I live in Indiana, about 40 minutes away from Chicago :| you?
all it does here is snow D: and when it doesnt snow it rains :|
thats good, im eating tacos o.o
the weather here is wierd o.o its snowing and lightning at the same time D:
very true. today i just kinda sat there and watched the snow out the window :/
I love Skillet, they're one of my favorite bands. Whispers in the Dark, Rebirthing, and Monster are amazing songs 8D
Thats what i've heard and read somewhere so I'm guessing that they knew each other before.
im doing okay, just really really bored :/
im doing really good xD you? :3
I wouldn't. Life's too short already so I don't want it to be even shorter :3
lmao. i went to bed too haha :]
Yes, very very very boring :3
The snow all melted xD
That would work. Whatever makes you not fall! xD
I didn't know this o.o lol, thanks for pointing this out.
Thats a good idea! xD Or get like a really long red carpet that goes down the stairs x] its a good idea!
Lmao, ill pay for someone to come and make your stairs magically unslick o.o
That's how i feel about snow xD Holy crap! Dont fall! xD
lucky. it snowed overnight so there's already snow here :O and i hate snow :'|
Hahah, true that :3 Ugh its about to snow again :O