I'm good, you?
In the U.S, we have the manga (finshed) and the seiries in DVD.
Pezz, reply to this thread and ask other people to respond. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2694614#post2694614
What do you want.
I will call mine Lightblade ( Looks like Kingdom Key but the gold part is black and the silver part will be white.) and Darkblade. (Looks like Kingdom Key -Darkside but the gold part is black and the the silver part is white) The wielder of these keyblades is Anti-Sora. Lightblade has white lines coming from it and Darkblade was black lines coming from it.
Not much either.
Also, see who's online and ask them too if they want to be your friend.
We haven't talked in a while. So what are you up to.
Cool name dude.
Older riku is better but I like both of them.
Hi Kenni-Chan
Alright. See ya later then.
What shows do you like.
Some are cool. Some aren't as good.
I just like the fights.
You should see this vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOsi6Kq0_EY&feature=quicklist
Good. And you?
What's up man. Haven't talked to you in a while.
Hey how are you?
Leave messages and I'll respond later. This is for anybody.