"Do you have a signature call?"
"Our uncle visited and now my sister leaving?"
She sighs then follows him in the air. "I know she wouldn't run off on you but what made her decide to go to the forest?"
"Good luck finding her." She flies off.
"Am I in hot water?"
She nodded then flinched.
"Then I would feel helpless."
"Doesn't mean you have to accuse me of slaughter."
"I would've seen her a while ago!"
"Stand down, beta male. It is my hunt!" She growls in wolf language. She hugs him happily.
A smirk fell across her face as she chases after them. She follows her father then quickly turns her head away. She nudges him in encouragement.
"Could you ask her? It gives me the creeps." Haven't had some food in a while, she bit down and her wild side that remain dormant since birth took over as the remaining wolves runs with their tail between their legs. "Do you think you can still be you while you are in Vincent's form?"
She focuses on agility while she fights rogue wolves. "Why is mommy so distant?"
She nodded. She sighs. "Take care of uncle. I'll be fine, papa."
She tilts her head. "What is there to teach, teacher?"
"He also has golden eyes but we didn't get a name out of him." She intertwines her fingers with her husband.
"I dunno. She started to act funny after this winged boy left." She pulls away then lies down on her side near by the water.
She runs to her dad. "Something's wrong with mommy, papa!" She giggles while she made loops.
She runs off to the forest. "Ok, let's get going then!" She flies off to the sky.
"What isn't astrology, combat, prank, or passion?" She backs up further.