... when I arrive, I, I bring the fire. Make you cuuuumcome- alive. I can take you higher. What this is, forgot? I must now remind you. Let it rock. Let it rock. Let it rock. ~~~ lulk, wut i miss gaiz?
Welcome kh-vid members to my sick and twisted mind. :DDD First of all I'd like to say that, yes, this story was inspired by the amazing author we know as 'Roxas' and his wonderful portrayal of combining Battle Royale and the use of forum members into one magnificent story. After I read Roxas' KH-Vids Battle Royale I fell in love with the idea of making a forum-based story and decided to start writing one of my own that uses my odd little mind and my love of horror/slasher/scary movies. Hmmm... I write most of this late at night, so it might be a bit odd. :/ Names of non-main characters were picked at random, so if they match certain members names it was not intended. Example: the three men in chapter one. Oh and I bumped up some peoples ages. :3 Um, read it if you wish to and if you don't like it don't read it. Feel free to drop a comment once in awhile. I'm just posting it to post it and motivate myself to finish it, so do as you please. If you have any questions feel free to post them or PM me. Don't expect a lot of updates; I don't write that often. Author note: Chapter four up... um yeah, click on the song to listen to it. Songs Chapter 3 : Coffee Shop Soundtrack by All Time Low Chapter 4: Moth's Wings by Passion Pit .:[/ DON'T SPAM \]:. Chapters Finished: Prologue (No main characters) >characters come into view after prologue< Chapter 1 (Rosey & her brother) Chapter 2 (Spitfire) Chapter 3 (O R A N G E) Chapter 4 (Tootsie) Chapter 5 Chapters Posted: Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Enjoy. ~~~ All You Know Ends Now Prologue With a small swoosh of an automatic door a young battered looking girl slowly inched her way into the decrypted room. She looked a mere age of 18, stumbling through the barely lit room, hands wrenched behind her back tied together tightly with rough rope and a large metal chain clung to her petite waist like a belt. One end of the chain hung loosely on the floor and made a horrible screeching noise as she walked further; even more slowly as the heavy metal chain seemed to pull her down with it. Around her neck was a large metal collar with bright blue blinking lights and sharp metal spikes; her best guess was it some sort of tracking device. “Hello…?” she called out, but no one answered. You could almost taste the fear in her voice. A once beautiful face was now shrouded in terror and showered in cuts and bruises. The makeup she wore was now running down her face along with a mixture of: blood, sweat, and tears. Everywhere on her body there seemed to be abrasions, her feet looked worn and sore, without shoes to cushion and protect them. Her blonde, illuminating hair was now a dull dirty blonde color, stained with a substance that appeared to be blood. “Is this part of the game still?” she asked. Desperation was settling in with yet again receiving no answer. The young girl began to weep again. “HELLO! I just want to go home…!” she yelled. She walked farther into the room. It was like a large cage with chain-link fence everywhere, to separate certain parts of the room. “HELLO!!! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!?!?” she cried out. Static lightly came over the intercom up near the ceiling. The static slowly cleared as the girl watched the intercom with perplexity. A calm, monotone voice came over the intercom now. “Would you like to play a game?” he asked, calmly yet it had a sinister touch to it. “I… I thought I won?” she questioned. “You will have sixty second to complete the task, or pay the price,” the hallow voice said. “Pay the price?” she asked confused. With that question a low zapping noise came from the collar. She screamed as pain surged through her body and blood dripped from her neck onto her feet. “This must be some kind of mistake! All I came for was a modeling job!” she cried in pain. “In this room you will find a red and green button. Press both in the sequencel order to open the box with the modeling contract,” the voice said. “Red then green,” the girl said in a shaky voice with a nod. “Remember you have sixty seconds,” the voice said with please. She went even farther into the room seeing a large tank filled with water. As she approached it she noticed a green button at the bottom of the tank and a contract below it. She starred at the tank with puzzlement for a few seconds. “Fifty seconds…” the voice said as another zap came from the girl’s collar and more blood seeped from her neck. She walked around the room searching. “F-ck, where are you! Where’s the red button?!?” she yelled. She rounded a corner and on the ground littered in front of her were many pieces of razor sharp broken glass. Her gaze went up and across the vast hallway of broken glass was the red button. “You don’t expect me to hurt myself, do you!?!?” she asked. Yet another zap came from her collar and she yelped in pain as another trail of blood leaked from her neck. “Forty seconds…” said the voice. The young girl screamed in pain and agony again as more of the red, warm liquid ran down the front of her. She took a deep breath and slid a foot forward into the path of glass shards. As the glass pieces impaled her feet she let out blood-curdling screams. With each step her feet became rawer and the glass pathway began to swim in a pool of blood. Finally reaching the end of the hallway, she stepped onto a clean slate of cement flooring. The small shards of glass crunched and were driven deeper into her feet, as blood oozed from the wounds. The girl lifted her head up and used her chin to push the red button on the wall. She turned around and slowly started to make her way back across the glass filled walkway. “Thirty seconds,” said the voice again over the intercom. The young blonde wailed in pain again as she quickened her pace across the rough glass floor. Her cries became louder with each step; as she finally got to the smooth cement flooring once more. She limped closer to the large tank with the desired green button, her sobbing became louder. ~xXx~ In a small room close by, an older man watched his small television screen with pleasure. He reached an old, withered looking hand and pushed a large black button attached to a microphone. The man leaned closer and spoke, with a smirk on his face, “Ten seconds. Are you scared?” ~xXx~ The young girl was standing before the tank as she heard him call to her again. With frustration and fear etched on her face she screamed, “F-ck you!” She bent forward to dip her face into the water and press the button that would free her from this torture. As she slowly submerged her face to go forward an excruciating pain erupted on her face and blood dispersed into the surrounding water. Screaming she pulled her head out of the “water.” She screeched as the skin on her face seemed to melt and burn right off the bone. “WHY!?!??? AHHHHHH!” she yelled as the blood pulsed from her face while stumbling backwards. “Five, four, three, two… one,” he said as a smile spread across his face. ~xXx~ Chapter 1 As the last bell rang out through the charming high school students poured out into the hallways eager to get home; it was Friday of course. A particular student glided through the hallway, with her blonde hair sashaying from side to side as she went. Following, a few feet behind, was a boy of strikingly similar features; with dirty-blonde hair and light brown highlights scattered throughout; shuffled his way through the masses of teens. “Rosey! You totally have to try-out for the volleyball team!” a girl about the age of sixteen called out. As the young blonde fiddled with her locker door, she turned around to see who was talking to her. “Lexie, I already told you… I can’t play sports anymore,” Rosey said in a sulky tone. Her smiling face deepened into sadness as, one by one, she placed her textbooks into the small metal locker. “But you have to! You’d be the star starting sophomore,” Lexie whined. “Like I said before, I can’t.” Rosey pushed on, “I’m sorry. This is just how my life is going to have to be now, Lexie. See you on Saturday.” On this note she shut her locker, swung her pink messenger bag over her shoulder, and strolled toward the front double doors. “Yeah… Saturday,” Lexie said in disappointment. ~xXx~ “Oh, Rosey, you just have to try out for the volleyball team! OH! TEHEHE! Rosey you should do this, you should do that!” the dirty blonde haired boy mimicked once outside. “Shut up, Alex,” Rosey barked. “Boo freakin’ hoo! Mine name is Rosey and I’m soooo popular and so awesome, but now my life sucks because I can’t play sports anymore!” Alex chuckled in a sarcastic tone. “Maybe you would understand if you had any friends! Oh yeah… and if you even tried out for a sport once and awhile instead of staying home sulking!” the petite blonde retorted in a surprisingly booming voice. “At least I’m not disabled…” Alex said in a hushed voice. “What was that?” Rosey questioned. “Nothing,” Alex claimed as he turned quickly into an alleyway. Rosey swiftly followed him. She started a light jog as Alex quickened his pace. As Alex headed into a sprint down the alley Rosey also sped up. Between the brick buildings all you could hear were the pitter-patter of sneakers. She knew he would get tired eventually as her mind raced and anger boiled throughout her body. Her A&F ‘skinny’ jeans swooshed as her thighs swiped against one another every so often… the feeling so familiar, yet so distant now. The wind against her face was invigorating and her sight of the surrounding tag art blurred and melted together; it made her senses go wild. Her brilliant blonde hair left their perch a top of her shoulders of her American Eagle graphic tee and wisped around free for the first time in quite awhile. The second pair of sneakers skidded to a halt as she started to round the corner. ‘I’ve got you now, Alex!’ she thought to herself. The young girl slowed her pace as her vision restored and she saw Alex before her, caught like a rat between her and a dead end; a chain-linked barbed wired fence. As she approached Alex her knees felt weak and were throbbing, she winced once, but did her best to hide it. “Now, what was it you said, Alex?” Rosey asked with bitterness singeing her words. Realizing he had no where left to run the boy admitted defeat as he mumbled his words, “I- I said… At least I’m not disabled.” Anger surged into Rosey’s body wanting to explode, but she was in too much pain to let the anger take control. “Sometimes… sometimes I- I just… I just wish you weren’t my twin. Or even related to me at all; maybe you should have never been born, for all I care!” she spat back coldly and leaned against the cool brick wall to let go some of the tension building in her knees. The boy was taken back and truly hurt by his sister- no his own twin’s words. “You’re not much of joy yourself, you know. Everyone puts you under the spotlight and waits for you to do something amazing. No one pays attention to me, but now… now things are going to change. You’ll be the disappointment of the family! I mean look at yourself you can’t even jog five blocks without being in pain! You might as well sign up for the Special Olympics now; that’s right… you can’t do that either. You are pathetic!” he roared angrily as his hands clenched up into fists of rage and his heart rate quicken. “Take it back…” she whispered. “What? I didn’t quite hear you,” Alex shot back sarcastically. “Take it back!” Rosey demanded as tears welled up in her eyes. “No! You deserved it and you know it. Don’t even try making up some bullshit about how I’m being unfair and mean,” Alex said crossly. “Self centered… bitch,” he added quietly. He began to walk away down the way at which he came, but as he did Rosey bounced from her resting place towards him. “TAKE IT BACK!” she screamed as she slammed him back against the chain-link fence. Tears stained her delicate face as she was swept up by emotions. ~xXx~ Whilst the siblings were bickering, little did they know that three men were coming down the same alley in their van. They parked just shy of the corner which turned into the ‘dead end,’ just enough so it was not visible. Each respectively placed up the hood of their sweatshirts to shroud their faces. Also all three of them calmly put on a pair of black, leather gloves. They were fairly ordinary looking men, a bit more muscular than average, one could say. One man was much taller than the rest and seemed to be instructing the other two; he was well-built and seemed to have an icy tone to his voice. The second man was short, but spoken in a deep, low, and distinctive voice. The third man was an average height and had lanky features that made his body appear out of proportion with his large muscles. As they stood at the corner peering over they watched the boy and girl, seeming to wait for the right moment to come along. Once the girl had pinned the young boy against the fence, the tallest man grunted in approval, and they silently went down the alley way unnoticed. The tallest, obliviously the superior and the shorter man approached the young girl whose back was turned away. The boy, finally noticing the danger surrounding them yelled, “Rosey watch out!” “What?” Rosey questioned, being sucked out of her current rage. This was all she managed to get out before the two men grabbed her arms and restrained her. “Let go of me you freaks!” she screamed. “Rosey!” Alex yelled, rushing over to help his sister. When out from behind a surrounding dumpster came the third man. Rosey caught sight of the third man and commanded her brother, “Alex! Run!” She struggled and squirmed against the two men, but was unable to free herself from their strong grip. “Feisty, aren’t you?” questioned the taller man with a smirk. “Quick grab the boy, Edward!” he called out to the third man. The third man, Edward, stepped up his pace and lunged at Alex. Luckily, Alex side-stepped his approaching captor and began to move swiftly toward his sister. “Don’t worry, Rosey, I’ll help you,” he called reassuringly. “Oh for God’s sake, Edward, can’t you catch him?!?!?!” the tall man yelled out. “Go help him, Craig! I’ve got this one,” he commanded. As the second man, Craig, ran off as the superior tightened his hold on Rosey and pulled her closer. The young, blonde fought back hoping to free herself, but with this only came a firmer grip on her arm as the man; with surprisingly swiftness, tied her hands behind her back. Craig and Edward drew nearer to Alex in opposite directions and quickly apprehended the young man. Each grabbed an arm as he struggled and called out to his twin, while the two men slowly tied up the boys’ hands. The three men then directed the two teens back down the alley way toward their large van. Rosey writhed as much as she could in an attempt to free her hands. The superior then grabbed her fiercely by the neck, bent down, and whispered in her ear, “You’re quite strong, you know? I wouldn’t want you to give me a reason to hurt you. No, not with such a pretty face like that; bruises just wouldn’t suite you.” With a slight snicker he opened up the back of the van with his free hand. The blonde shuddered at his words and the feeling of his warm breath on the back of her neck. “Get off my sister you *******!” Alex screamed as he watched the tall man. “You’ve got a rather dirty mouth, boy. Craig, grab the cloth and that brown bottle in the front!” the man hissed. “Wait until you have a mouthful of this,” he said as he glared at dirty-blonde haired boy. Edward held the boy firmly as Craig ran off as instructed. He quickly returned with a white cloth and brown bottle. Then he unscrewed the bottle cap, placed the white cloth over the mouth of it, and turned the bottle upside down. Letting some of the contents of the bottle seep into the cloth that filled the air with a strong stench, with this he turned the bottle right side up and walked toward Alex. He firmly placed the cloth over the boy’s mouth and nose, making sure he breathed in enough, for a few seconds and then let him up for air. Alex gasped and coughed as the stench was overwhelming. “What did you do to him? What is that? Why are you doing this to us?!?!?” Rosey screamed in terror as she watched her twin lose the lively color in his face. “Hush up… you’ll get yours soon enough!” the tall man said irritably as he dug his fingers into her arms. With this Craig approached Rosey and repeated the process with the cloth and bottle. Rosey hurriedly whipped her face around trying not to let the cloth touch her or breathe in large amounts of the strange chemical. At the same time Edward threw Alex into the back of the van and he smacked the metal backing with a sickening thud. The tall man grabbed the young girl’s neck once again and forced her to stay still as Craig placed the cloth firmly around her mouth and nose, which the tall man quickly took over holding the cloth. “Shouldn’t that be enough now? I mean she is smaller than her brother,” Craig questioned. “I’m just making sure she’s quiet the whole ride,” he explained as a small smile crept upon his face. The chemical smell quickly took over Rosey’s body as she felt weak and longed for fresh air. She wiggled, bucked, and fought to get it away, but the man persistently held the object in place. She furrowed her brow at the mans comment and started to scream, but her efforts were futile as the thick cloth and the man’s large hands easily muffled her voice. Finally, placing the cloth down Rosey breathed in the fresh air only to feel the chemicals rushing though her head. Craig and Edward rapidly got into the van as their superior forced Rosey to the back doors of the van. “One for the road, my dear,” he said as he suddenly placed a forced peck on the young girls’ mouth. “*******! I’ll kill you!” Alex roared from the back of the van. Rosey only cringed inside, not wanting to give the man any satisfaction. She could still feel him, like he would forever taint her skin. Her rage built as her confusion grew larger and the chemicals weakened her even greater. She writhed at one last attempt for freedom, only to be pushed into the van along with her brother. The man slammed the doors shut and walked up to the front of the van into the driver’s side and started the engine. Rosey forced herself up and scooted toward Alex. Both were growing ever frail from the chemicals. “Take it back…” she whispered as she laid her head on her brother’s shoulder. “… I do. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you from now on,” Alex spoke in hushed voice. “Promise?” Rosey questioned, as she felt the tears well up, again, in her eyes. “I promise,” he said kindly. “Good…” she said faintly. Everything around her started to fade: noise, vision, even her own thoughts. All she could see was the damned man and his stupid smirk shutting the doors forever as the van sped on. That smirk, was the last thing she saw as her eyes fluttered and then slowly closed; with tears streaming down her face she blacked out along side her twin. ~xXx~ Chapter 2 Rain continued to fall onto the dark streets of the large city. The sky was gloomy, covered with clouds. The moon was hidden tonight and the stars never shown, because of the bright uptown lights. From a distance you could say the metropolis never slept and had a glow to it, but ask a normal resident and they might tell you the opposite. You see, if you took a walk in their shoes you would see the despair, hear the cries, you wouldn’t be blinded by the luxury you could never have, be aware of the danger that lurks around every corner, feel the agony, the smell of defeat, the joy of new hope, and sense the dishonesty. A normal resident could handle it, unlike the bogus ‘celebrities’ born into a state of false security; they wouldn’t make a day out here. A young man walked with a swagger down the dark road only to be seen under the occasional corner light. He wore his black ‘baseball’ cap at an angle, placed his hood up, and shoved his hand into his pockets as he shuffled down the streets. One would assume that he was blissfully unaware of the danger that filled these airs everyday, but he knew. The young man was alert, he was just rather comfortable with this same situation he faced everyday. His short brown hair slightly emerged from his cap and his face hung in an unemotional stare. It was an expression that appeared to say ‘whatever’ and ‘back off’ at the same time, as he trudged through the rainfall with his sneakers padding as he went. The splash of a puddle, the pitter patter of rainfall, the whoosh of cars going by, the soft cries in the distance, the sound of the breeze rattling a chain-link fence, the buzzing of street lamps and neon signs, and his own footsteps seemed to merge together playing their own song; an urban beat. The young man listened to the familiar tune as he walked; as he did so he heard an extra beat… another’s footsteps. He paused for a moment and the beat stopped, so onward he continued second guessing himself. Again he could hear the footsteps and sensed a different figure in the distant. The man peered at his watch, ‘One thirty eight a.m., a bit late for someone with pure intentions to be out,’ he thought to himself. He paused under a street lamp and looked around. Unable to locate the second body he continued onward to his apartment. Growing hungry, he quickened his pace and listened as the rest of city caught up to his tempo. Behind him the gravel shifted and growled as the extra beat swung in began to go faster. He stayed alert to the other body amongst the darkness, but acted casual. He was alarmed when his cell phone went off loudly playing a tune. His hand instantly jammed into his sweatshirt pocket, his pace slowed, opened his phone, and leaned against a lamp post. “What the f-ck do you want? Calling me at two in the morning!” he snapped into the receiver. “Everyone knows that you don’t- don’t even sleep till li-like… - neveeer, maaaaaan,” said the voice with a sloshed tone. “Maybe you don’t know me well enough then, bud,” hissed the light haired brunette, as he strained to hear something move in the distance. “Hey… don’t get *****y with me. I jussst wantid to infom you of all the fun youuuuuu’re missing!” the man said as his words slurred together. “Would you just shut the f-ck up? You’re tanked beyond belief. Call yourself a cab and go home, Tyler,” he said, as he listened to the rocks beneath someone’s soles crunch. “Kyyyyle, coooom bak to Jameeeeeyz house.” the man demanded. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to drink and dial? Oh, and that you’re a real ******* when you’re drunk? Tyler call a cab and go home to sleep… have someone take your keys,” he said as he snapped shut his phone. He wouldn’t let it happen again… ever since that night he had a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Normally he could give a **** about what people did with their lives, but if only someone had stopped him that night. He could have prevented it; he knew that his friend wasn’t alright to drive, but at the time he didn’t really care. Live free or die hard, is it? It’s just that sometimes the littlest things can f-ck up your entire life, and the events you knew you could change… riddled with guilt. It would never end and he knew it, no matter how much he did he just couldn’t remove that burden. ~xXx~ It was the weekend, naturally, and the objective was to party until you passed out or the cops came. Heavy drinking, loud music, drugs, and sex… what more could party-goers ask for? Weaving to the beat of the music, cup in hand, flashing lights, and the smell of pot in the air made for a rather thrilling experience. Another young, blonde, tall, muscular man made his way towards the shorter brunette. Abnormally bubbly and talked in a slurred speech, he waved from side to side as his stood in front of the brunette. “Kyle, I’m oooout. See yo-you to…mor…roooow,” the blonde said. He set his red, plastic cup down, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his keys. Slowly, he staggered to the apartment door. “Heeeey!” Kyle yelled back to him. He stammered for a moment and thought. Why should he be so worried? His friend has been in the situation a hundred times before; he quickly shrugged away the though. “Yeah, see ya,” he finished. With a small clumsy smile and a wave his friend left. Little to Kyle’s knowledge that this would be the last time he saw his dear friend. About fifteen minutes later he felt his phone in his pocket vibrate and swiftly pulled it out and flipped it open. He walked away from the massive stereo system blast out beats of music so he could hear the person who was frantically speaking to him on the other end. “Hello?” he asked. “Kyle?” the timid voice asked. “Yes… can I help you?” he asked, confused. “It’s about Chad…” the woman said. “What about him?” Kyle demanded. “There’s been an accident and… and” she broke off sobbing. He recognized that voice now, it was Chad’s mother. “What? Where? Tell me!” he barked into the phone. She told him where it all happened; he quickly shut his phone, flew out the apartment door, rushed down the stairs and into the street, and hopped into his car. He sped off toward the location Chad’s mother had given him. When he arrived at the scene flashing lights were everywhere and radios were continuously going off. He looked over at what was left of his good friend’s SUV was a pile of metal and blood. If he wouldn’t have known better, he probably wouldn’t even recognize the car. Quickly he scanned amidst the chaos for his friend’s mother; he soon spotted her by herself and went over to comfort her. “Where is he?” Kyle asked looking around frantically. “He’s still stuck in the car. I guess he was drunk and swerved off and… smashed into the guardrail. Then rolled over and into… into… the trees.” She explained between gasps and sobs. The emergency workers and firefighters swiftly worked with the crushed metal. Soon they had the mangled door off the drivers side and slowly, but carefully removed a man from the vehicle. The man was so badly cut, bruised, and distorted that Kyle would have never believed it to be his close friends… he was utterly unrecognizable. As the officers let them through, Kyle and the woman hastily climbed into the ambulance after the stretcher was loaded in. They sat in silence as the dreadful ride to the hospital began. The ambulance quickly lurched off and sounded the sirens. Some many thoughts ran through his head then, one definite question was in the back of his mind though: Was it his fault? He watched, full of sorrow, as his friend was hurriedly wrapped up, bandaged, monitored, and placed in those horrid hospital beds. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever, until a knock at the door came. Both looked up to see a young doctor walk in, in her white lab coat. “Well… he’s got quite a few cuts and bruises, a few fractures, and some serious internal bleeding; to say the least,” she spoke softly. “Is there anything you’d like me to tell you or further explain?” she asked. “Serious internal bleeding…?” Chad’s mother said in a confused voice. “He’s okay though, right?” she asked. “As of now; he’s stable, but there is no guarantee.” The doctor said, lowering her eyes. “What do you mean ‘no guarantee’?!?!?” Kyle demanded. “Is he going to live or not?” “His injuries are fatal, there’s a good chance he won’t make it through the night,” the doctor explained. “Wha?” Kyle said in shock, as he lowered himself into his chair. A small whimper came from the other side of the bed as Chad’s mother collapsed into her chair, also, crying. “I’m so sorry,” the doctor said apologetically and quickly left the room. Hours later, Chad stirred as two sleepy-eyed people looked up. His mother and Kyle both watched as Chad came into coconscious. He looked around confused. “What is that horrible beeping noise?” he asked. “You’re heart monitor, you dumb ass,” Kyle said jokingly. “Sweetie, you were in an accident. Don’t you remember?” his mother said, happy that he was finally awake. “Oh… yeah. I’m so sorry, Mom. Proud of your idiot son?” he said, embarrassed. “I’m just so happy you are still alive. How are you feeling?” she said sweetly. “Actually… not to great now that you mention it. Of course, my whole body aches, but I’m really cold,” he said chuckling slightly. “How can you be cold in California, really?” Kyle asked, nudging him faintly. “I’m not sure; I didn’t know it was possible. Wow- my head is killing me. Holy ****, the room is sort of spinning,” he said as his heart rate quickened. “Hey! Are you alright, Chad?!” Kyle asked in a worried tone. He quickly grabbed the small remote and pressed the red button on it for a nurse. “Dammit!” Chad’s mother become more hysterical as her son’s heart rate steadily inclined and ran out into the hallway to beckon a nurse or doctor. As she went off her footsteps become fainter as the heart monitor grew louder. In a matter of moments it seemed as if his childhood friend went from fine to on the brink of death. “F-ck! Stay with me Chad!” Kyle demanded as his friend seemed to wave in and out of consciousness. “Ah sh-t. I guess this is the last hooray, eh?” he said as he grimaced. “Hell no! Come on man, stay with me. Don’t you dare die, you bast-rd. You can’t… not when it’s my fault,” the last words stung his mind. The beeping become rapid as he looked over at Kyle, “Who said it was your fault? Even if you had tried to stop- … stop me I would have. I would have been an asshole … and still went off.” He gasped for air in between words and even laughed. “It’s not funny! I could have- I could have stopped you!” Kyle yelled. “Sh- shut up! You… owe me a game of beer pong when I see you again,” he said playfully in a raged breath. “You crazy bast-rd… all you think about is partying,” he said swallowing the feeling of crying. “Wh-what can I… I say? The, the city… it just… never sleeps,” he spoke softly and a small smirk spread across his face. Then his eyes slowly closed and his monitor made one last harmonic tone; just one long, low note. A flat line; an everlasting division between life and death; a barrier that can sometimes be broken, but today was not that day… ~xXx~ He sat in the pews of the church dressed in a black suit and clutching a small piece of paper. His mind raced as he thought over what he had just spoken to the sad-faced audience. Had he said the right thing? It seemed to take forever up at the podium, with what such little he had written on that piece of paper. All he knew was by the time he stepped down he could say no more; the only point he wanted to get across to the people in the church was how much his friend meant to him. Had he accomplished it? Or had he only caused more pain for those around him? The people in the church sat in silence as he re-took his seat; the only sound was the occasional sniffle or cry. As he sat there he felt something ball-up I the back of his throat. How badly he wanted to cry; to have someone hold him and reassure him that everything would be alright. Of course, on the other side he did not want to cry. He tried to not focus on the mood of the church and looked at the colorful windows lining the church walls, but his eyes would always wander back and rest upon the cherry-colored casket before him. In his hands he held open the small piece of paper and re-read his quick thoughts he had written. He couldn’t stop it, he couldn’t change the past, and he couldn’t save him. The weight of the world and all of its responsibilities was just too much. And do you know what that man did at that very moment? Something he had not done in a long time. He hung his head, eyes scrolling over and over again at what he wrote, hands clenching at the sides of the paper, and that day he cried. His eyes welled-up with water until they could no longer hold them in and the tears fell. Slowly, but surely they slid down his cheeks leaving a trail for the ones following and gathering at the tip of his nose until they too fell and finally rested on his paper. Slightly smudging the ink, but forever marking that moment. ~xXx~ Back at the street corner he listened to the darkness and waited. The other body was still moving; it was getting closer. He strained his eyes looking around to find it. Still leaning against the lamp post he waited. And slowly the noise got closer and of the darkness came a person. He tensed up, thinking this individual was up to no good, but was relieved when out of the darkness came a little, old man with a shopping cart full of cans. He chuckled to himself about his worry, as he smiled at the man and continued in route to his apartment. He passed along the buildings enclosing the street and thought happily of when he arrived at home he could finally get something to eat. As he walked past the gap between two of the large brick buildings a force pulled him in so quickly he had not realized what had happened. As the two strong arms pulled him in he felt a small, sharp pinch in his arm. He pulled away to see, gleaming in the moonlight, a small syringe sticking out of his arm. With the adrenalin starting to pump through his body he attempted to make a run for it, unfortunately those arms were too fast for him. The person grasped him tightly and pushed the strange serum into Kyle’s body, as it flowed in it stung his arm. He could not see his oppressor because of the lighting, but threw out punches into the darkness. His head became dizzy and his vision unclear. “What did you do to me, you little f-cker?!?!?!” Kyle called out. The person on chuckled under their breath. “What’s going on?!?!?” the brunette cried, while still throwing out punches into nothing. “You’ll know everything soon enough, Kyle,” the voice said. He fell to his knees, unable to stand up straight. Kneeling in the gravel his vision went fuzzy and his head throbbed. The pain was excruciating, he couldn’t take it… he was slipping into unconsciousness. The voice in the darkness just laughed at his actions and grabbed one of his feet and started to drag the young man further back into the alley-way. He felt the gravel digging into his exposed skin and his head repeatedly hit into the concrete below and with this he blacked out. ~xXx~ Chapter 3 The sky was dark, but no stars were in sight. The moon was in view, but barely there… fading away. Just like her legs, they too were slowly fading away. Running came naturally, just like breathing, she hardly noticed it… her feet melted into the sand below. Water on one side, trees to the other, and sand below. It all became a blur in her mind; just wisps of blue, green, and tan. All she saw was her destination waiting along the horizon. One foot in front of the other, over and over again in a seemingly never ending beat. But today that beat seemed to be interrupted by the streaks of tears running down her sad porcelain face. She gasped for air as she went, but kept on running. Her mind was determined in making it to her destination… actually anywhere was better than her home. ~xXx~ She awoke quite early for a weekend morning, due to the hushed voices she could hear coming from downstairs. Sitting up in her bed she pulled down the orange comforter and slowly brought her small hands up to her eyes rubbing them vigorously to further wake herself up. The voices from below pounded into her ears; enraged and straining to stay in a hushed tone; unable to determine whose voices she could hear she decided to investigate. Pulling herself to the edge of the soft bed she dangled her feet a few inches above the ground and leisurely plopped them down onto the white carpet below. She peered out the window to notice the sun had not yet risen, feeling a chill in the air she went to her closet and pulled out an orange colored Hollister hoodie and matching cloth sweatpants in which she quickly changed into. She crept down the stairs, being careful not to step wrong and make a stair creak. From there she made her way towards the kitchen where she could clearly hear her parents arguing. Lately their arguing had become more frequent and she had grown somewhat used to it, but it was still shocking to hear them bicker. There she stood in the doorway, unnoticed by her parents, waiting for them to finish; although she would rather them not fight at all… she did not want to be any part of it. She stood there for a few minutes listening in and out of her parents’ dispute; pleaded in her mind that this would all stop. As she waited she thought back to how much these stupid arguments had taken a toll on the whole family, and then her attention was snapped back to reality as an object flew towards her feet and smashed on the tile floor below. She looked down at the shards of glass and brown liquid below as her parents continued the quarrel and then a word came into play that stuck out in her mind… divorce. Her head snapped up to the scene of her parents finally turning their attention to the broken coffee mug near her and then to the figure standing before them. She said nothing; she could say nothing… all she could do was stare up at them with tears welling in her eyes; silently pleaded for them to take it back, all of it. She met eyes with both of her parents for a brief period of time each and with one fluid motion she sprang towards the door. Down the main hall she went and instinctively grabbed her ipod off a small adjacent desk and ripped her shoes from their resting place beside the front door. As she reached for the door handle she quickly glanced back seeing her parents quickly coming after her in hopes to explain and then without a word she opened the door and continued to run down the street. Barefoot, tears welling, music blaring, and her mother left in the front yard crying out her name. ~xXx~ She sprinted down the street and only stopped until she was unable to hear her mother’s voice, calling, begging for her to come back. It was sad to how much the horrified tone in her mother’s voice pierced her ears- a part of her mind telling her to go back, however her emotions had the best of her and at this point there was no turning back. What had become of the family she once knew? Her parents; how could they betray her like this? If only she had done something different? Would it have helped? The truth is the past is the past and she couldn’t change, she couldn’t stop it, she was helpless- in a defenseless state unable to comprehend what had just occurred; denial. How badly she wanted to scream, to share her anger and resent with the world. And how she yearned to turn around and go back home, to feel her mother’s warm embrace, and to be told that everything was, indeed, alright. Maybe this was all a horrible nightmare and she would wake up at any moment. She closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… the clock ticked away, nine, ten. She opened her aqua eyes hoping to find herself back in her room, back in bed, to turn the clock backwards to before reality hit. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of the slightly gray-blue sky above. To her disappointment she found herself in the middle of the street, flooded with light from the street lamp above. Why was she here, in this situation? She let out a frustrated sigh and fell to her knees holding back the tears she knew would come. In haste she slipped her running shoes onto her now cold and raw feet; any little action she took to distract herself from her emotions. She refused to cry, at least not now. She fumbled with her ipod as she firmly placed the headphones into her ears and turned it on, pressed play, and stuffed it back into her hoodie pocket. She struggled on her hands and knees to pick herself up. Her small frame shook as she gasped for air; she clenched her teeth, and closed her eyes for a second. A single, small tear slipped down her face and fell onto the pavement below. She opened her bright, blue eyes once again as she attempted to compose herself and stood up. She brought a small hand; nails coated with bright orange nail-polish, to her face and wiped away the wet, salty trail the tear left; resenting it. There would be no crying, not here, not now; but of course we’re only human. She returned to what she knew best, running; and off she went down the street to a place she knew well, where no one would bother her, where she could truly be alone, to sort out her thoughts and clear her head. ~xXx~ *one week before* Should I write myself out of the history books, and mark a place in time for every chance you took? Don't get me wrong; I know you've got your life in place. I've yet to take the hint someday, I'm sure I'll get the picture, and stop waiting up... "You know it's going to happen sooner or later," her sister sneered. "You don't know that! Whatever is going on I'm sure they can fix it. Why do you have to act like this?" the young red head responded. "Beeeecaaaause..." she paused and joined her younger sister on their beige couch, "you are ignoring reality here, little sis." "I'm not ignoring it!" her hands clenched into fists. "I'm fully aware of the fact that for the past three months Mom and Dad have been at each others' throats nonstop. Don't things like this happen to lots of other families? And you know… they work it out. So if they can so can Mom and Dad... it just takes time," she finished as she looked up at her older sister with sorrow filled eyes. Her older sister sighed, "You know, it will be a lot easier for you to get over it when it happens if you just accept the fact that sooner or later the big 'D' word will come up. Say hello to split weekends and holidays." She rolled her eyes as her younger sister's face changed from sorrow to anger. "Don't give me that look," she added. "Don't be so pessimistic!" the young girl spat back. "Then don't be so naïve," she said frowning. "Uhhhhhh!" the young ginger screamed as she stood up. Infuriated by her sister's remark she headed for the front door. "Where exactly are you going?" her sister asked sarcastically. "Out!" the young girl yelled, throwing on her running shoes. "Where to?" she asked as she lingered toward the living room doorway and paused staring at her younger sister, "To run away from this conversation, just like you're running away from the fact that this family is over?" The detest inside her grew greater, she spun around. "Ugh! I'm going out and it doesn't involve you! Now if you would, please, get out of my face," she snapped. "You've yet to take the hint," her older sister shook her head, smirking. "What?!?!" the young girl screamed, wanting to know what her sister found so amusing about her anger. "You're being naïve... once again," she said mockingly. Oh, how she loathed that word. The young girl could not take it anymore. The anger inside her boiled. She quickly reached for the door knob, feeling her aqua eyes well, she gave her sister one last look full of hate. "Bitch!" she screamed at the top of her lungs with all the energy she could muster up. "Now, now... I thought you wanted our family to work? Mom's not going to be too happy when she hears about that little comment. Just more energy being put into you and less on fixing this broken household," she sighed. At this comment the young girl slammed the door in her older sister's face and took off, sprinting, full speed down the street and out of view. ~xXx~ *present* When it all comes down, to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry home? The remains of my wasted youth, this wasted time on you has left me shaking in waiting, shaking in waiting for something more. Tonight is alive with the promise of a street-fight. And there's money on the table, that says your cheap-shots won't be able to break bones. I've yet to break a sweat. I'll make your past regret its future. Here's to you. When it all comes down, to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry home? The remains of my wasted youth, this wasted time on you has left me shaking in waiting, for something more. Finally reaching her destination she plopped down in the sand, letting out a ragged breath as the tears started to flow. She tucked in her knees, hugging them and resting her head. Her body heaved as she cried out and violently shook as she attempted to take in small breaths. The pain within her was unbearable, her heart felt as if it was swelling and most certainly burst in its crestfallen state. She didn't want go home, never again; she couldn't face her parents after that. Her family was ripped at the seams and now it seemed to be completely torn. When you break something, one could think that one would be able to fix it. Like when a favorite toy breaks during your childhood. Nothing a dab of super glue or a needle and string couldn't fix, right? Her family was broken and unfortunately no one could fix it. She lifted her head up, noticing the sky changing from its dull grays to shades of red, orange, and yellow with the approaching sun. Her heart ached even more as she wiped her face, erasing the rivers of tears that stained her creamed colored skin. The sun was slowly creeping up above the horizon. It was beautiful. She despised it. Why couldn't her family act like the magnificent sun rise before her? All the colors blended in harmony, always turning out perfectly no matter what. While nothing in her family seemed to turn out right for the past couple of months. Everything was chaos, nothing blended, and nothing was perfect. Again her anger and remorse built. She wanted to change everything, but she couldn't. She slammed her fists into the soft sand beneath her and closed her eyes tightly. Once again crying out, she screamed at the top of her lungs, hating everything. Her aqua eyes opened once more revealing more tears to come. She coughed and choked as the tears continued to rain down upon her. Heaving from the intensity she lied down in the sand unable to support herself; completely drained of energy. The tears endured and she let out whimpers of her grief as she watched her surroundings get ever brighter from the sun; still somewhat hiding behind the horizon line, reflecting off the water. ~xXx~ Make all of my decisions for me. I've never taken the fall for deceit. I'll keep a secret if you keep me guessing. The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like... Make all of my decisions for me. I've never taken the fall for deceit. I'll keep a secret if you keep me guessing. The taste of your lips says we shouldn't have met like... this. “There’s no fun in this one,” whined the young teen. “Who cares? It just makes it easier for us. Now hush,” an obviously older woman snapped. Both figures loomed out towards the tree line on the beach and watched the young girl before them carefully. She lied in the sand, facing the water, seeming to be curled up in the fetal position. Once in awhile her body would shudder and a ragged cough would escape her lips then she would lay there in a lifeless state and every couple of minutes repeat the process. “I’m tired of waiting!” he exclaimed, leaving the cover of the tree line in a huff. “What are you doing?!” the woman asked while straining her voice to be forceful yet hushed. The young man stopped as his feet hit the first inch of sand and slowly turned around to face his accomplice. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at her, aggravated, the muscles in his biceps twitched as he started to open his mouth to respond. “I told you, I’m done waiting. I’ll do this my own way so at least it will be a bit fun. Go get the car, I’ll handle the rest,” he said as waved his hand at her as if to shoo her away. “Fine,” the woman agreed furrowing her brow. “If you screw up this going all on you,” she added as she stalked off into the woods. Satisfied, the teen turned back towards the shoreline, eyeing the small girl before him. He frowned as she continued to lie there. He shifted his feet in the sand as he stepped closer, attempting to make his presence known. A voice called back from the woods. “Don’t do anything stupid!” it hissed. A loud, thunderous laugh escaped his chest as he continued to approach to young girl before him. She instantly sat up, he smiled. “And I thought you were just going to lie there all morning long,” he said in an arrogant tone as he now stood behind her. The young girl looked up, alarmed, by the sudden figure behind her. She slowly turned her head around and met his eyes. They were a deep green, and had a somewhat playful look to them, but that was soon smoldered by the menacing flicker that rose within them. He didn’t look much older than her and even looked somewhat friendly with the silly smirk on his face, but his eyes quickly confirmed his real intentions. A wave of fear instantly went through her body as she continued to look at the man that loomed behind her. “Now,” he said as he bent over her, “I need you to come with me. Okay?” He finished with a silly smile revealing his glistening white teeth; they contrasted so greatly with his deep tan colored skin and dark stubble covering the lower half of his face. The muscles in her legs twitched as she stared at the boy above her. He reached a large hand down and lifted her up by her arm and onto her feet with one gentle tug. Her face remained emotionless as she was pulled up like a rag doll; she just continued to stare up at him with her bright, aqua eyes. Again her muscles twitched, ready to run, but they wouldn’t budge and her throat was suddenly dry, unable to scream or call out. Although she remained still the teen seemed to sense the fear coursing through her body, he then tightened the grip on her arm. “Alright now, let’s just make this easy. Keep your mouth shut and come with me and we won’t have any problems. Got it?” he asked as he started tugging on her arm, leading her towards the tree line. Her senses snapped back suddenly as she pulled back with equal force, breaking from his grip. “No!” she screamed as she ran back down the shore. Another thunderous laugh escaped him as he smiled and bounded after her. “Now… things are much more interesting. Perhaps I’ll have some fun after all?” he called out. The adrenaline was now surging through her veins as her breath grew ragged and her legs kept a quick, speedy pace. She could hear his feet pounding into the sand just a few paces behind and prayed that she had just one last bit of energy to push her faster and to make it home. He chuckled again as he watched the young ginger sprinting foreword, fear written all over her face. This was obviously easy for him; he was just toying with her. She would have to go faster to ever evade him. She pushed off the sand harder, as her legs pumped and gradually she sped up. She was almost down the shoreline and back to the path that would lead her to roads, where hopefully he would give up. His pace quickened, he was getting ever closer by the sound of his feet, still not showing any signs of this pace being any bit difficult. With one last bit of energy she started sprinting faster than she had ever thought she could. It was so close, by every second, every breath the path was getting closer. A laugh- that same laugh as she had heard before sounded dangerously close. She quickly glanced back to see just how far away he was, but she had to look no further. Seeming to come out of no where he was right there running alongside her, with that same playful look in his eyes. A wave of terror washed over her, but she was almost there just a few more paces and she would be free. She glanced over at him again, he was obviously having fun with this whole ordeal, and he just simply smiled at her again. Then it hit her, well more so she hit it- a rock. Her small foot smashed into the large rock lying lazily along the shoreline, half buried in the sand. Her body lurched forward and went tumbling towards the sand below. She lay face down in the sand, body aching. The adrenaline was gone. All she could do was muster up enough strength to roll over. She took in a deep breath and spat out a bit of sand. Her legs ached, her lungs ached, and her heart ached. All she wanted to do now was cry. He bent over her, examining her, and giving her that stupid smile. She wanted to hit him so badly, but she was so tired, so weak. This was it. ~xXx~ When it all comes down, to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry me home? The remains of my wasted youth, this wasted time on you has left me shaking in waiting, for something more. He hovered over her for a few seconds and then reached down and easily picked her up. She groaned as he pulled her up and closer to his body; her body still in pain. He frowned as he started walking back up the beach and toward the area of the tree line where he first emerged. “You know? I thought there would be something more to this. That little race was fun, too bad you had to go and biff it on that rock,” he said in a huff. She reached up using his navy blue shirt as leverage to pull herself slightly up. Her arms shook as they flexed, straining to do even the simplest of tasks. Still in a dazed state she managed to ask, “Where are you taking me?” “No where in particular. I just know I was supposed to find you, bring you back by all means necessary, and get paid. I still thought you would have put up a better fight than this though,” he said seeming to pout. She was slowly gaining her bearings and the fog over her mind started to clear. Her grip on his shirt for support tightened as she processed his words. “So this is just a game for you?” she asked, shocked. He stopped walking and looked off towards the water, thinking about how to answer her question. “Yeah, I guess so,” he replied, looking back down at her. Thinking over the situation she said, “Well… it’s… it’s,” she paused still coming up with a way to escape her horrible predicament, “- it’s not fair for me. I- I want to play the game. How about we restart it with new rules?” Giving her a puzzled look he said in an uneasy tone, “I don’t know about that.” “You’d have a chance to have more fun,” the young girl added in quickly. “Now that you put it that way,” he said with a smile and simply dropped her back into the sand. “What rules did you have in mind?” he inquired. She landed with a soft thud and slowly picked herself up. “Well,” she started, “let’s race again an-” He cut her off. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” he asked with a chuckle. “Last time you didn’t fare so well.” “Umm, well…” she thought for a second. “No, I’ve made up my mind. I want a rematch,” she said with new hope. “If you say so,” he said as he shrugged his broad shoulders. “Alright,” she agreed, looking down the beach again to see how far she would have to sprint. This was going to be a long shot, she was still tired and getting dropped in the sand didn’t really help either. ‘Thanks a lot, pal,’ she thought. She looked down at her feet, shuffled them in the sand and then looked back at the young man before her. “The first one to make it to the pathway at the end of the shore wins. If I win, you let me go and never come after me… ever again.” “Sounds reasonable… I suppose,” he agreed. “If I win then… well, let’s just say it won’t be very pleasant.” She gulped and looked at him. She really didn’t like the sound of that. “I’ll even give you a ten second head start… just to make it more interesting,” he added. “Fine,” she agreed. “Just start whenever you’re ready. I’ll countdown from there. Good luck,” he said with a wink. She moved over so she was more in the middle of the beach and crouched down in her starting running position. Her head pounded, she had to make this work. Even as silly as it sounded, it was her only way out. Then she counted down to three in her head, clearing all thoughts, just focusing on this moment. Three, two, one… She took off down the beach. Sprinting as hard as she could, she knew she had to travel the same distance; if not longer, in half the time. Her mind was determined, she had to make it. In her head the seconds were counting down as the pathway slowly crept toward her. Ten, nine, eight, seven... It reminded her of earlier this morning under the street light. Six, five, four… Right now she would have given anything to go back to that moment; anything. Three, two, one… She should have never come out here, she should have turned around, and she should have never run away in the first place. Now she was just in the same situation as before; running away from her fears. Her time was up. She could hear his footsteps pounding into the sand once again at an incredible rate. But this time things would turn out differently. She was going to win. The pathway was a mere few yards in front of her. Out of nowhere he appeared, at an alarming speed. She gasped. It wasn’t fair; she was so close… so very close. He reached out and grabbed her by the arm tightly and with one tug hurled her toward the ground. She struggled and pulled with all her might to free herself, but he was just too strong and she was too exhausted. He held her down forcefully and pulled out a cloth from his pocket. He wrapped it around her face, covering her nose and mouth in a fierce grip. Then with one arm he pinned her arms above her head and with the other held the cloth in place. Her air was quickly running short. She coughed and gagged into the cloth, but with no avail. Time seemed to run slow. His face waved in and out of her vision. Her lungs ached, dyeing for air. Somehow she released one of her arms and tried to claw toward his face. Her muscles began to fell numb. Her whole body was slowly slipping away. She tried to breath in with one last attempt. The cloth just smothered her more. She felt as if her lungs would burst. She was surely going to die right then and there. Her arms stretched out in the air toward the boy’s face, as all her energy was drained from her body, it hung in the air mere inches from his face for a few seconds. Her fingers curled back in towards her palm and slowly her arm fell back into the sand with a soft thud. He smiled. She let out the last ounce of air in her body and her eyelids slowly shut. --- He stood up and looked down at the girl, as if proudly looking over a great accomplishment. Then bending down he brought two fingers to the side of her neck. The pulse was there, slow but steady. He had done the job right; forcing her to pass out and, luckily, not accidently suffocating her. At that time he picked up her limp body effortlessly; his arms supporting the back of her knees and neck. Her arms and legs dangled loosely as he walked. The sun was brightly shining now just slightly above the horizon line in full view. It was magnificent sunrise throughout the whole ordeal. The rays reflected playfully off the young girl’s hair as the young man had reached the tree line. He hesitated for a moment, and then swiftly turned around to admire the stunning scene before him. He quickly looked down at the young girl in his arms, still in an unresponsive state; and muttered, “Good game,” and slightly smirked as his head snapped back up to the view. He took in a deep breath and declared, “What a beautiful day.” With this he turned back around and disappeared into the tree line with his ‘winning prize’. ~xXx~ Chapter 4 Dear friend, as you know Your flowers are withering Your mother's gone insane Your leaves have drifted away But the clouds are clearing up And I've come reveling Burning incandescently Like a bastard on the burning sea She couldn’t remember a time before of feeling such sorrow. She felt devoid, lost, and alone. In all truth she wasn’t sure where she was. Her face tilted up, noticing the difference in the light. The sun was setting, it was late, and she should be heading home. ‘It’s not safe at night, it’s not safe at night, it’s not safe at night… not alone.’ It played through her head over and over again, her mother’s words. Right now, though, she hadn’t a care in the world; nothing mattered. ~xXx~ Today was an average day for Bianca. She awoke promptly at six, just as the sun began to slowly creep through her window. Rubbing her eyes, she began to rise. With a slight yawn she started her routine. First up was a quick shower, putting on her school uniform, hair check, and then she’d make her way to the kitchen. This was followed by greeting her father, eating breakfast, grabbing her bag, and heading off to school. Yes, today started off just like any other day, but things would soon change. ~xXx~ But you're just like your father Buried deep under the water You're resting on your laurels And stepping on my toes Whose side are you on? What side is this anyways? Put down your sword and crown Come lay with me on the ground This was an exciting year; senior year. Bianca only had three weeks left before graduation. After that she would proudly enter college, studying art in hopes to become a professional photographer. Indeed life was well for our friend. Art was her passion. There was not a time when you could find Bianca without a camera in hand, capturing moments and creating memories. No one supported her passion quite as much as her father did though. When she was young he was the one to first show her the joys of photography. On a family trip to the zoo he handed a simple, disposable camera to his youngest daughter and said, “You’re in charge. Now capture some memories.” That day will always be a fond memory for Bianca. She has etched every little detail about that day into her mind. Even the smallest of things, like how warm the sun felt on her skin that afternoon; only comparable to the warmth she felt radiate inside of her after her father handed her that silly, little camera and held her tight in an embrace, or how they laughed as they took pictures together; she with her small, disposable one and her father with his expensive, elaborate camera. Perhaps the greatest detail she had filed away was that of the very end of the day. Her father and she sat together outside on a grassy hill, eating ice cream, reviewing her developed pictures as the sun set. “Papá, my pictures will never be as good as yours!” Bianca exclaimed. “Your photos are just lovely, querida,” her father encouraged. “Do you really think so?” the young girl questioned. “Of course! And one day yours will be even more spectacular than mine,” he stated as he placed his arm around his daughter. She broke away from his grasp and turned to him. She then looked at him for a moment and proclaimed, “When I get older I want to be just like you, Papá!” With that he father smiled, but really smiled. It was probably the most genuine and largest smile she had ever seen across her father’s face. This would be a day she would remember… forever and always. ~xXx~ You come beating like moth's wings Spastic and violently-- Whipping me into a storm Shaking me down to the core But you've run away from me And you've left me shimmering Like diamond wedding rings Spinning dizzily down on the ground Fresh and clean, prepared to face the day, Bianca headed down the stairs. Calling out to her farther about some film that needed developed and how she had filled up yet another memory card with photos. Receiving no answer she rounded the corner into the kitchen to, as she planned; poke fun at his lack of hearing. As she entered the kitchen her father was nowhere to be seen. This was strange. Her father was always an early riser and enjoyed each and every morning. He treated every sunrise as a celebration. He often opted to wake before sunrise in order to take more photos due to the composition the sunlight offered at that time. She seldom remembered a morning when she wasn’t greeted by her father. She looked around the dim area, the only light source poured in from the open window above their sink. Then someone called her name. “Bianca!” her father’s voice sounded rough and haggard. “Papá, where are you?” she called out. But she only received the same desperate call from him. She scanned the room again, that’s when she saw him. He was on the floor leaning against the wall; hand clutched to his chest, his breathing was labored. She rushed to his side, “what’s wrong?” He only pointed to the phone as guidance. She quickly rose and retrieved the phone. With trembling fingers she dialed for help and called out for her mother and sister. She returned to his side as her mother and sister soon rushed in. All was chaotic after that. It could have been minutes upon minutes or it could have been merely seconds. At that point time sped up, yet it was also slowed. Seconds felt like eternity, but the minutes seem to pass by too quickly. Where was the help? What was taking so long? Would they be too late? So many thoughts racked through her brain. Tears began to well in her eyes as she watched hopelessly by her father’s side, holding his hand. He looked like he was in so much pain and there was nothing she could do to soothe him. “Papá…” she started, but was quickly cut off as her father reached up to stroke her face. “Querida,” he began to say between short gasps, “I love you.” She smiled at him through her grief and he returned the gesture. With that his breath slowed continuously until it was no more. With fright she held him tightly screaming out to him. Just then there was a loud commotion in the front room as the paramedics arrived. She felt a pair of hands reaching out to her trying to take her away, but she wouldn’t allow it. She cried out, tears running down her face, “Papá!? Papá! PAPÃ!” Then she could feel many hands pulling her, restraining her, they took her father, leading him away as the tears blurred her vision. She doesn’t remember much after that, but she will remember this day… forever and always. ~xXx~ But you're just like your father Buried deep under the water You're resting on your laurels And stepping on my toes Whose side are you on? What side is this anyways? Put down your sword and crown Come lay with me on the ground Her mother told her they had to pry her away, but she fought, she wanted to be with her father. Her mother told her there was nothing they could do, he was gone and he wasn’t coming back. Her mother also told her it wasn’t safe at night… not alone, but here she was alone in the ever darkening evening. But where was here? She wasn’t sure of the events that occurred after the morning, but she knew she had been wandering aimlessly. Where had her feet brought her? She looked around in curiosity; her eyes adjusted to the darkness creeping upon the world and roamed the picturesque place. With a look of amazement on her tear stained face she came to realize she was sitting on the very hill her father brought her after the afternoon at the zoo. Her hands dropped from her bent knees and she felt the grass and took in the smells. It was like this place was frozen in time, everything was the same, but now she was alone. For a moment she remembered that day and her father’s smile, and with it she was overcome by her feelings of grief and loneliness. Tears began to fall from her eyes once more. Her feelings were too strong and overwhelming. She lied down, letting the earth caress her and through her sobs she drifted into sleep. ~xXx~ There was a loud thud as she felt herself hit the ground, but something was different… she no longer felt the soft earth beneath her and the warm spring breeze upon her face, even the smell was different, it was no longer fresh and clean, but musky. Her fingers traced the ground below her, what she found was not the soft grass she had once laid upon. Instead it was soft, but not comfortable, like a synthetic cloth material. Something was very wrong. She opened her lazy eyes to discover she was in the backseat of a car, an unfamiliar car. There was a woman driving it. She didn’t recognize this woman either, but called out anyways, “Mamá?” “Nope, but nice try, kiddo,” the voice returned. She looked back at the young girl through the rear view mirror and continued, “We’re still not there yet, but as long as you don’t make a fuss we’ll be there in no time. I would really hate to do anything else to you, you seem like a good kid- So no funny business; deal?” Something was very wrong here. This whole situation was wrong. She didn’t feel right herself. Bianca looked to the car door, in hopes of escaping, but it was obviously locked with the manual lock gone. She pushed herself up slightly, noticing neither her body nor her mind felt quite right. Everything felt sluggish, like her thoughts and her actions couldn’t be completed fast enough. Once she finally pushed herself up completely a wave of nausea and dizziness overcame her which had caused her to fall back into the seat. She stared back at the woman through the mirror as fear took over her body. ~xXx~
Later on this Sunday morning I shall be posting part of one of my 'dust collecting' stories for you lovely children read as a promise, but before I do so... I'd like to know your opinions on some title options. I've never really finalized the actual title of the story. D: ~ Are You Scared? ~ All You Know Ends Now ~ The Game Pick which ever title you guys/girls think is most interesting. *shrugs* :/ I'll take into consideration to whatever your feedback is. ~~~ A note to: Orange, Tootsie, Rosey, and Kitty. If any of you have suggestions I'd gladly consider them too, because in some way or another you four have seen most of the finished chapters or parts of the story.
I demand to know your opinion on... my story since you've seen some of it. And, lol, should I start posting it for the public soon? XD /yes this needing to be a thread & not a PM because I am an attention seeking whore seeking attention, kthnx/
di u liek vicadin? i liek vicadin lotz haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai :DDDDD
I told you- you don't see yourself clearly at all. You're not like anyone I've ever known. You fascinate me. ... Yeah, I finally picked up the book and educated myself. This is repent for the dazzle thread. >3
I lol'd. These women are ah-mazing.
"So Joe, you've always been straight?" "Yep." "And you two have never been straight?" "Yeah." "And you have no plans on becoming straight?" "Nope." -video removed due to complaints- Lmao <3
From me, to you~ :,D
the Lord tells us how we should live if we wish to obtain the splendor of heaven...or something like that. Jesus this, Moses that, Abraham hit me with a wiffle ball bat. *shrugs*
I can't believe I had to miss out on this because of my job. ;3;
... lulhai Can someone please explain to me to why I have a QT thread? D: AND now for the main purpose of this thread: I need some name ideas. O:3 both gurlz&boiz kthnxbai~
All of you do me a favor and highlight my sig in the next five minutes, kthnx~ Say bye bye at 2:50///whatevz ur time zone is.
ice, ice baby ice, ice baby lulwut? ._.
Watch it now, plox.
SOUL! I'm everywhere that you gooooooo... And I've been there seen that and I am taking you home. NO OH OH OH OH~! Well, spank me and call me a whore... it's another music thread. lulz
Tears roll down my face... I can't replaaaace. And now that I'm strong I have figured out, How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul. And I know I'll fiiiind deep inside me... I can be the one. Ahem, kthnx
My heart's in overdrive and you're behind the steering wheel Touching yooooooou, touching meeeeeeeee touching yoooooou, god you're touching me! I believe in a thing called love... (lul ur turn noa, finish plox) ~kthnxbai Ohohoho... today was random
I'm coming with you. Dear Maria, Count me in. There's a story of the bottom of this bottle, and I'm the pen. ~~~ That line has much win. lulz