Senior exams.. Ah, the memories come flooding back to me.. Ah.. It's not my fault, I swear. *side-glances to Naminé*... >_>; *blinks..then smiles nervously* Promise? Ah, alright. Well anyways, yeah.. Senior year was fun, the last week was pretty hectic though. Oh.. ._. My highschool years breezed by. I had too much fun! I noticed it was the LEET page!
Wooo! Hay-sus! Oh, and I'm not a sibling. *raises her hand!* Hm.. I wonder if Kairi has siblings.
^ is semi-right, wishes she had some of those Burger King chicken fries. < LOVES that avatar V has a cool avatar too
DIZZY!! *giggles and topples over* I get to go home soon. But I won't be online right away (I think) I gatta take care of muh animalz. Hellooooo, KG!
Thank youuu! But I do my own signatures. I do accept gifts though~ I'm just a personalization freak. *spins in her spin-y chair*
Let's And..hyper. ...maaaaybe just a little bit more hyper, too! *grins and bobs her head quickly* *whispers to No-no* This is her second batch of brownies, she already ate eight of them because she forgot to bring her lunch to work today.. fudge brownies for everyone!!! *tosses the pan up in the air* Oh boy, someone is hyper.. Hello Shadow Tactician, I'm Naminé and the strange woman with chocolate smeared all over her face is Nami. We joined in yesterday because Nami was feeling lonely. *blushes* ..was not! *hugs No-no back*
Hullo everyone~ I just popped in for a bit. I'm at work right now but I should be around later.
Zynq had been informed the previous day of the meeting, and so it was that she emerged from the bedchambers she'd been given to use in the castle to join the congregation. Brilliantly lit orbs of blue, the irises of her eyes, danced around the hallway she had been directed to take from the darkness that masked the upper portion of her face. A veil that was forever upon her countenance, marking her as the inhuman creature she was. A creature of the night. Even in times like these, one such as herself was neccesary, it seemed. Ghostly white fingertips slid along the immaculately clean wall as the slender body made it's way along, a solitary shadow in the realm of color and light. Her slick red lips formed a small smile, as she noticed a page scurrying away from her, though it did not bother her in the least. She was proud that she was a feared creature, it gave her pleasure to know she could send chills down one's spine. "Good day, gathering." The dark girl gave a practiced bow as she entered the throne room to greet those that had arrived before her. And then she took her seat, a good number of chairs away from the others that had made themselves at home.
OOC: Hey, I thought we were supposed to be meeting in Disney Castle? @ the wielders of the keyblades
THE HEART IS POWAAA~! *hyper* XD; Name: Zynq Gender: GENDERLESS! zomg. Just kidding. Female. Race: Dhampir Allegiance: Surprisingly, with the good guys. Keyblade: Obsidian. Appearance: Check it. Personality: Sadisticly cool, deceptively intelligent. She fights mainly for justice, and she idolizes those who bask in the light. Bio: Originally from a world known as Endless Dusk, Zynq was summoned by King Mickey as their keybearer. Despite the fact that she is only partially human, her heart is indeed a strong one. Though she may not seem like a very good person, she was the guardian of the Princess of her home world, one of the highest ranked knights there. She is not new to the battlefield, that is for certain. Despite the ever-darkness of her planet, the vampires and humans live in peace thanks to the influence of King Mickey. It is because of him that she even exists, and that her planet is not grieved with many of the plagues of lesser-worlds. She has decided to help the King to repay him for his kindness towards her people, and so that she may return to her Princess as a hero. She has no known relatives and no close friends aside from the Princess. Theme Song: Brackish by Kittie and What's Up People? by Maximum the Hormone. Other Weapons: Obviously, her fangs. Through drinking the blood of another, she also glimpses into their memories. This is not something she does willingly, though at times, this ability has become useful.. She has mastered this ability and can speed through memories and pick out those she wishes to see. The 'victim' oftentimes looses conciousness, depending on how long Zinq is attatched to them and draining blood.
*ghosts through* Just wanted to say ohayo! (good morning)
Naminé's pale blue eyes were focused on the girl that had come in for an ice-cream earlier. Ah! That was so strange, since she'd been thinking of trying to find out who the girl was after her shift was over. It was also a good thing she was able to write, or else a conversation between them would have been very hard. "Not for a while.. The shop closes just after sunset." Looking to the windows, the sun was still up high in the sky and it was only late afternoon.
*smiles and waves a bit* I'm doing alright, Nami's going to go work on her AMV now though so we'll be back later. *gives a bow*
That just reminds me that I'm supposed to me making my Namine/Nisemono AMV x_o *headshake* Such a procrastinator...
Good afternoon, KG!
I commented! =D
Naminé was left behind, still having to keep the ice-cream shop running while Mr. McDuck was busy and the day's employee was out. Truthfully, she didn't mind it. The job wasn't a hard one, and it was admittedly relaxing to watch people come and go as they pleased. She especially liked watching the famlies that were regulars to this place. Since she had no memories of a childhood, she could only observe and store away these memories. It was similar to data-gathering. ..perhaps she'd been around certain members of the Organization for too long.. A lock of strayed blonde hair was captured between thumb and forefinger and toyed with, as she leaned forward against the counter while loosing herself in her musings. OOC: Hey Rexyggor, why don't you PM me your idea and I'll see if I can help you work out the details of what you want for your character. And it's okay if you guys use the color thing. XD I don't mind, I think it works out pretty well. Ooh, I like Marina's outfit. I should probably put up what Namine looks like in her current outfit.. x_o *lazy*
Nyuu is my favorite character! XD Although technically she IS Lucy.. Lucky does rock, very hardcore. So who thinks she actually died at the end of the anime series?
^ lied! =O < doesn't think Forsaken would taste very good... V tastes nice! XD