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  1. Ɍeno


    Thank you again everyone!
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Ɍeno
    And my inability to correctly type roman numerals strikes again.

    (I meant IX)
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ɍeno
    I'm still calling a IX vs VII final.

    You heard it here first fokes.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ɍeno
    Location: City Hall | Money: 1 Million
    The meeting had been going on for a while now. No one could really piece together an answer for what was going on. Not much was making sense and the tension within the room was beginning to rise. Zico, sitting alone at the back, wondered if the billionaire behind this whole event would make an appearance. It seemed highly unlikely, but Zico was itching to see the face of the architect of this grand plan.

    Shrieks began to echo throughout the room, some with astonishment and some with pain. No one had noticed the small watches seemingly embedded into their wrists, some began to panic clawing at the object trying to remove it, but it was to no prevail. Zico examined the watch, surprised at the fact he had only just noticed now. In the middle of the screen a number was displayed indicating the amount of money you possessed. Underneath were three small buttons, red, yellow and blue.

    "Now... I should pause for questions, I guess..." said the voice.

    "Since this is a game and you lose when you run out of money, what happens to the one left standing, the winner?" a young girl in the crowd asked.

    "The game master is rich and powerful. However they are reaching their limits here. So a replacement is needed. This game has been designed to find that replacement, granting them all the power and money they have if they win."

    Another young girl asked politely “Why have we yet to even learn the name of our benefactor? If they are this wealthy to bestow all this money upon us, we must know the name from somewhere; and yet no one has told us who it is.”
    The name of the person behind all this was Ava. Whispers began to fill the room, many had heard the name before but none could ever recall seeing Ava in person.

    Zico sat there still unable to piece together what was happening, there were a million questions floating around in his mind by this point, but as usual he would want to solve them by himself. The question period was abruptly ended much to everyone's annoyance and the voice began to explain the three buttons on everyone's watch. A map, a trade system and an alert. Three buttons which would play a huge role in everyone's life starting from this moment.

    There was a long pause and it was safe to assume the voice was finished. The room broke into conversation, everyone seemed to have their own opinion on what was going on. Some simply believed it to be a publicity stunt, others thought they were part of some huge experiment. Zico remained silent, calmly listening to what everyone else had to say.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ɍeno
    Are people still creating custom forms or is that a thing of the past?
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Ɍeno
    Hopefully Europe will get a similar sale soon. I really want to get my hands on Tokyo Jungle.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Ɍeno
    I don't remember seeing such a fast paced game for a long while now. It definitely looks like alot of fun and I can see myself free roaming for hours. I wonder how they'll try and vary the gameplay as I can see many getting bored of this in a hurry.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  8. Ɍeno
    I enjoy revisiting a world more than once. I prefer playing through two shorter stories rather than one, as I get to feel the excitement all over again visiting a world the second time.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Ɍeno
    Thankyou! I'll have my first post done by tomorrow.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ɍeno
    Name: Zico
    Age: 20
    Appearance: [x]
    Personality: A lone wolf. He tends to do everything by himself, and feels that others would only serve to be a distraction. He is also an avid freerunner and spends much of his time soaring through the streets of his home town.
    Remaining Money: 1 million
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ɍeno
    Shut up and enjoy yourself!
    Status Update by Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014
  12. Ɍeno
    I'm thinking IX and VII will make it to the final
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ɍeno
    These guys aren't necessarily "corrupt". They're just a few idiots who feel they need to express the superiority because they work for the police force.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  14. Ɍeno
    Well first of all there is the towel or hair dryer method which can keep it running for maybe around another week if you're lucky and It's a good way to backup all your saves.

    I'm also assuming you have the original model of the PS3 right?
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Technology
  15. Ɍeno
    I'm glad your mum and I think alike lol.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Technology
  16. Ɍeno
    You then might want to think about buying a new one though, I'm not to sure how much a standard lawnmower is going to cost you.

    I think you should still visit the shop and see how much it will cost to repair before you start thinking about possibly replacing it.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Technology
  17. Ɍeno
    Mind me asking how old you're lawnmower is? If it's around 8 or 10 years old you might want to think about investing your money into something brand new rather than repairing something which may break again.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Technology
  18. Ɍeno
    I agree. However aesthetically pleasing it may be, I'm sure many would find it slightly annoying after a while.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: Video Showcase
  19. Ɍeno
    So this is just a sort of portal linking you to various kh games.
    Post by: Ɍeno, Apr 17, 2014 in forum: Video Showcase
  20. Ɍeno