ok i'm out of the code vault finally. anyway i was reading some posts in the kh2 code topic about voice swaping [giving one charater another's voice] and so i started a video about that, so far i'm only doing kingdom hearts and after a few clips i'm already stumped. these are the swappings i've thought of or were on the code vault. sephiroth as donald cloud as daisy xemnas as namine sora as sephiroth goofy as tifa donald as cloud and xemnas sora as leon auron as donald and xemnas as hades the only rule is the voices and characters must come from kingdom hearts, even re: chain of memories though it will be harder to work with.
as usual i have no idea where this goes. anyway the video has all the info needed, but basic bottom line is i cannot get codes to pass through swap magic. and i still have no idea how anyone gets codes into imports without swap magic coder. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9GljrWx9do i hope that the video helps. it does work fine by itself though and i get no change with codebreaker, unless i typed the codes in wrong [even though i don't know what goes in that thing] i tried raw code in codebreaker but the codes wouldn't load, or well whatever type of code is on the final mix code forum. i tried converting it like 10 different ways, and i found out the game id did nothing to change how the codes came out. as for the armax i'm pretty sure those are right.
ok i've been going back and forth through hollow bastion and there is one treasure chest on the end of the list in the journal, which means it would probably be at the place with the data fights, but they all are opened. where is the last treasure chest at? i've looked everywhere and i can't find it.
i have two questions, since i can't beat god's toy [the giant sphere thing] no matter what i do. can inf health stop you from getting one hit killed? or can there be a code the unlocks all worlds or gives you the super nowe orb?