There are so many games I've enjoyed on this marvellous console and I would probably answer differently to everyone who asked me this question. Kingdom Hearts, FFX, Persona 4, Jak & Daxter, I-Ninja, the list would go on but there's one game which stays in my mind mind forever and that would be Ape Escape 2. It had a special charm that just hooked me from the moment I started playing. Loveable characters, intense story, great gameplay mechanics and amazing level designs. I enjoyed Ape Escape 3 just as much and it improved on everything from it's predecessor and more but I can say without a doubt, my all time favourite game on the PS2 is Ape Escape 2.
Chess, destroying family relations since forever.
Unfortunately I never once completed a successful surgery and have a murder count of almost 15. The game's a nice challenge, though not for the inpatient. The only annoying thing was being unable to pick up items you'd hit of the table.
Reminds me of the Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series. The game looks in my opinion absolutely stunning and I'm glad all they aren't disappointing the fans of the manga/anime.
Unfortunately I was more into connect four than playing chess during my childhood.
Well maybe the PC versions not doing so well as I thought. Spoiler Dark Souls 2 PC issues We are currently investigating and escalating this issue. Some possible work-arounds can be found here: We'll keep this space updated as we know more Reports of some previously VAC banned players are unable to play online in Dark Souls II. We will update this space when we have more information on this topic. Dark Souls II does not recognize or take input from my controller. If you are experiencing this problem, try the following: "Open up Device Manager and under Human Interface Devices, right click and disable all HID-compliant game controllers, and if you have a G13 disable the Logitch G13 Joystick. Restart the game and it should work. You may also need to disable any virtual HID-compliant game controllers as well." If you continue to experience this issue, please get in touch with our support team and let them know what controller you are trying to use. We'll do our best to assist you from there. We will continue to update this space with more information on this issue. Reports of players having issues with Keyboard and Mouse controls. We are currently investigating this topic. Please post here with detailed descriptions of your experiences. We will continue to update this space with details as we have them. I do not know where my pre-order bonuses are. "Should be located in "x:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dark Souls II\DARK SOULSâ- DIGITAL EXTRAS" if you have it. Make sure you have the preorder content listed under the games dlc as well." Thank you Cute Little Girl for the post. We will continue to update this space with more information as we have it. If you still don't have access to your pre-order items, please get in touch with our support team. I think more people are angry at the fact that they delayed the release and still these problems arose.
Doesn't know how to play chess
Thankyou for starting my adventure of going through every corruption video on youtube.
You can find me here:...
I don't really get it lol. So they purposely screw around with the game data to try and make the game unplayable for a laugh? wtf is Snake doing
Does anyone have the code to trigger the 1000 Heartless Battle, preferably one with a joker.
I don't really see it happening. It wouldn't make much sense just seemingly transforming into different people, also it wouldn't fit in with the story.
I didn't notice we had that feature lol. You're 8 hours behind me so I'm guessing you're from some part of the U.S.A or Canada? I'm gonna guess...
How'd you find out? :O
Atleast xbox gamers will finally have a chance to play a main title Kingdom Hearts.
Watch Dogs still looks impressive but is definitely over-hyped unfortunately. My vote goes to Mario Kart.
Same with me. I also bought one knowing It couldn't handle games too well, as I knew I would install Guild Wars or Realm Reborn and play while I was in class.
For me It would have to be Alundra 2. It's a shame it was trashed by critics for the title recycling, and not judged for the game itself. I loved this game back in the day, played it right through so many times. This one is probably one game I would actually genuinely like to see remade just so it finally gets the title it deserves, maybe something like Legend of Flint perhaps. Spoiler
Jingle All the Way