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  1. Naminé_
    Stand My Ground by Within Temptation.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Naminé_
    DUDE. You know how rare it is to find someone else who's even HEARD of Fatal Frame?! *cling!* But yeah, I agree. The Fatal Frame trilogy is the hardest for me to play, I absolutely refuse to play it alone. I hate that I see some people go through the gameplay on YT as if it's nothing! ><; IT'S A FREAKY SCARY GAME!

    You don't get a gun or chainsaw or even a lead pipe to beat the badies with. Oh no..all you have against the ghosts that try to turn you into one of them is a camera! Okay, so the controls are simple for it..but just trying to get the right shots of some of those ghosts... *shudder* The controller vibrates with heartbeats..and if some ghost was getting all up in your face, would YOU be nice and calm about it?! It's a major distraction to feel the character's heartbeat in your hands and have to see/hear whatever ghost you're trying to defeat.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. Naminé_

    Death Note

    Mm, Death Note goodness. I've read the manga scanslated, so I already know it all up to the end. AND I've seen the second Death Note movie. OMG! It has a waaaay better ending than the manga (and I assume the anime is going to be the same as the manga). My favorite characters have to be L and Rem..

    Oh! Here's an AMV I did for episode 25, so if you're already past that, you can watch it and tell me what you think in PM or just by commenting on the vid if you have a YT account.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Naminé_
    I liked Hey Arnold!, Helga was my favorite character. I still remember her in the movie, in that black suit XD!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Naminé_
    Oh. My. God. I love yours! XDDD Though Roxas farting was...too much! I broke a rib.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  6. Naminé_
    Yay! This is probably off-topic and very spammy...but I got my Zexion to join us in our roleplay~! *dances* Oh, and I don't think I remember that halloween special x_. I do remember some of the movi--DUCKTALES! That's what the show was called! XD I remembered! ...and now I have the themesong stuck in my head ._.;
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Naminé_
    That isn't sad! *claps* XD They show that on the Nicktoons channel now though, along with Ren and Stimpy and Avatar and Spongebob and Angry Beavers..etc. So if anyone really wishes to get back to the Nicktoons they liked, check that channel. I'm not too sure which number it is, but I get it with DirecTV. I do agree that the newer shows are kinda dumb..but then it could just be that I'm not a little kid anymore so I don't know squat. XD!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Naminé_
    You DO love me! *gasp* <33 Lol. I'm going to have to go offline for a while. I'm at work o-o; Do send me that PM though! I wanna knooooow.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Naminé_
    Oooh.. *leans in close to hear the secret*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Naminé_
    XD! OMG. Wait til I start playing Scrooge McDuck and the triplets, Huey, Duey, and Louie. They're fun to play! I don't really remember much about the triplets though, so little things like, which color they are, etc, sorta mess me up. The only reason I can do them at all is because I used to watch that show when I was little.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Naminé_
    CoOOookie! *pout* I just finished all my Oreos.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Naminé_
    GAH! Being ambidextrous rulez... However, I'm a righty. =D I can hold my microphone with my left hand if need be though. =P
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. Naminé_
    GIIIIIRRR! Yeah, my little sister got me hooked on that show, isn't that sad? XD I went to her house just to watch the first season on DVD. I think that little goth girl is my favorite character, but her name escapes me at the moment. The sister of the boy who's always trying to catch Zim.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Naminé_
    OMG, I SO remember that show! XD It was gross and funny, I liked that monster with the big lips! Um..Isis? Gah..I can't remember anymore! Stupid chains..

    And the Ren and Stimpy song was awesome. XD Stimpy was SO cute! You just want to hug him..but then both of them are really disgusting. Hehe. Chiuauas irl are very evil little things!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Naminé_
    It would help if you quickly updated this! Lol. I really enjoy original characters, and I like to see how people set up stories and define their characters.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Naminé_
    This is definitely worth the reading, I think you've done good with keeping them in-character.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Naminé_
    I'm thinking that perhaps Sora was injured..seeing as he has a broken leg. I'm interested in knowing how your three stories will be tying together. It must be difficult to be writing all three at the same time since they are apparently set during different times. You'll have to make up a timeline for me~! I AM a blonde, afterall. =D
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Naminé_
    Me neither. ._.; I'll just stick with plain jane WMM. My AMVs aren't half bad, right? Though I really am envious of all the things Vegas and Premiere can do..
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Naminé_
    Okay everyone, c' know you still watch shows on Nickelodeon. I wasn't too sure if this should go in the media section, so I just slipped it in here.

    Let's see...for me it'd be a tie between Spongebob Squarepants and Danny Phantom. For favorites anyways. >D SB is funny as hell and Danny Phantom is a pretty interesting show. I think it would be cool to be half ghost >D
    Thread by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007, 62 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Naminé_
    Ghost of You in my pants and Fully Alive in your pants. XD This is a great thread. Mmhm.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 19, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone