Yep. It is supposed to be turning one next week Friday.
That's very odd. Yesterday morning (Wednesday) I found this game and completely forgot about its anniversary. Xion is one of my faves and easy to cosplay. Already got the natural hair color down :D
Wow, I should join the next KH Dream Drop Distance skype podcast (If I can get one somehow). I forgot where I saw this on the news before but Days was mentioned that have to do with this game as well as BbS. Lots of jokes, theories, and psyched up that made this one really worthwhile.
Hmm... the mystery of befriend-ing a Dream Eater still remains unknown. *Punches the air* I knew it! Everyone thought Sora's companion is a dog. I'm so glad this report confirms it is a cat.
Huh. So the numbers on Neku's hand was the countdown until he disappears. This will be fun.
To be honest, I didn't like the animation version of his hair. Not because of his length, more like the color. That has been an issue for me. My theory of the timeline of the games has to be in-between CoM and KH2. For now, all I can say it is because of their clothes and how it blends so well. Sora's outfit makes it almost like his Valor Drive form and Riku resembles closely to his KH2 outfit. Not only that, Riku has his Way to Dawn Keyblade!
I can understand where you got "Kairi" but if you take a closer look on the oufit than just the wristband. You'll see it is Neku. BTW, thanks Mike for beating me to post this.
Me to my sister: "If Sora has a puppy, do you think it would be cute or ugly?" Sis: "Um... cute. Why?" Me: "It looks weird!" *shows the 2nd pic* Sis: "It has a unicorn on its head. That's just not right." *walks away*
Sora looks like he's in his Valor form without wielding two Keyblades. No surprise Riku got a haircut. Saw it on the poster but this confirms my suspicions.
I'm more interested in this "puppy" creature and hope it doesn't turn out like Nintendogs. That would just ruin the mood. This Dream Eater Reaper's Game kinda makes me a little freaked out. That reminded me when I heard virus noise from Re:Coded.
Sweeeeeeet! I'm so looking forward to play this game! The fact Nomura changed their outfits makes it all better! *drools* XD By the way, it looks like the trailer was playing in the background.
Wow, Mike. You are so lucky. I've seen those avatar figures before. If there was a slightly bigger size then I would hug them to death.
Your username. Oh well.
Hi, do you have KH13 account? I've seen that name before
Oh AWESOME! It looks really cool on the screen.
Please use Wall-E or Monster's Inc. There's a possibilty of Up (haven't seen it so I don't know) I'm a big sucker when it comes to space and Disney related movies.
She's so fortunate getting King Mickey and all the Disney characters. Pocahontas is the only one that's not in the game. Gotta look for my Days shirt for this summer.
My biggest hope in 3D for Riku's story that it will show him what he has been doing after he left Castle Oblivion up to ending of KH2. That has been one thing I pondered as I kept playing this series for a long time. It seems like at the end of Roxas' day at Twilight Town, DiZ hinted to him what his motivation was at the time. So he must have mentioned it before. Some reference came from Days since Castle Oblivion was part of the timeline.
@TheCrownedRoxas You could check out zap2it website. That's how I found E3 premire from GT. Anyone with digital box has G4. It is different for everyone, though. I'm staying home for both Nintendo and Sony. Loved Ubisoft's games this year. I'm planning on buying them. Pre-ordered BBS already. I'd like to see Square combine with Ubisoft
Hey Mike. Just wondering, have you ever heard anything about Coded? I found this while browsing for the BBS keychains. Look for "mascot" or...