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  1. JellyBeing

    I am so not tired... damn insomnia. D:

    Yep... not tired at all.

    Not one bit.



    *passes out on keyboard*
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 21, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. JellyBeing


    People I have eaten today:

    KxR was delicious... I must say. :P
    VGN was just asking for it in HB's user notes.
    Kiryu was tasty. HB will be mad at me for this. I eated you... aww man! Now mah bish is gone. D:

    looking for more snacks!

    And to all of you viewing:
    Does you have a flavor?

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 6, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. JellyBeing
    I feel unloved today. ;-;

    Will you give me a hug?


    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 4, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. JellyBeing
    Play this game with me!

    Don't forget to put out eye balls back in their sockets when you get the awesomely amazing prize... that is if you can win.

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 3, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. JellyBeing
    This is the one-shot I talked about awhile ago. It's for all you sea-salt ice cream whores out there. This story is about ice cream, luv, and trying to new things. XD I broke it down into two parts here is the first part. The second part is now up!

    Catergory: crack-tastic
    Rating: Well... I guess PG-13
    Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream, ice cream. X3

    Dedicated to the biggest sea-salt ice cream fan: StupidAquarius

    Enjoy this tasty story!

    The boy watched as a slender girl with blonde hair entered the park. She had a glow as she walked and a smile on her face as she seated herself on a bench. The girl happily ate the ice cream come in her hand, as it slowly melted in the warm summer sun. The bright sun bathed her in its warmth and complimented her beauty.

    The boy stood and exited his spot beneath the shady tree. He stepped into the sun and his sandy-blonde hair glistened in its rays. He slowly approached the girl. “Hey Namine,” he said smiling. The girl lifted her head up and greeted the boy with her sparkling blue eyes. “Hi Roxas,” she said happily still munching on her ice cream.

    He took a seat on the bench next the girl and inched closer gradually. “Can I have a taste?” Roxas asked. Namine looked at him somewhat confused. “Sure. It’s great that you’re finally trying a new flavor!” she said happily holding up her ice cream to him. “I wasn’t talking about that,” Roxas said slyly. He shoved the ice cream cone away and brought his face only inches away from Namines. “I was talking about you,” he whispered, then embraced her in a passionate kiss.

    Namine taking a back and was giggling, pushed Roxas away. “Stop, people are staring,” she said as she shoved him playfully. “Well if they don’t like it they can leave,” he said tickling her. “Well, you ruined,” Namine said between giggles, “my ice cream cone.” “Oh well, it was a nasty flavor anyway,” Roxas said looking at the cone plopped on the ground melting.

    “No it wasn’t. You just think that, because all you eat is sea-salt ice cream!” Namine retorted. “That’s because sea-salt is the only good flavor. Besides I’ll just buy you another cone tonight,” Roxas said sarcastically. “Fine, but you still owe me,” Namine said crossing her arms. “Okay, I guess. What do I owe you then? Can it be paid back in kisses?” he teased.

    “No, silly. You have to try the mystery flavor of the week,” she said flipping her hair slightly. “Eww, never! Isn’t there anything else?” he refused. “Aw, please. Do it for me?” Namine said sticking out her lower lip. “Err….” he debated, “I’m only going to because of you. I guess I have to then.” he sighed giving in. “Great,” Namine said giving him a light peck on the cheek, “See you tonight!” she yelled running off.


    The ice cream parlor was well-known. Everyone went there on a regular basis; more teens hung-put there when there was nothing to do. It was a quaint little parlor; with a bar, orderly booths, and little tables with umbrellas outside on the patio. Anyone could dine on a variety of things from: hot dogs, a burger with fries, pizza, or any old snack. But the main attraction of customers came for their ice cream. It was all home-made right in the store and the best around.

    With business booming the owner came up with an idea to bring in even more people; The Mystery Flavor of the Week. Each week he would pick a flavor and make a special batch, he made the ice cream white and no smell what so ever. That way the only way you could know the mystery flavor was by tasting it. Each week a new flavor, a new mystery, and hundred’s flooded in to find out the new flavor.

    The night arrived and Namine and Roxas walked into the ice cream parlor hand in hand. They walked up to the bar area and ordered. “One hot-fudge sundae,” Namine said. “And one sea-sal…” Roxas started to say only to be shot down by the look on Namine’s face. “You promised!” she warned. “Ha ha... yeah, I forgot. Sorry,” Roxas added quickly placing his hands behind his head in a familiar mannerism. “One mystery flavor… in a dish,” he said sourly.

    The owner happily dished out the ice cream and handed it to them. Roxas paid for it with his munny and looked nauseatingly at the strange ice cream before him. “Let’s sit outside on the patio so we can watch the sunset,” Namine said happily walking ahead of Roxas. They took a seat at a cozy table for two and watched as the sun made it’s lazily descent. “I’m proud that you’re trying something new, Roxas,” Namine said while digging into her sundae.

    “Me too…” Roxas said half-heartedly. He stared at the unfamiliar ice cream thinking somehow it would be his demise. All he wanted was some delicious sea-salt ice cream. Is that really so much to ask for? He thought to himself. “Well, aren’t you going to try it?” Namine said stubbornly, almost half way through her sundae.

    “Yeah, a promise is a promise,” the sandy-blonde haired boy said. The slender blonde girl with her bright blue eyes, smiled at him, reassuring him it would be okay. She leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He had to do it; there was no turning back now.

    Roxas gulped and look nervously at the strange ice cream before him; with its eerie white color and its odd odorless being. He slowly picked up his spoon and gradually placed it into the creamy ice cream. He attempted to take the least amount possible that would fit on the spoon. As he raised the spoon to his mouth bit by bit, his had quivered. Then opening his mouth he placed the ice cream in.

    Namine squirmed excitedly in her seat. Roxas slowly worked the ice cream around in his mouth letting it melt. His sour look of puzzlement slowly changed into a smile. “Mmmmm… This is really good!” he said taking another spoonful. “See I told you, you’d like it,” Namine said rather proud of herself. “Yeah, it actually is good,” Roxas said smirking somewhat, while taking another spoonful.

    “So what flavor is it?” Namine asked inquisitively. “Try it for yourself,” Roxas said. “Oka…” Namine started to say as Roxas shoved a spoonful in her mouth. Roxas smirked as Namine’s face gave a heated expression. “What flavor, you ask? Why it’s sea-salt ice cream,” Roxas said smirking at his own luck. Namine tossed the spoon into Roxas dish and crossed her arms, “You really lucked out!” she exclaimed. “Why yes I did,” Roxas said smugly. “Shut up and eat your DAMN ice cream!” Namine said irately. “I love you too,” Roxas said happily, kissing her.

    Hope you enjoyed! >:3
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 2, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. JellyBeing


    = { ()

    I feel so betrayed.

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jul 2, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. JellyBeing
    I brought you all oreos.

    I saw a sign... "Come to the dark side, we have cookies."
    I went to the dark side, and ate some cookies.
    I was full, so I stole the rest and brought them here for you peoples.

    Enjoy! >:3

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 30, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. JellyBeing
    I'm leaving because...



    I am hungry.

    Hold down the fort while I'm gone. ^_~

    But if I'm not back by night fall, go on without me.

    Mind your P's & Q's.

    Say please and thank you.

    Cough/sneeze into your elbow not your hand. (stop spreadin' them damn germs!)

    Respect your elders.

    Follow the rules.

    Don't chew with your mouth open.

    Yep, this ends the randomness.

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 30, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. JellyBeing


    McDonalds food...


    A healthy, daily dose of..

    STD's with every meal!


    Sponsered by this guy:

    You have to clicky... cause I'm phailing at PB at the moment.
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 25, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. JellyBeing

    My brain...

    Major procrastination and summer has caused me to get severe writers block.




    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 25, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. JellyBeing eat you&pageOffset=14

    It's you doing your favorite thing...



    eating babies!
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 20, 2007, 44 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. JellyBeing


    Me: Look in the mirror, and tell me what you see!
    Xaldin: I see Xaldin.
    Me: You see Xaldin? Well, let me tell you what I see. I see pride! I see power! I see a bad-*** mother------ who don't take no crap off of nobody!

    Now repeat that part out loud.

    Now go out there and have a successful blind date! =D

    ... Hope this helps... But the main point of this, was to cheer you up!

    ~Quotes from "Cool Runnings" ... with some changes.~
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 15, 2007, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. JellyBeing
    I have the radio on and....
    Talk Dirty To Me came on...
    for some odd reason it made me crack up...


    So now you all know...

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. JellyBeing
    From the MUNGO moth in my room trying to eat me!

    ;_ ;

    I ish afraid of it!


    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 14, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. JellyBeing


    j00 guys are boring tonight...
    nothing is going on ;_ ;

    Where's all the drama?

    No overly happy people...
    no sad people complaining...
    no odd pics...

    not even a single mental break down!
    OR ya know what... not even a cat and/or baby eaten!!!

    j00 disappoint me! DX



    I ish going to get something to eat now...
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 13, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. JellyBeing
    I've finally decided what to eat!

    Might I say your offers were very tempting...!







    because it starts with a "p" and ends with an "orn."
    Didn't see that coming did ya?
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 11, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. JellyBeing

    I'm hungry...

    I'm hungry... and I don't know what to eat.

    And because right now I have nothing better to do...but to tell you people this.

    What should I eat?

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 10, 2007, 49 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. JellyBeing
    I'm thinking of writing a new story. It will only be a one shot, comedy... somewhat "crack-tastic." If I dare say so...

    Anyways, it will either be titled: "Mystery Flavor of the Week" or "Flavor of the Week"

    I'm not really sure which title to chose; so this is where you come in. Tell me which you like better and if this sounds any good...?

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 10, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. JellyBeing

    I am bored...

    Entertain me with your hillar-ness!

    Quick before I die from this...
    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 9, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. JellyBeing


    Freedom is finally here for me!
    Yesh! Freedom is soooo sweet, bishes!


    That was a little over the top, but I thought I'd say it anyway...

    Thread by: JellyBeing, Jun 8, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone