I'm game!
Just purchased Tales of Xillia and Symphonia Chronicles. Not really sure what to expect, but fingers crossed i'll enjoy 'em.
the one on the right is possessed by evil
Amaury, we need to fnd out the truth.
Congratulations! I've just finished the first year of my BSc Computer Science course. Only 2 more years to go...
You actually look dead in the sencond pic, rip :3
Why do i find threads related to KH in the spamzone weird?
I remember watching Tenchi Muyo as a kid. Watching an anime at a young age is a confusing experience, well it was for me anyway.
Happy birthday my fellow british buddy, fancy a spot of tea later?
What times to you usually play FFXIV, it would be cool to meet up. I live in the Uk so im not sure what the time difference is.
I am truly terrified :b
Well that's gross
Was he being serious about the foot cheese?
I play on PC so yeh your character name haha (hopefully i'll get PS4 by xmas) You play often or from time to time?
WTF I haven't played tam-tara HM yet and it looks like I never will.
I feel so young compared to you guys.
Sounds like fun, whats your ign btw?
Im currently on the europe server but i'm getting tired of my Bard, might try another server for the fun of it.
I'll play the occasional maplestory private server but I'll never be into it as I was years ago