I'm currently playing Guild Wars 2, FF Realm Reborn and Tera every now and then.
I'd get rid of kingdom hearts, the game is for five year olds
Who you calling new kid?
Oh lord, what is happening on this forum
My favourite out of all of them. The only criticism I have is that some of them don't loop very well. I realise you're trying to emphasise key moments of the scene but they seem to repeat to quickly.
Do you have some bad memories involving fish?
Ramadan is a month where adult muslims fast from dawn to sunset, you refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and a number of other things. Children, elderly, those suffering from ilnesses, pregnant and feeding mothers are all exempt. Apparently in the UAE, non-muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking in public during Ramadan but I entirely disagree with that. And i think you misread the public sex thing loool
Where did you get this explanation from?
Probably will, I've never seen an anime at the cinema before
is tough
pucker up baby
Papa Johns pizza anyone?
KH2 Xemans Final Battle A lengthy boss battle with a lot of different elements included. Taking control of Riku was defintely the defintely the highlight of it all.
aww thx I've been really busy. I decided to move out and live at my univerisity for a year. Not sure how i'm going to survive lol
Turn-style based RPG's Wild Arms FInal Fantasy Dragon Quest
Spent mine on a pair of doc martens. Buying yourself a nice hearty meal could be a good choice.
I didn't even know i was nominated o.o I shall proclaim myself, The King of Newbs
You must help me track down this person!
Uhh thanks for the vote Amaury but how did I end up as a nomination? I'm hardly active as it is.
(Soz i've been dead for a week) Why must you be so offensive, just leave me and my incredibly hilarious kpop puns alone