I thought someone didn't want to talk about ghost stories.. *said while she is still holding the ear* Well anyways..! I've seen the chairs in my dining room slide across the floor before, and I've been haunted a few times. Ghosts are annoying ._.;; I hate it when I take a shower! I get so paranoid now.
*tugs at one of the ears on the batman costume* It's BRUCE WAYNE!
Red and white ones? Hm.. There are several species like that. You couldn't mean a corral snake, those are poisonous. AH, I love garter snakes! They're so cute! There used to be a king snake that lived beneath our house. It was a good snake, ate all the bad ones that would try to eat my kittens.
That is fun! I once had to deal with a bat at my school because the JANITORS were afraid of it and wanted to squish it. ._. Poor things. Bats have such bad reputations, though it is understandable for someone to be afraid of contracting rabies..a bat won't bite you unless it's infected or you stick your finger in it's face harmfully. My bat has NEVER bitten me or anyone who's held him.
Happy belated birthday! OH! I love snakes! What types do you have?
VAMPY ON MY AVI~! *giggles* He's a boy fruitbat, less than a year old. He LOVES to steal my mashed potatoes ._.;
Oh! Do you all want to see a picture of my bat, Vampy?! I think I have one.
I live on a ranch, so I have LOTS of 'pets'! Fwee~ I love animals, especially cats. I have more than twenty cats.
Hey AnimeGirl, I totally love your sig. XD "Silence Non Believa!" That's the best! Hehe. True, you're only as old as you feel! So yeah..just say I'm 16 ^.~!
I'm the eldest of two, my younger sister is even older than you guys! XD She's turning seventeen the week following my twenty-second birthday @_@ Wow, I'm so old! And I'm still drug and alcohol free! Yatta!
Mnyah. So does anyone have any siblings irl?
I'm a pretty emotionally detached person irl. XD; So no worries. My motto is hakuna mattata! *poses with a V symbol*
Let's see.. I don't know who my real father is. He didn't accept my mother being pregnant with me so I've never met him. I was told that the man my mother ended up marrying when I was three was my father, and not until I was in HS did my mom tell me that he wasn't really my father. By then she and he had gotten divorced. I was in fifth grade when they divorced. He wasn't ever really around anyways. Always overseas in some other country or something. He's my little sister's father though, and he's a Chief in the Navy. But I've grown apart from him. Actually, I hate his guts as of a few months ago, when I learned that he drove my little sister to cut.
Reno is funny.
Hehe. ^^; I've actually got weak ankles already.. And I'm barely 21 x_- I played too many sports and did ballet when I was really little..not to mention how clumsy I end up being.
I can't live without my phone. I've got Sprint and all the same features as DPWolf. =D It's a Samsung phone I think..
Yes, really. It was a stunt that myself and a few friends did for a movie we were making for our Theatre Arts class.
Bai? *blinks and pets No-no* No silly, I mean I'm sorta here but not here. I've jumped up into the bed of a moving eighteen-wheeler before! =D When I was in Highschool.
*returns the hug* Ah! Sorry, I'm in and out. <3 I'm currently at work, and I probably won't be online when I get home tonight.