Well fractured but it still hurts like crap!!!! Oh and thats not the best part. Guess how I did it? Falling off a bed!( I was laughing and fell of the edge. I heard a cracking sound so we went to get it x-rayed and sure enough I had fractured it. I think I gave the clumsiest person a run for their money.
I'm going on my first date tomorrow and I need advice!!!
Symbiosis-any interdependent or mutually beneficial relationship between two groups ------------------------------------------------------------- That was the easiest way to describe what Melinda and I had achieved. She let me live in her body and control it and in return I granted her immortality. The perfect relationship...most of the time. Unlike most souls who were placed into human bodies, I, and a small group of others, were on the humans' side. The humans often referred to it as "going native". We helped them perform raids for supplies and they gave us a place to live. Native souls believed that what we were doing was wrong and our host humans vehemently agreed with us. Our host were captured after the rebellion began so their minds were much stronger. because of that they stay with us inside our heads. Most of the time we get along like brothers and sisters, however like brothers and sisters.....we have our fights as well. For as long as we could, we would fight to rid the world of corrupted souls one at a time. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ok so if you haven't noticed by now this is a sequel, somewhat, of The Host, by Stephanie Meyer. You don't have to have read the book to join though, because in this rp there will be like a history class for new humans to educate themselves about souls and the whole thing. I spent a lot of time on this and I hope people join. ------------------------------------------------------------ Cannon Characters(audition required, pm me for details) Melanie Stryder- Jared Williams- Jamie Stryder- Ian O'brea- Oc Characters (I'll add mine later) ----------------------------------------------------------- Rules - Mild cussing is aloud - keep romance to pg-13 level - no powerplaying/godmoding(no one is all powerful) - your character cannot be a mystery wrapped in an enigma shrouded in secrecy, please give some info on his/her past(also you can't all be orphans, not everyone in the worlds parents died when they were young) - not everyone can be a soul but there are plenty of humans - please put "Symbiosis" somewhere in your first post so I know you read the rules - have fun!! --------------------------------------------------------- Oc form Soul Information Name- Age- Gender- Personality- Host Information Name- Age- Gender- Personality- Appearance- Other- oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this will sound stupid but where do you get music for the amvs. i tried Itunes but it said that the file was locked. help me please! (i put it in the spam zone because i wasn't sure where else to put it and this seemed like a good default)
just curious. I live in America(blec)
which one should I write about
Story: The year is 1489 and this castle is called Neuschwanstein but is commonly referred to by the nearby villagers as Adel(meaning nobility). This giant castle houses the Abendroth family. Lord Corrado Abendroth(age 45), and his wife Lady Selda Abendroth( age 43), with his two children: Brynn(14) and Falken(15). Darkness is looming on the horizon and secrets will be revealed. History will be made. Okay so basically this takes place in Germany during the middle ages. The king Lupin is reigning in a time of ending peace and looming war. He tries to work with the enemy but his mind is always on his wife and two kids whom he lost in a fire when his children were babies. War is coming very soon and no one will be ready. Rules -general rp rules -not too much cussing -only the characters I post are allowed in the rp(but you can curve them to how you like) -romance at pg-13 please -one character per person. I will act for those characters who haven't been chosen -post "Ich habe lesen und zu verstehen." somewhere in your first post, so I know you read the rules. -Have fun Characters -Falken Abendroth(main boy, love interest of Emillia) - The Fifth Element -Brynn Abendroth(main girl, love interest of Dolphus) - -Dolphus Eberhart(friend of main boy, love interest in main girl) - -Emillia Burkhart(friend of main girl, love interest in main boy) - (the rest I will allow oc's but they will have to fall strictly under the rules and such)
I hafta get a haircut or leave it the same and I need some opinions. so This is what I have(sorta): and this is what I want: http://www.teenidols4you.com/pictur...ten_stewart&foto=554&act=391&mv=638&pic=39192
I was watching this stupid video on hypnosis and it gave a demonstration. At the end it said something like "You will fall into a restful sleep" And I was laughing i just glanced down at my cat and she had fallen asleep!! It was pricless
M'kay so I was bored and came up with this... Story: There is this huge mansion where all of the kingdom hearts people and oc's can move in to. It has a game room, a pool, and a bunch of other stuff in it. They live there and beat down the occasional uprising f heartless and nobodies. Rules -Romance at pg-13(ex. kissing, hugging) -no godmodding/powerplaying -please, put some detail into your role playing, that is what makes it fun -not too much cussing, a little is ok but no f, if you are gonna do that then put these ** -don't kill anyone without that player's permission -3 characters per person -Have fun!! Oc character form(*= optional) Name- Age- Gender- Personality- Appearance- *History- *Pet- Other- Played By- Characters Sora-Kairi_girl_92 Kairi-Kairi_girl_92 Riku- The Fifth Element Roxas-emo_bunny Namine-emo_bunny Cloud-emo_bunny Yuffie-theonly9one Tifa- Arieth(sp?)-theonly9one Leon-theonly9one Vincent-Chendler Marlene-Demitryx Denzel- The Fifth Element OC's Name- Lillian Age-14 Gender- female Personality- calm and quiet, she doesn't talk hardly at all because of something that had happened in the past to her. When she does talk though, it usually is quiet. Appearance- http://photobucket.com/image/anime teen/CheesieCake/My Album 1/ultra.jpg?o=63 *Pet- A horse that she keeps out in the barn Other-she is diabetic Played By-The Fifth Element Name-Megan Age-19 Gender-Female Personality-Happy,random,active,cuuuute! Appearance-Long sleeved shirt and pants hal blakc half white. *History-She traveled and made freinds with ansem the wise, sh told him of her travels and how she has a nobody and still able to liv here, he keeps askign ehr questions about her past but she can't remeber good. But there best of freinds *Pet-A dog named Haly Other-Princes of Diamondz Played By-MajorSeargent Name-Ky Age-20 Gender-Male Personality-Mean,Rough,Protective,nice,smart,mysteriouse,dark, geeky1 Appearance-Short black hair, emo like glasses, black short shirt, tight jean jeans. *History-He is freinds with Megan!Since they where 2, she left when she turned 18. *Pet-A wolf named Ty Other-Prince of Water Played By-MajorSeargemt __________________
So I gotta say something. When I first joined I was twelve. I joined under my mom's conditions: That I had to lie about every aspect of my life so I wouldn't be kidnapped(a wee bit over protective) but now that I turned thirteen, I'm allowed to spill. So here we go. 1. I'm only thirteen 2. I'm going into the eighth grade 3. I'm a girl
my kitten is asleep on my head. Help!
Unanswered Questions Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections? OK, so what's the speed of dark? Why do psychics have to ask for your name? If a cow laughs hard, does milk come out its nose? If the #2 pencil is so popular why is it still #2? If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing in the store is free yet? The "Psychic Friends Network" went out of business... didn't they see it coming? Is it possible for someone to become addicted to therapy? And If so, how would you treat them? Why do we drive on the parkway and park in the driveway? If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? Isn't is it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"? When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs? Would a fly without wings be called a walk? Why is the word abbreviation so long? If a word is mispelled in the dictionary, is it mispelled? And if it is mispelled, how would we know?-AML Why does "fat chance" and "slim chance" mean the same thing? Why are they called "stands" when they are made for sitting? Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected? Why are a "wise man" and a "wise guy" opposites? Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things? If you are dialing from a touch-tone phone, Why do you call it 'dialing'? -Ziggy Do coffins have lifetime guarantees? If the sky is the limit, then what is space, over the limit? Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them? "Cute as a button" Is that supposed to be a compliment? Since when are buttons cute? Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out"? Isn't Disney World just a people trap operated by a mouse? If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
When the light begins to fade and all hope has been lost Take heart! the heroes shall be born descended from Hope itself Look to the east, defend your newfound heroes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This prophecy was written into a stone, on a faraway world. It has been there since anyone can remember but now it has taken on a new meaning. At the beginning of what was to be a great and peaceful year, tragedy struck. Their king was assassinated. On that dark night, in three different worlds, children were born. These children each carried in them a symbiont, a remnant of the great king's power. The three children grew and became strong people. While they grew, an evil dictator had taken over this world, and had harnessed the power of worse enemies than heartless or nobodies. The dictator, known only as The Nameless One, was able to combine heartless and nobodies, to make something like a human, but these humans don't have any emotions or sense of right and wrong, so they kill anything in their paths. These horrible creatures and ugly and deformed, the smell of death and have super heightened senses. They must be stopped, for even now as I tell you this, they are spreading across all of the worlds, trying to blot out everything. Now on the eve of the three children's 17th birthday, the door will open. The worlds will connect once again, to stop this evil that threatens them. The children will meet with the Golden Trio and together, with some help from the people of the worlds, they will eradicate this new threat, and overthrow the dictator. Will you help them? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://youtube.com/watch?v=zrgoWxzfZVU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok so basically a new threat has come up and the Golden Trio(Sora, Kairi, and Riku) plus three new characters must defeat the Kuraikages, which are the dead humans who are the combination of heartless and nobodies. Now you have to audition to be Sora, Kairi, Riku, or any of the mysterious characters. Also if you are going to be a new character then you need to make your world as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules -Not TOO much cussing, a little is ok -Keep romance at pg-13(ex. hugging, kissing) -At the beginning you can only have one character, I will allow you to have more if you prove yourselves -Auditions will be posted in the profile you give me - Please put somewhere in your post " Light conquers" just so I know you read the rules - I won't accept your profile unless you follow the above rule. - Please, for my sanity and your health(I'll probably flip out if ya do) don't make your characters a complete enigma, it is impossible for them to be completely shrouded in mystery. Even the Golden Trio and new characters still have weaknesses. -Only the Golden Trio and three new characters get keyblades -people who are trying out for any of the above main characters need to pm me their profiles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Template Name- Age- Weapon(later on they will get this)- Personality- Appearance- Demo post(required of everyone)- History- Other- Played By- Special Character Template(pm me this) Name- Age-16 Weapon(original keyblade)- Personality- Appearance- History- World they live on(include description)- Other- Demo post- Played By- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters Taken Sora- Xegreny Riku- Tularim Kairi- Singstar Kyrsten- Sweet_and_silent Seth- Soraspartanti Spero- The Fifth Element Name- Zidane Strife Age- 16 Weapon(later on they will get this)- gunblade Personality- QuietAppearance- Demo post(required of everyone)- Zidane stood at the back of the group, pondering what the two class idiots were going to do today. "Probably try to get me in trouble. As always." Zidane made a little smirk. He reached into his desk and pulled out a lexicon. He flipped it open. He kept reading, not noticing that a student had gotten up from his seat. The other boy moved quietly to Zidane's desk. Zidane looked up. "What do you want?" he asked, not really caring for an answer. World- Esthar History- he grew up in a monistary and knows that his parents are alive but don't care about him Other- Weakness: hot girls Played By- TDGW Name- Ignis Fatuus (aka Inferno) Age- Techincally 3 Weapon(later on they will get this)- Three-headed nunchucks, internal chains Personality- Anti-social, emotionless Appearance- http://thecynicalgamer.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/inferno.jpg Demo post(required of everyone)- Why does everyone run from me?! Have I really changed that much?! Inferno thought. Chains sprouted from his body and burned everything it touched. He let loose his anger on everythng around him, turning it into a hellish landscape. I should have died three years ago...why do I still live on as this...monster?! He screamed a scream that can be heard some length from here. It would put terror into any heart. His chains retracted back into his body. Then he heard a voice behind him. "Light conquers everything." History- was formed when a massive amount will-o-the-wisps formed over a lake and took over a body of a 24-year old man who was engulfed in flames, the wisps changed him into a monster but he still retained his intelligence Other- doesn't talk much(or at all to some people) World- The Forgotten Lands -Fire- Played By- Graxe Name- Shiarra Age-16 Weapon- Tanto Personality- Bubbly and fun, but dont make her mad, she blows. Appearance- http:///img300.imageshack.us/img300/3853/1124962023632xv6.jpg History- She has a great family and is surrounded by great friends. She also has a dog & a cat. World they live on(include description)- Kancolos. It is a tropical island similar to Destiny Islands. Only it is smaller and there is a big mountain, right in the middle. Other- ?? ^.^ Demo post- Shiarra looked around wildly at her friends. "What did you say?" She asked, looking at Lynn, her best friend. "Light conquers all." She said. "Woah, i dont know where you heard THAT...but, what ever." Shiarra said, pu=icking up Moshie, her cat. Played By- godsgirl
Help please! I have to make 24$ by tomorrow. Long story....how should I go about getting it? I get get a real job because everyone says that I'm too young. Help?!?!
So this one was pretty.....I hate to say hard but more like.....a challenge. After racking my brains 'till I could barely think and bugging my parents 'till they threatened to ground me, I came up with this. Kingdom Hearts Dimensions: Warrior Poets Story: People always say, that Earth is the only planet to support life,so far as we know, and that there isn't a possibility of life on other planets. Mostly it's the stubborn old adults who say that but there are some teenagers, trying to grow up to fast, who say it also. They want people to stop looking down on them because they are teenagers, and hate the stereotype that "teenagers are nothing but trouble". Unfortunately, Zack was one of these kids. He enjoys playing Kingdom Heats and day dreaming about what it would be like if it were real, but he knew, deep down that it wasn't real. Boy was he wrong. Kingdom Hearts was real, but in a different dimension, the negative. These dimensions: the first, second, and third, were all positive dimensions, but there were three more dimensions and these were negative dimensions. In the negative dimensions were where the other worlds resided. Now, with World War III on the horizon, and no idea who had caused the rift between the Chinese and Russian forces against Germany,Japan, and America. This new war threatens to draw all of the countries into it, by trying to obtain allies. Little does Jack know, but he and some of his friends from his favorite forum will have to find a way to travel into the negative and get the help of heroes not of earth. The prophecy will be fulfilled. Character Sheet Name- Age-(preferably anywhere from 15-19) Gender- Persona- Appearance- Pet- Username on Kh-vids- Other- Rules -Not too much cussing please -kissing is the max and please keep it around pg-13 -no unneeded blood/gore(ex. Joe felt the kunai go through him, he exploded, blood and body parts flying on everyone) ok thats just gross -no powerplaying/godmoding(ex. Bob chopped off Joe's head.) -have fun!!! I'll post my character when some others join.
Ok so I was sitting in my writing class, drawing(XD) but anyway the teacher gave us a weird(to say the least) assignment. To write a story but there were conditions. 1: it must be fictional 2: at least two chapters long; and 3:...you had to write from the first person in opposite gender XP so I came up with this and wanna know what you guys think. If you like it then maybe I will keep going. So without further ado*trumpet sounds* Here is Dawn's Keeper Chapter 1 A New Arrival "Class," the teacher called," We have a new student." The teacher motioned me to come in and I exhaled my breath. I put on the least caring face that I could muster and stepped into the room. Audible gasps went up around the room. I stared them down, daring them to say something. Of course, I knew what they were staring at. My hair, and my eyes for that matter, were not what you would call, normal. I wore a different uniform too, a boys uniform. That being because I flat out would not wear those ridiculously short skirts and tight shirts that were the girls uniform. Instead I wore the loose navy blue slacks, white polo short sleeved shirt, and black tie that made up the boys uniform. Apparently my hair was the main attraction, though. It was pulled back into a very short ponytail. However it was the color, or should I say colors, that made my new classmates gasp. My hair was a very light shade of silver, almost white, with jet black streaks, running from my bangs, which now hung over one eye, to the end of my ponytail. And my eyes, which were currently still boring into the students, were a violet shade of crimson. They pierced through the students like a spear and not a one of them would hold my gaze. Not one, except a lone boy in the very back of the classroom. His stormy blue eyes gazed out calmly at me from under his silvery gray hair. "Okay now this is.." the teacher trailed off and looked at me for a name. "Saki," I almost whispered. After a pause from the teacher she leaned in closer to me. "And your last name?" I knew this would happen. Unfortunately, I didn't know my last name, or my first. I wondered if I even had a name. Saki was just something I put together in the few days that were my whole memory. I was told that 'they' found me, washed up on the beach. "Tanaguchi," I finally replied, another false name. The teacher smiled at me and pointed to herself. "I will be your teacher for the rest of the year. You can call me Hikara-sensei or just Sensei if you want to." She straightened and turned to the class. "Now who will let Ms. Tanaguchi sit beside them?" The room went dead silent, as if it were suddenly empty, as I expected. It still hurt though. However I wasn't even remotely prepared for what happened next. "Sensei," called out the boy in the back of the class. " She can sit by me if she wants to," he said in a mild tone, as if contemplating if it would rain or not. The teacher brightened and nodded. I walked down to the back of the classroom, feeling all eyes on me. The desks were in pairs so I had to sit right by the strange boy. I guessed that meant we would be paired up for projects and whatnot. "Hello, I'm Riku," the boy said as I sat down. "Saki," I whispered roughly, jamming my bag on the hook that was on the side of the desk. The teacher had begun a lecture but I wasn't paying attention. When the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and grabbed my bag, almost ripping it on the small metal hook. I put it ove3r my shoulder and walked out, head down. The teacher handed my a piece of paper that was my schedule. "Thank you, Sensei," I whispered. I continued out into the hall but as I looked down at my next class, I felt anything but gratitude. Amazing, how one word could ruin my day, send an array of unwanted emotions through me. One word. Gym.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI here are the lyrics: This was a triumph I’m making a note here: huge success It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction Aperture Science We do what we must because we can For the good of all of us Except the ones who are dead But there’s no sense crying over every mistake You just keep on trying till you run out of cake And the science gets done and you make a neat gun For the people who are still alive I’m not even angry I’m being so sincere right now Even though you broke my heart and killed me And tore me to pieces And threw every piece into a fire As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you Now these points of data make a beautiful line And we’re out of beta, we’re releasing on time So I’m glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned For the people who are still alive Go ahead and leave me I think I’d prefer to stay inside Maybe you’ll find someone else to help you Maybe Black Mesa That was a joke, ha ha, fat chance Anyway this cake is great It’s so delicious and moist Look at me still talking when there’s science to do When I look out there it makes me glad I’m not you I’ve experiments to run, there is research to be done On the people who are still alive And believe me I am still alive I’m doing science and I’m still alive I feel fantastic and I’m still alive And while you’re dying I’ll be still alive And when you’re dead I will be still alive Still alive Still alive
I live in Tennessee and it is actually snowing HARD!!!!They said we are supposed to get like 6 inches and its FRICKIN AWESOME. We haven't had this big of a snow or gotten out of school like this since that big snow in 2000 NOW I"M PUMPED!!!!I was rolling around in the snow like an idiot, my brother was pushing me and my sis just sat down in it. Mom just about killed me for getting my wheels all snowy but she couldn't stay mad at us for too long so I think I'm off the hook. BUT ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bounce::woohoo:
In the shadow of an abandoned castle, a wolf pack seeks shelter. the she-wolf ’s pups will not be able to survive the harsh Transylvanian winter. And they are being stalked by a lone wolf, Morgra, possessed of a mysterious and terrifying power known as the sight. Morgra knows that one of the pups born beneath the castle holds a key to power even stronger than her own—power that could give her control of this world and the next. but the pack she hunts will do anything to protect their own, even if it means setting in motion a battle that will involve all of nature, including the creature the wolves fear the most—Man. Ok so I am doing my own rendition of a book called The Sight by David Clements-Davies. Thats the preface and I will explain terms that you will need to know for this rp if you wish to join. Dragga- The male Alpha of the pack. He leads the pack in hunts and battles Drappa- The Alpha female, she is second only to the Dragga, she is higher than the pack mates and the Sikla Pack mates- normal wolves, they are under the Dragga and Drappa but higher than the Sikla Sikla- the lowest member of the pack, the Sikla isn't teased but take care of as a child almost Pup-The youngest members of the pack, the Dragga ad Drappa are usually their parents as it is rare for pack mates to mate but it can happen. Varg- the term for a wolf Lera- an animal, usually not a hunter(ex. Deer, rabbits, squirrels etc.) Putnar- the term for a hunter Rules -please don't cuss unless it is in asterisks -no godmoding or powerplaying -ok now you need to know the wolf lore so listen when my character tells a story please -only two characters per person -please post "May Tor shine down on you" so I know that you at least skimmed the rules -have fun Character Template Name- Gender- Moons(age)- Persona- Appearance- Other-