Hello everyone! I've been around, just watching the new Reverse/Rebirth boss fights that are now available. ^^ I always feel so bad when Nisemono dies though ._.;
Add me on YouTube? Sure. Or if you'd like to add me on your buddy list here that'd be alright too. XD Anyhow, I need to go for a tick, time for wooork. =/
Yay! I left you a comment. =D
*pouts* I wish I could get Niji to join these forums. He's so stubborn...
In Kingdom Hearts, the first game. You see him in the very beginning.
*giggles* Stop reading the posts and start concentrating! You can do it.
Tidus is cute as a child though.. *tilts her head*
It's very busy and pretty chaotic..... Yes, I do! *chuckles*
I do, I know a good bit of it. Not fluently though, unfortunately. ._. Also, just think of Tsu-nami. Tsu just means large. So essentially, a tsunami is a very big wave! There's the chain for your memory. *smiles brightly*
Mm, you are a wonderful baker! *smiles and blushes* I'm afraid I can't cook very well.. I BURN WATER! ._.; Which isn't good..since water is supposedly my element. Nami means wave. ^^; *watches the drawing* Ooh..let me help. *leans down and takes up a marker, then does a drawing of No-no smiling on Tidus' cheek. There!
It is a prison for mentally insane individuals.
*bows* I'll call you Forsaken, I assure you that my misspellings are few and I usually correct them with edits. Darn typo demonz!
*meeps and accepts it, taking small bites here and there* Arigatou! Hello Sorafan. In Japanese, the little sister is referred to as the imouto. But I've always found chibi-nee to be cute.
Good to meet you Mr. NeD! *smiles and holds her hand out to shake*
Jazz, I'll have to remember that! *commits it to memory* And yes No-no, I'll be your friend. I'm a friend of the family. *nodnods*
Ah! Blood! ._.; Don't come near me, I'm wearing white! *scoots away*
Hello No-no! That's a cute name o_o I'll call you KG, since it's easier. XD By one digit. *waves back* Good day Lah! *blinks and watches the goings-on, lost*
Okay, thank you! Nice to meet you all, I'm Nami. *bow*
Hi! Wow..this family sure is active. I'd like to become a family friend like Zexion. ^_^ I'll put up my own sig, if that's okay.
Ahhh! LUCKY. I would totally have loved an experience like that. Thank you for sharing your insights with us, KairiLi! And congrats on getting your OST signed! That's awesomeness.