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  1. Naminé_
    I'm listening to Flyleaf too! Fully Alive
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Naminé_
    Yeah, this is all true! But the same can be applied for sweeping, at least in my house. I live on a ranch so there's dirt everywhere!!! x_o We used to make everyone take their shoes off on the threshold like in Japan..but my mom got lazy and so now everyon tracks in dirt and mud and other gross stuffs that I have to clean when I sweep. ._.

    (I secretly sing the Cinderella song when I'm sweeping though <_<; DON'T ASK ME WHAT SONG! YOU KNOW WHAT SONG!)
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Naminé_
    Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance

    It's one of my favorites~ Yay for emo playlists.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Naminé_


    OMG BLUD! *spaz*

    Mnyah, I like it. Gore = your insides out
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Naminé_
    I know! XD I did it too late methinks ._.; Well anyways, I sent that link to my boyfriend and was all "omgwaitdon'tcli" in an IM but he'd already clicked it so.. YAY FOR FREAKING OTHER PEOPLE OUT~!

    Hehe, I'm so mean to him.

    Oh! I saw Pulse when it was released on DVD. Twas good, very creepy. I suggest you don't have your cell with you and you aren't in a room with a computer when you watch it.

    You'll never want to go to a laundromat again!!!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Naminé_
    Wonder in my pants. XD; It's the song for my new AMV...
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: Aw, thank you. I don't really judge people by their posting abilities though, I go by creativity! Your post was nice. Here's my reply~!

    Naminé was never very good at meeting people. but everyone here in this place seemed to be so kind. It was hard for her to blunder up, really. She was grateful. The person who had asked her to come to this place was Merlin. Though he was a strange old man, he was very wise. He always seemed to know what to do.

    And now he was gone.

    Why did he leave? Where did he go? Was it something she'd done? She knew that her ability was dangerous, and he'd warned her many times that she had to be careful with her casting as well as the residual projection of her illusions. It was very different from working away at someone's memory, yet somewhat familiar. Either way..she could break someone's heart and mind if she messed up.

    The pale blue eyes were blinked as she realized someone had come up to the counter. It was a girl, a bit younger than herself, and she'd been so silent that Naminé hadn't even noticed her presence until now. "M-my apologies. Which flavor did you want?" She put on a smile, an expression that was easy to replicate for a Nobody. Taking notice of the flower, she blinked again and picked up the clean stem and lost herself in the vibrant color of the petals. Still, she managed to glance back as she waited for a reply from the new customer.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Naminé_
    Wow, everyone has such awesome entries.. YOSH! I'm going to put my newest AMV in too. The Question - FFVII Advent Children

    I might make another one to add in later. I'm currently working on a COM video but I have to wait until the Reverse/Rebirth cutscenes are available for download. ^^; Tis okay! I'm patient!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  9. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: Yes, that's just fine. Reading minds is a dangerous thing. >D You can hop on in the roleplay. As you can see from my previous post, the world is Radiant Garden and currently Naminé is in Scrooge's ice cream shop, manning the counter. Your character can even be a part of the staff there if you'd like. Be creative, and have fun with it~
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Naminé_

    The Broken

    In the end, it was Merlin who left. He suddenly up and dissapeared one nice, sunny day. Naminé had gone to his little home, as usual, to see if he had any errands for her to do. The door had been left slightly ajar, and as she curiously went ahead inside, she found that the place was completely empty. It was indeed a strange sight, since no matter how many times she cleaned it up, random odds and ends were always scattered about and there were vast amounts of clutter in this little room. But now..

    It was empty.

    He'd left no note to say of where he'd be going or when he'd return..there was nothing for her to go by, no word of how she'd continue with her magic lessons. She was so close to getting it close to perfecting the Illusion.. The dull, reverberating ache in her chest was becoming familiar now. Zexion had already told her that it was possible she'd been able to manifest a heart..though maybe she was still just linked to Kairi's. Naminé had thought that a heart would be a wonderful thing to have. It had been so long, and she'd gone through so much with the feeling of nothingness in her chest..and then Sora and his friends had come along, which brought something within her to life. She didn't want to be alone anymore..she was envious of these Somebodies..

    So why did everyone seem to leave her..?

    Maybe she just wasn't suited for a heart afterall. Maybe, eventually, they would all vanish and forget about her.. Yuffie, Aerith, Leon, Cid, the triplets.. Nijimono..

    Mr. McDuck's ice cream parlor was usually a busy place on a day like today. Everyone enjoyed his unique flavors, and even the classic ones, of the frozen treats he provided to Radiant Garden. He even shipped his treats to the other worlds sometimes. Yes, on days when the sun was shining brightly in the sky, children were out riding their boards in the streets, adults were talking to each other and laughing, this world seemed like such a carefree place. But to the blonde girl standing behind the counter and mechanicly serving the fine treats to customers..she was left out of it's revolution.

    OOC: Hi there, thanks for being interested in my thread! Feel free to join in with your original characters, or if you'd like to take up a character from Kingdom Hearts then go right ahead. I'll be editing this post to state which characters are taken. I prefer paragraph posting, but since the rules are a maximum of six words, then I can live with that as long as it's done in proper roleplay style. Please no *actions*, and if your character is talking, use the proper puncuation. The setting for this thread is post KH2, though it's very AUish, since most of the Organization members are still around and being mischeivious, and Naminé and Roxas did not join their counterparts. I'd really like it if the characters I mentioned in my post above were taken up! (Yuffie, Aerith, Leon, Cid) Though I've been roleplaying them on my own as NPCs. They all know Naminé and are friends with her. Yuffie is more like her best friend. Also, as requested by Rexyggor, if a character interacting with yours is not online for several posts, please be courteous enough to let them catch up before you get too far ahead.

    Original Character Sheet
    World originated from:
    Fighting style/weapons: (keyblades allowed!)
    Appearance: (pictures can be posted, but not too big please)
    Brief History: (optional)

    If you have any questions then feel free to PM me, as I'd rather not clutter up this thread with OOC posts. Thanks, and I hope to roleplay with you soon!

    Characters Taken: Lillian, Marina, Rexyggor, and Aerith.
    Thread by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007, 51 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Naminé_
    Hiyo Ichigo! I don't think I've seen the anime from which your character comes, but she's cute! ^_^

    I do hope to stay active (if I can pull in some of my other friends) enough to roleplay! >D

    The rules were pretty helpful, I always try to read the rules first before I get too into a forum. I've been a mod before so I know how annoying it is when you take all the time to lay it out for members and you get no appreciation! x_.

    Mnyah, so everyone, cross your fingers for me that I'll be able to bring in my wonderful Nijimono! (He's the Riku creation that Vexen made, and Nijimono is just my pet name for him. I believe he's properly called Nisemono.)
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Naminé_
    Hello everyone here on the forum section of! I noticed that there are...well, plenty of Naminé names, but seeing as how this is the character I roleplay, I decided..what the hay! Thus is the birth of yours truely, Naminé_.

    You can call me Nami, as some of my fellow roleplayers do on YIM, or you can call me by my real name, Rei. I prefer Nami (as my real name is SO overused sometimes and confused for a lot of anime characters x_.)

    I'm hoping to drag Nijimono into this.. <_<; And I know if he reads this post here he's going something! ...or not. He's lazy sometimes. YOU HEAR ME NIJI?! LAAAAAZY! I miss you! ._.

    Let's see...I hope to start up a roleplay thread soon, though I really do hope to bring in those that I roleplay with on YIM since they haven't been very active lately.

    Edit: Oh, I'm SO happy I was able to upload my new Advent Children I'm going to put it here for you all to enjoy! I hope that's okay ^^

    Bryon is my boyfriend >D
    Thread by: Naminé_, Apr 18, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Naminé_
    That was awesome! I love how they even had the page freaking out. XD Kowai desu!! Demo..I managed to watch it all the way through! (despite the fact I muted it after that guy pops out and screams at you) =D?
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Naminé_
    Thanks a bunch for uploading these! I've been looking everywhere for them. I'll keep checking back to see when they're downloadable. I'm working on an AMV so I need the clips.

    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates