Keyblade49 (Me)
    Sai'x: Ukali_rules
    Larxene: Naminestwinsister
    Marluxia: Hitna3510
    Roxas: ShadowofRiku
    Laxaeus: Katsquatch Klone #5
    Zexion: Oxyrt

    I'm not going to be posting that much in Friday, Staurday, and Sunday. Also I have projects to do because i'm not at highschool yet but i'm a middle schooler that is very busy so I mostly won't be doing this unless I have Time or I finish the project.
    Thread by: Xephos, May 30, 2007, 331 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xephos

    Late Intro

    Didn't see this part of the forum that i didn't even post it. Anyway, i'm called Keyblade49. I already posted like ten things and I really like how you keep this organized except for people sometimes posting KH2 FM+ In the KH2 section, but that's all right and I will wish you will keep posting news of the new KH3 and KH2 FM+.
    Thank You!!:)
    Thread by: Xephos, May 5, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures