Okay, I know this is a rejected idea, but it said if we could give valid points and reasons to add the section, we could post it again. Soo, I was thinking of some "pros and cons" about the positive and the negative affects that would support a possible food section. Pros or positive things A recipe thread, so people can share different recipes/recipe ideas that they made/are making. (maybe even compettions on the best recipe) A food section could be an active section, if we make debate threads (such as which country has the best food, etc) and simple discussion about different types of foods. Food is a hot topic (to some people) and it could be a very popular section. Cons or negative things The section could be spammed easily by pointless threads (what did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner threads, etc). It could be inactive due to lack of threads/ideas. Alot of people probably won`t want to post there, because they don`t like this idea. That`s all I got. Most of these sound like ideas, rather than pros and cons. This is probably going to get put back in the "Rejected Suggestions" thread. So, yes or no?
Thanks. It seems everyone likes the background, lol.
It looks nice. Colors match and everything. Uhh, the light in the middle looks a little weird, IMO. Other than that, good job.
Oh god, it`s a sign of rape. If tries anything, run. And lol at him yelling at the ceiling.
This thread is officially raped... Also, I love cheese on my omeletes.
Lol, they`re kinda annoying, I guess. The only one useful, IMO, is Donald. Hell, at least he cures me.
May I join? She seems like a nice person.
I like the effects you used. The text is kind of an eyesore, I would take that out, or sharpen it. Nice job, though.
You can appreciate music in alot of ways... The beat itself can alter moods, and make you happy, sad, and even angry. So, uh, yeah. You can appreciate music in ALOT of other ways.
It`s still loading, but it looks funny.
Awesome! The more the merrier, lol. I just ate some eggs 10 mins ago.
That`s awesome! You`re in!
Thread solved, lol. But in all seriousness: I don`t think it really matters that he has it with him anyway. Also, wasn`t he making a canoe?
Family Guy, because it always gives me a laugh when I watch it. Go Stewie!
53 i like eggs
Thanks, I was going to use a different render, but I never used this one yet, so I wanted to try it out. Thanks for the comment.
I made a sig on GIMP. I have like 3 weeks experience, so I`m not that good. CnC?
I eat at least 3 eggs a day, lol! You`re Added to the list!
Awesome! I shall add you to the list.