Just wondering who you're voting for. I'm voting for South Korea and America. What about you people?
If you played Final Fantasy VII in PS1, her name was Aeris, all of a sudden, they changed her name to Aerith in Crisis Core. did she change her name when she met Cloud or something? Or was it to get away from teh Turks like in Ps1? If you remember that the Turks were after teh Cetera so she may have changed her name. Any other suggestions or options?
Well I was on youtube and one of my freinds sent me this vid that ALMOST seemed to be teh real Remake but turned out to be fanmade but it still pretty cool how this person did it. Here's the link. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RCJSZ9F8q5M It looks good enough to be in teh game itself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LZPn5eFw4Q It's a new series of Final Fantasy but get this! They have Leon from VIII and Sephiroth in VII. Those two I only know from this vid and the others may have been in other Final Fantasy games. I can't wait!!!! Playing as Leon while fighting Sephiroth may have been my dream after all. PS, the game is in PSP.
Hey guys. Been long since I used this part of the forums. Anyways, I won't be here for three days guys. Why? It's a Summer Retreat with my Church and I won't be back till Sunday. I'm gonna go at Friday so if you wondered where I went, there's your answer. So this is just a warning. 3 days later............... Hello people! I'm back and I'm now happier than evert finally seeing this site again! Vids coming up from my retreat this week and then I'll put it up on youtube and then soon the link will be placed here. Just wait! Also funny pics from teh game of "Picture Scavenger Hunt". That's all for now.
Is it okay if you guys can add something else at prfile options? How about we add a Meebo display name for IM's section. I hear that place can connect yahoo, gmail, AIM, and ICQ, all the stuff you inputted in the IM section. That way we have one IM profile that has your other IM's saying you are online in one account! :3 Isn't that neat?
I watched that vid and when I did....... it made me depressed all of a sudden. Two scientists took pictures for present time today and compared them from 100 years ago. The difference was that a total of 1 trillion ice melted and sunk into the sea. There were also ice caps in teh north melting and polar bears have to take refuge in Alaska. There were also cross-breeds between Grizzly and Polar bears these days and discovered a Polar Grizzly. This was found out in teh news about that Polar and Grizzlys are getting too close to each other. I also saw another part when methane is starting to be released and it can store the sun's heat and heat teh earth to melt the ice caps and glaciers. These animals are about to be extinct and will dissappear if the glaciers disappear. If teh ice caps disappear, then polar bears disappear. What do you think about this?
I really don't know if drawing is allowed here instead of computer graphics and I drew a lot of drawing during my school time so I dunno but if you close this, that's fine by me. Here are my drawings: http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07100.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07099.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07098.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07095.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07094.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07091.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07090.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07093.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07065-1.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07064.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07062.jpg http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc148/Movie_Guy/DSC07096.jpg Comment on how well I did plz.
Did you ever think Final Fantasy VII is almost to Christiananity? Because The bible mentioned the promise land and the game also mentioned the promise land and instead The ancients/cetera are like the twelve disciples in the bible and then Sephiroth is almost like Satan -_-;; (Sorry to say that Sephiroth fans) and the death of Aeirs is almost like the death of Jesus.
I was first talking to my younger bro, POH when he mentioned about light years. I thought for a moment before remembering teh galaxy is endless and light years away from each other. I tought then, "Could there be more than just Earth that has humans living on it? Or otherlife forms we have never seen in our lives............" I always thought on this years ago when I forgot all about it. Today, POH reminded me of it and I want an explanation on what you think about this. My Explanation, there could be another planet full of life forms we have never seen. New Question: Do you think we'll still live after a theory from scientists say that there will be a comet that will destroy earth?
I thought of this and if someone already made one, go ahead and punish me for not remembering. Explain why he/she fits you.Me: Luxord. I gamble many times even though I'm young at age and already learned to play Blackjack, Texas hold'em, and Poker.
My friend e-mailed me two days ago that their school nearly shut down after only 400/1800 students came to school while the rest were afraid that there will be shootings and gang fights. She also stayed home when she heard about it. Tell me what would you do if this situation occured at your school? For me, I would stay home and my parents of course would force me to stay also.
I'm just curious. Title of vid - maker/owner of vid Me: How to be a nerd - Nigahiga Organize this - Cheskune Tales of Symphonia OVA - BadZelos Yeah Remix-Kingdom Hearts - ThePureHeartSora
Read my sig and choose if you do or do not believe me that those events occured to me. I will tell you the results later on who's right or wrong. So you all will then know what it truly is.
I just had this idea during school so here it is. I just hope that it'll last long. -------------------------------------------------------- America's prisons one day had too many criminals that they sent the dangerous ones to Russia's capital, USDA. One day, a fighting broke out and 2/3 of the criminals escaped from the prison. We are the ones that escaped. Our mission is to escape for victory which is at the southern tip of South America. Rules for the RP: 1. No Yaoi/yuri 2. Romance is allowed........if there is any. 3. Power's could be possible for this RP. Just tell me if you want them 4. Cussing is sometimes allowed 5. Don't bother to join if you're not going to even post this thread usually. 6. When the RP starts, PM me if you want to join. ~Example of form~ Played by: TheGamblerOfFate Name: Geryl Age: 20 Specialty: Driving Weapons: Handgun and AK-47 Powers: (optional) None Appearance: Brown hair with right green eye with left balck eye. Wears a long black overcoat, jeans, and a t-shirt. Personality: Normal person's personality Join and have fun!!!
I got bored. So this is what happens. You choose your own OC or any other character you want from any anime or games. Start choosing! THis story is about people going to this famous Dofo arena where different people meet and fight against each other. ~Rules~ 1. No god-modding 2.Romance is allowed as long as it is at PG-13 3. Have fun If you want a character from an Anime or game, tell me the name and what anime or game that character is from Example form: User: Keyblade49 Name: Geryl Age: 20 Power: Elemtental Bio: Lived in a city full of darkness. Has been fighting for ten years in teh Dojo Arena and also fought against Dark Denizens that are mostly like heartlesses but they want Geryl as one of them. Other: None Description: ~THe ones who joined~ Name: Jade Age:19 Power: Water Bio: A poor but beautiful girl. Her parents beat her. Other: non User:Gatekeeper Name:Cade Age:20 Power:Ninja weapons and Jutsu'sI feel like a ninja right now sry,Naruto style lol Bio:nothing is known Personality:Very Friendly,but he get's serious in the heat of battle User:kitten3510 Name:sam Age:20 Power:ninjusto sand and regalr,a scythe,and some powers she cant control Bio:nothing is known Personality:Very Friendly,but he get's serious in the heat of battle,she is very smart she loves to invent Hitna3510 Lynn 19 Mimic, twilight, and transformation She was left to die out in some part of the forest because a beast lived inside of her but she was found by some people and they took care of her but she left saying that she needed to find a reason to live and who she was, it turns out that she had lived many life times thanks to the beast inside of her but rembered none of them at all, she also finds out that she didnt kill all of her family as she tought that she had and her lilter sister is still alive somewhere out there and as soon as she hears this her life goal becomes to find her Other: Wears a helf moon shaped necklace that she found on her mother's dody before the villagers left her to die and she also finds out that her siste haves the others half black hair with white stripes, tanish skin real smooth, very beautful, kinda tall, normally wears a black skrit with white patterns and cut on the side and a macthing no sheved shrit with it (might get pic later my computer is really slow right now) ~FF Characters~ Gilgamesh: Chaser007 Kadaj: Hitna3510 ~Kingdom Hearts~ ~Naruto~ Rock Lee: SHadowofRiku Sasuke Uchiha: SHadowofRiku Note~Once the RP starts, you must PM me if you want to join in order for me to see that you wanted to join this RP. If you don't PM me and it's lost in teh middle of teh RP, you're going to have to PM it to me instead.
I drew several of pictures similar to my character, Geryl. I have drawn these this year and I want you people to do this poll. The first picture shows the man with a light power but the other person coming behind him is his evil side that wants to take over the world. Here they are: Although I didn't change their faces, I can't do anything about them. I draw like that and I cang't change it. :( I feel like my drawing work has been a waste.
Do you like these songs that I found in Imeem? "http://media.imeem.com/m/A9w_39mayS/aus=false/" "http://media.imeem.com/m/lHrF2tf9sA/aus=false/" "http://media.imeem.com/m/Xr8OlUuvSz/aus=false/" "http://media.imeem.com/m/xeIaGCX-D0/aus=false/" Sorry if It gives you trouble. :P
I thought about deciding which song we should choose when we fight a boss battle or a normal battle. I thought of mine Super Paper Mario Final Boss Battle 2 Think about yours right now!
I got more bored then ever, no one posted my Hawaii Thread that I got more boredthat I wanted to make another Story. Here is the theme... I thought this time about what the Organization did during the time while they were looking for hearts. Xemnas: Xigbar: Luxord: Keyblade49 Xaldin: Zexion: Vexen: Axel: Roxas: SORA Larxene: Debralizjr Demyx: amberdslovick Lexaeus: Sai'x: Marluxia: Chendler Namine: hidden_light The same P.S. I did on my other posts.