Yeh I have a thing for Sojin aswell, she's so god damn sexy it hurts but I cant forget about Minah and her eyes xD My favourite songs atm are...
Caaaaalm down gurl lol I think you're talking about the Full House musical, no I havent seen it either but I'll probably check it out soon....
I've been into Kpop for a few years now. I found Beast's Beautiful Night MV by chance and was hooked straight away. Ummmm my favourite groups...
I knew this was coming T_T
No one, just a new member who joined recently. And yes I do dabble in to the world of Kpop lol.
for art...
I'm a huge Infamous fanboy and I agree that Second Son was no more than a 'good' game. I just feel that it could have been easily released on the PS3 instead of the PS4.