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  1. sgh
    i just watched "Kingdom hearts on crack 4 Parody" it was good, lol good just not lmao good. I am going to watch it again now. Now i'l look at ur vids(i accidently clicked on favs, oops).
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  2. sgh
    Imagine how many KHIII will sell. That's a lot of money, how do i become a shareholder? lol.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. sgh
    Walking on the moon is different, it's still in our physical plane and therefore able to be accomplished. As for the proof of not existing, that comes down to innocent until proven guilty, one side must prove, while the other just needs to maintain lack of proof, but which side is "innocent" using my analagy?
    While these theories are interesting i'm afraid there's a hole in the original source material (post1). I'm certain i saw somewhere that KH was originally a japanese novel that square enix just picked up on. So regardless of possible other dimensions the begining of the story is flawed, (remeber, it was said the square came up with the "potion") making all of it flawed by extension. You can't build a house on an imaginary foundation.
    Still, for the sake of theories and speculation, what about the possibility that all our dreams compile in one crazy dimension. Like, KH didn't exist until someone thought of it and it does now...
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  4. sgh


    Welcome, I never thought about them as a couple... You have blown my mind! I also like LOZ. Check out the rules, they'll save u critisism later on.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. sgh


    Welcome, way to pre-empt the responses; they let u write a paper on Riku? U must be a goods writer to sell it as paper worthy.:)
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. sgh
    Yeah, i can't make out (NO pun!) who that is supposed to be. The 2nd one is funny as hell though.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. sgh
    That is so sad. Was he at least suceptible to heart attack, or was it a total surprise?
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. sgh
    It looks like it's gonna be heavy on the multiplayer aspect.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  9. sgh
    I don't think the back story would be that good. He already "died" several times in COM, while i think it wouldn't be hard for them to bring him back, they probably won't, now that he's a good guy. The scales would be too far tipped in favor of good. What's with the 'if he's not in it i'm not playing' u played KH1 didn't u? he wasn't in that.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. sgh
    Sorry about ur teacher man. I saw one of those tornados once, but nothing like this happened. Sorry again.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. sgh
    I did no such thing! Check the thread, it was vivi who dun it, i just put the setup in, i didn't know how it'd go!
    Also i call ring boy on Sorax and Roxas_is_Hot's marraige!! Sorry Neo-dude but Zex said at the begining that no one but him could be priest. This is long overdue, but thx 4 getting out of the bathroom Sorax. He always has my back. I want to be ring boy, just making sure there isn't a possibilty someone missed that.
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. sgh
    Yeah, hope u got lots of presents!
    Post by: sgh, Nov 1, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. sgh
    I think mine's a Nokia 3315, it's really old, so old it hase a cover of Bart Simpson on it.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  14. sgh
    Can't Sora's change depending on the keychain and therefore have no set default to vote on aside from the kingdom key. Or is it the appeal of flexibility that gets u all excited? in any case i voted for Riku's, honeslty, i didn't know he'd changed it to a keyblade till i read it here. His definitley looks the best.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. sgh
    Not necessarily, they could amp up the sats and surround u with bad guys. I thought the last boss of KH2 would never end, it drove me mad. As it stands they're not so much difficult as they are tedious.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. sgh
    Yeah me too "file not found", btw i didn't there were trading cards. Could easily go south.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. sgh

    hi ppl

    So many girls are gonna challenge u for Sora's love... even some guys... Welcome have fun and don't do drugs, EVER.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. sgh


    Mish greets everyone... Anyway! Welcome! Have fun and smile a lot.:D
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. sgh

    im leaving

    Ur all so harsh. Anyone who can spam like that will be missed in my books. Also he basically complimented every member at the end. So I repeat HARSH. OK not that harsh, but a little at least.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. sgh
    I was under the impression that Sora was a "powerful" heartless with the ability to hold his image until he reunited with Roxas and became whole again. I'm pretty sure it says that in the Ansem Reports somewhere. Comparing him to Xemnas and Xeoheart.
    Post by: sgh, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX