127 times i've wondered when ppl will give up on this and it'll retire.
Is nice, has OCD, has her own forum, (is it a rip off to say she talks to me on aim?), has a sense of humor, commented on me above and uh... is nice... I'm out!
Loves Roxas, has joined KSKOF's forum and TOTALLY owes me for hooking her and her hubby up.
125 times i've wondered if we'll break the site or maybe even the internet by doing this.
I can't stop watching the scene where Kairi and Sora are reunited and they hug. *sniff* It's just so beautiful.
Everyone... That's over 1,400 ppl! Good luck to you and your impossible quest. Be ready for a whole new experiance, cuz this place ain't all about KH. It's its own community. Did i say welcome? Eh, WELCOME!!
117, 711 backwards!
113 crappy movies i have seen
102 dalmations - the movie, it's a little rip off but so what - that was real clever 101 dalmations...
100 sheep *yawns* lol axel, beer...
Wait! u forgot the rings!!! *runs after limo*
98, no way i read all 98 of these
I don't think Hallowean and Christianity are mutually exclusive... I didn't celebrate it either but for different reasons, i didn't even know when it was.:p
Welcome, i'm really only saying this to make u feel comfortable here. I hope it worked. This is a nice place to retreat to at the end of the day. Enjoy it!
Is married toXxAxelEightxX. Likes Kairi i'm guessin. And loves XxAxelEightxX as a person. (marriage= no time-killin fake)
I give it about a 6/10, so in a yes/no scenario, it's a yes.
Welcome, don't outspam me, lol. Nah just don't do it at all, unless it's in the spam zone. Have fun too.
no, i mean was he overweight or something, u know something u could've thought about, maybe it would've prepared u or something, u know lessen the grief. I don't know if it would (the closest thing i have is my cous dying fighting a bush fire) but maybe... And y did u say misfortune? i wouldn't want to see it, maybe i don't understand, nevermind. Again, my condolences, if there's anything an internet weirdo can do 4 u just let me know.
I'm assuming that it's u, so congratulations man, ur so lucky.
I like "Kingdom Hearts and S.R.S.S. 3: To be or not to be random!", if ur considering looking at his vids, look at that one first. (that one's urs right?)