JellyBelly jellybeans are win. *randomness* You're going to be hyper..
Aw, sorry everyone. Naminé and I must be going for a bit. I have paperwork to do and staying on here would only distract me ._. *waves* See you later.
Vive en Tejas en el Estados Unidos. Pero mi habla espanol muy poquito. XD No comprende mucho. Well.. I suppose that would be okay. *sniffs at him* You aren't drunk anymore, are you?
Coffee is a very bitter drink, it is good because of the caffene content which is proven to wake you up, however it's mythed to stunt your growth. Which is not true by the way. It all depends on your genes.
Puerto Rico? Ay dios! Yo soy una latina tambien! There's a Starbucks in the Castle? I never knew.. ._.
Frappucinos. I love those too, it's about the only coffee-based product I can have and not get sick, most likely because of the milk. Oh! The french vanilla ones are the best.
College is okay. I was in it for a few years. I've never been to school. n.n;
No death! ._. I don't know what Vault is... o_o;
Demyx-san would be awesome in American Idol, I bet. We should host it sometime.
Coffee makes me sick. ._.; But rootbeer is the best drink eva! I like cream soda.
Eastercat and I got it at the same time.. XD And sure! Hawkgirl is awesome. Wow.. I've never actually seen a Chocobo before.
McDonalds! >D
Oh! Let's be Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl. =D Why superheroes?
Can we get a hint, AnimeGirl?
Wait, I want to be Catwoman! Hallie Barry style. =O *sweatdrops* Oh, emo poems..
XD Yeh, we're done talking about paranormal things. I'll read with you Marluxia-sama.
Hi NeD! Good evening Mr. NeD.
Eep! Tidus, you're going to get yourself in trouble. Yes, major trouble. *shakes her head*
Oh! It was you who didn't want us to talk about ghosts.. Gomennasai! If it makes you feel any better, ghosts usually go away after a while if you ignore them. That's what I do. Unless they do something to piss me off like move my things around xx; Then I yell at them..which is rude, I know..but..yeah.
Yes! Ghosts appear like that sometimes! There was this old man that died on our ranch, and he's one of those black shadows. He likes to sit in the old truck that's parked outside beside our driveway. Once he waved at me x_x;