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  1. Naminé_
    ^ might be right ._.;

    < likes Japanese horror movies

    V has seen one!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Naminé_
    YES! DP revolution! *cackles* >D
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: Have I mentioned that I really like your first sig image? ^^

    Naminé blinked, then nodded her head, the blonde locks of her bangs falling to splay across her eyes for a moment. She accepted the munny, putting it into the register before reaching down to get another Sea-salt ice cream. As she held it out to the other girl, she managed a smile. "These are pretty popular you know. Mr. McDuck keeps an entire freezer full of these here behind the counter. I wonder what he'll come up with when the weather turns cold. I heard he might make some sea-salt flavored hot tea.." Suddenly, she recalled that Gregory had asked to be shown around town, and she tilted her head to the side. "Marina, there was a new person who wanted to be shown around town. He just left the shop not too long ago. His name was Gregory and he's got light brown hair (I think it was..) and he's wearing tan-colored clothing. Would you be able to help him?"
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: Okay Rexyggor, and that makes sense CarbuncleGem. ^^ Also, just a suggestion to Rexyggor, you can play an Organization member if you'd like. The only one that isn't available at this time is Zexion, who will be played by my friend who is out at a convention for a few days. For information on what the Organization is currently up to, you'd have to ask him in a PM.

    "O-okay..have a good day, and if I happen to see anyone I'll let them know you're looking for them." Naminé raised her hand to give him a farewell wave before she got to the next customer. She hadn't noticed anything unusual going on in the shop, although she did glance back up when she heard Rexyggor give an apology. She hadn't seen the cloaked figure.

    After taking care of the customers that had been waiting in line, Naminé gave a small sigh and leaned back against the wall, looking down at the freezers that stored their current stock of ice cream. The afternoon rush seemed to be over, but since it was a hot day, there would surely be more customers soon. The oceans of blue that made up her eyes closed in rest for a moment, only to be revealed as the sound of her name reverberated in her mind. "Nijimono.." The word had slipped from her lips on a whisper, a passing thought that had struck her..but it was gone when she noticed that it had been someone from the Restoration Comittee who had addressed her.

    Before Naminé could put on a smile, she realized what the first question had been, and slowly shook her head. "Merlin is..gone.. I'm sorry Marina.. I went to his house to perform my usual chores and it was empty.. There was no note or anything. I've been meaning to let everyone on the Comittee know, but Mr. McDuck approached me so I've been here all day."
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Naminé_
    Helena by My Chemical Romance. I'm getting inspired to do another AMV...nuuu!
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Naminé_
    Come to the Dark Side....we have pants. --I have no idea where this started out at but yeah. XD
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: I'd really rather not set a limit, but it should be obvious that play can't continue when one or more of the characters interacting with your own is just idle. I put it up in my first post though, as a courtesy. ^^ Sorry if it seemed like we were getting ahead of you. I ended up waiting for you after the last post Raye did! =D

    More gestures.. Naminé made a mental note to herself to see if she could meet up with that girl again and attempt to learn what these things meant. She was certain that there was a way she could learn those motions too. And of course, she had always been a curious Nobody. "Oh..!" She winced when the girl turned and ran into the boy that had been waiting behind her, then gave a small encouraging smile as the younger one walked out of the shop. Yeah..she did want to meet with her again.

    Her oceanic eyes were then focused on the boy, her next customer, he'd known the motions to give in response to that girl. Naminé held her smile for a bit longer, handing him the ice cream he'd requested after putting his munny in the register. "I'm somewhat new to Radiant Garden myself..but I've been around the members of the Restoration Comittee so I do know the basics of town.." She took the hand that he offered and gave it a light shake, leaning forward against the counter. "It's nice to meet you Gregory, my name is Naminé."

    Even though she was supposed to be hiding from the Organization members, she rarely felt the need to be discourteous to the people around her. And perhaps she was just a little too trusting sometimes.. Still, there was something about this boy that was familiar to her. She couldn't put her finger on it..but it wasn't like she'd seen him before or anything. It was just..something she could sense.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Naminé_
    Hm, I've always used Aerith when I roleplay. I'm not very particular, but to keep up continuity I'd rather use Aerith.

    She's alive in my roleplay! =D if only someone would play her ._.; *shameless plug*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. Naminé_
    I needed to rewatch this movie when I started roleplaying as Merlin. XD! He's awesome, and very mischevious for an old man.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  10. Naminé_
    Yay! This comes out before my birthday so I am SO making my friends take me to see it the first night it comes out.

    I got to see X-3 on the premiere night because my MOTHER snuck me in. XD! Such a bad influence, that lady.

    My favorite Spiderman character is Black Cat though ._. I must say that I adore her much more than Mary Jane. >_> I laughed when MJ died. Maybe she'll be in the next movie? *hopeful*
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Naminé_
    YAY! Someone else who likes DP ^_^ Wewt~
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Naminé_
    Mnyah! I wanna play too. >D

    <Roxas: Organization XIII... they're a bad group.

    Naminé: Bad or good, I don't know. They're a group of incomplete pants who wish to be whole. To that end, they're desperately searching for something.

    Roxas: What?

    Naminé: Kingdom Pants.>

    <Naminé: Roxas. Nobodies like us are only half a person. You won't disappear. You'll be pants!>
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Naminé_
    XD!! Well, even though everyone else spoiled it for me.. I played it. I had to restart the thing like four times 'cause I suck. Can you get past the third level or does the face pop at you no matter what? x_x;
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Naminé_
    ^ is right

    < uses WMM x_o

    V likes kittens
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: OMG, I love that!! XD Showing off the scars.

    "E-eh..?" Naminé noticed the girl opening her mouth, and wondered if she was going to show her the swollenness that came with being sick. Ah yes, she remembered that awful itchy feeling. ..wait.. A gasp left her and she fell back, landing on her rump behind the counter. That..that wasn't swollen! It was horribly mangled! What in the worlds..

    She quickly recovered and stood up once more, brushing off the back of her mint-colored, pleated skirt. Her cheeks were flaming by now, and she was aware that her gawking had been very rude. "I'm sorry.."
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Naminé_

    The Broken

    What...what was this girl doing? Maybe these gestures were meant to mean something.. The young blonde was quiet as she just watched, her mind working over this puzzling situation. And then the girl pointed to a space on the menu for Sea-Salt ice cream. It clicked to her then, that this was what the girl wanted, so she bent to retrieve one of the popsicles from the freezer and handed it to the girl, dropping the munny into the register. "I'm sorry. I didn't understand the meaning of your motions.. Have..have you lost your voice?"

    That was the only thing Naminé could really think of to rationalize why the girl hadn't just told her what she wanted. She'd also been sick before, with a cold, so she now knew that certain things like that could happen to a body.

    OOC: Wee~ XD
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Naminé_

    The Broken

    Naminé blinked as she watched the girl across the counter from her moving her hands, having never seen someone make such gestures before.. The girl didn't seem to be angry or in a rush. Was there a problem..? Why wasn't the girl saying anything? "E-excuse me..? Is everything alright? wanted ice-cream, right?" The fact that she was confused over this was a bit embarassing, and the pinking of her cheeks displayed enough evidence of that.

    OOC: Lol, yeah. I like your character! XD It's so hard to not be able to speak. Sadly, Naminé doesn't know anything about muteness. Oh this will be pretty interesting, I bet.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Naminé_

    The Broken

    OOC: So your character is a Nobody, Rexyggor?

    She had forgotten herself in her indulgent musings, forgotten where she was and what she was doing. Mr. McDuck had asked her to fill in during the day shift since the usual staff member that was to be working here had asked for the day off. Naminé was glad to help out, and she'd hoped that perhaps keeping herself busy would make her forget her recent, troubling loss.

    Already a new customer had entered the shop while she was waiting on the younger girl's order, and so she tilted her head to peer at the one who'd just walked in with her smile still held in place. "Welcome! I'll be with you in just a moment."
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Naminé_

    Death Note

    I download them straight from Kuro-Hana fansubs. I could give you the link to that in a PM if you'd like (as I don't know if it's against the rules to post it here or not).
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Naminé_

    Death Note

    It's okay, since this is the Death Note thread I figured people who've seen it and like it would like my AMV ^_^ I'll probably just link up all my AMVs in the Creativity Corner later.

    Ryuk is cute XD! *wierd* But I like Rem because she's so devoted to keeping Misa alive..I don't like how in the movie they change her into a male x_o It just..doesn't fit.
    Post by: Naminé_, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga