Mi friend its working in a code to play as hearthless but its impossible xD
Maik look this codes Ally Roxas E006FEFF 0034D45C(L2 Joker) 01C957EF 0000000E 11C957F4 00003131 11C95814 00003131 21C95834 00010002 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod i'll get the sora one too. EDIT:got the Ally Sora code. Ally Sora E006FEFF 0034D45C (L2 Joker) 01C957EF 00000001 11C957F4 00003031 11C95814 00003031 21C95834 0001000D 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000???? <- Weapon Mod Sora Weapon Mod 1032E020 0000???? Kingdom Key Mod 11CD4390 0000XXXX Kingdom key Mod 2 21CEF60C 0000XXXX Digits: 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 0180 = Struggle Hammer 002C = Detection Saber 002D = Edge of Ultima 021F = Acrossing Two 0220 = Winner's proof 0846 = Axel weapon 02c0= Auron weapon 0842= Saix weapon 08BD= kairy keyblade All bosses are allies 2036C3E8 0016F1F4 Riku Weapon Mod 11CD4B04 0000???? digits: 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon)
O sorry y don't have the converter but im searching onee moment please
Look this is not roxas partner but its good Play as 3 Wisdom Soras 4032F064 00130001 12050505 00000000
Waths the code to have sora/roxas partner?¿
U.U Thanks for the help you are very fast and there are good thanks really thanks!
thanks for the help and do you have the code for infinite health?¿ Thanks for the help and do you have the infinite health code?¿ I get up your rep
Ho is the code for play as DW mickey for codebreaker?¿
Thanks for the help!:)
Sorry im from spain xD y need the KH2 FM master code for codebreaker
Can sombody say me the KH2 FM code for codebreaker?¿
Please y need codebreaker codes for kh2 fm ntsc!
There are some codes but i don't check it Play as Final Form M6VB-6MKJ-5QC44 GBVR-2Y27-R18D3 9RYT-EAPW-379RP R54G-WUFA-03KR8 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR N4H7-PUT1-758NC 73RP-E2MU-2C9U1 Drive w/o Party Members 31R6-DXZP-18PV1 R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 Party Members don't Disappear when using Drive X11D-RP5A-0MVHA 47K7-5FC4-R78PX Normal Sora/Final-Form Moveset BU6U-HGYV-76HM2 969P-YJXQ-95VYG DW Roxas/Final-Form Moveset KV7R-3DNU-2MGXD 1DTT-UFZM-J912H roxas in pagamas: UTVD-21BR-24MBE V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 NJ3B-R101-FZRZJ CXFG-0Y0K-8MGT7 BY8J-UVF5-V9DRQ DFYC-F7UW-D3TUW roxas: CKBB-79X3-DMH76 V04V-E5XH-Y3KE3 roxas with 2 keyblade: HFT3-BVK6-KCXHY EBGD-NJJV-0NPWH Mickey: W7HQ-MMWV-13X1E 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR PAR4-UYYB-R493U 73RP-E2MU-2C9U1 axel (partner) 9TP0-T32M-FEEEB WT46-337T-1P6KQ Minny (partner) H4XA-272C-MM42C T99F-T05J-KPNPR antiform R4BT-1QPB-UERX9 U01C-W1CW-KA2KA 1TAK-J36W-89U0H Q5BH-FNM8-TNR7V 2UU2-AR3M-AX65C ZPHY-89K1-ZQAN2 8AJ3-6FXY-4YR63 4VY1-U9H8-16R75 riku 0W9T-ZYHU-Z73NP RPW5-8DAG-WJ6F9 57VH-7V1Y-6QQ6W 176N-PTZR-XBN8N 2PG1-HKFZ-GQ6BF N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 HR7T-A55N-XBYYF Normal Sora/FinalForm Moveset (PAL) ARMax 289W-13VW-JKWAG A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC PH1M-V076-VQQJ1 BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ Anti-form normal (R2) 6UK7-3H8G-2EK2E R892-14KE-EDWRU 0R4F-UW45-UUHTG infinite jump VVF4-18YZ-4804P 2ZXU-UJM5-0VDTH Donald is replaced by Hercules (Partner) J2V3-6WMA-P0Q0W 58D0-8Z19-G2TNP Goofy is replaced by Hercules (Partner) C7QK-08CH-BYCPP G800-5EZK-TD8UB Donald is replaced by Hercules (Boss) K8DK-438U-FE88X XRB1-FTJ6-PR1KR Goofy is replaced by Hercules (Boss) YV5A-QQTC-5YTTT A864-3Y7M-N65RQ Nine Drive Bars 234V-W6TC-AUD82 ZHCD-A462-08U3X 3 Soras TWCR-END3-QYE47 6T35-FYG3-EED07 Axel (Ally) replaces Donald: 9TP0-T32M-FEEEB WT46-337T-1P6KQ Axel (Ally) replaces Goofy: NQTM-W2UV-615A9 AYDA-49F1-R4EY4 Roxas/DW Roxas performs Reaction Commands (press R2) 4W9Q-QP43-QBDCM U8H0-NHTG-X598M BQMQ-T5NN-4UFZ4 Floating Keyblade QU1V-P1PW-VK052 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ This is for a fusion is rare GYDZ-E0XJ-1TRJC FDGX-T2NE-ZHN8U HQB9-WPW5-MEZ5Y Z62D-9FH4-G6UE1 2QVN-GJUQ-JCEE6 ZE7R-V81G-XNTNW AC7N-TAGF-KRANC X9D3-25RM-YU615