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  1. The Fifth Element
    Ok well I will post the first chapter when I get some replies.(The story is about Riku and he figured out that he still has darkness in him and must go on a journey to rid himself of it)

    Here is the template
    Desired Role in this fanfic:
    Die at the end(yes or no):
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Feb 29, 2008, 54 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. The Fifth Element


    Hi((ok normally that would be where my intro ends but right now my friend is standing over me looking kinda scary so I'm gonna post a little longer one.))
    Name-Saxon(oh yes be jealous^_^)
    about me-Well I'm in a wheelchair.(ok so normally at this point I get all this sympathy but please for my sanity don't. Actually its not too bad...I mean you can race up and down you halls at school and no one stops you, you can also pop wheelies)I like to play basketball and shoot archery. One of my favorite things to do is draw, especially manga. And thats all I can think of
    something odd about me-I like to drink water out of bowls(I swear you get one bowl of water and everyone looks at you like you are crazy^_^)

    ((ok my friend said thats enough(thank god)so I'm gonna stop now, sorry you had to hear all that))
    Thread by: The Fifth Element, Feb 27, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures