They can let you graduate from high school, but they can't teach you proper sentence structure or grammar. Congratulations to the graduating class of two thousand nine. Your classmates fill me with hope for the future. I'm sure she'll do quite well in college. Don't you?
Should JellyBeing... ... .. . go to prom? DECIDE MY MOTHERFUUUCKING FATE. GO GO GO!
When putting water and Alka Seltzer in a film container, tightly sealing it with the cap, and tipping it upside down to watch it rocket off/explode toward the celing... quote OH MY GOD! IT'S LIKE SEEING BOOBS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! 8D unquote You hear that kh-vids? Watching Alka Seltzer react with water is like seeing boobs for the first time; according to a chipper, eighteen year old man boy. B| that was about the most lulzy study hall evur. :L Thank you for your time.
... .. . When a woman gives birth she can easily have an orgasm. So instead of childbirth being painful it could be quite the exciting and pleasing experience. Have fun knowing during your birth, children, that you may have helped your mother reach the big OHHHHHHH. O:3
Oddly enough, I see me. XD
i dun knu wut 2 engraev on mien. plox halp mai seriz of tubez ppl. ]': maybay dis: "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." or dis: "After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." wut u thnk seriouz ppl?
That I am getting hawt pink Under Armour. ;D And... Happy birthday Ghetto. <3
(When ever you log back on...) It has arrived. B| C:
Nader didn't win! I swear he had it in the bag this time. D: I mean, come on... everyone knows the 379th time is a shoe in. In other news... hai skanks AND No, Tootsie, you are not allowed to take her away. At least not until I die. B|
yah i tear tht shiiit up B| my papur sayz WINNER. wut noa?!?!? *leaves*
Thnx 2 misteh & porange fer teh aim inspiration. :D More shenanigans.
And because I can. hear.b.mai.lurve.fer.u.4eva 8D Enjoy.
He's much taller in person. ... And there's an alter boy running around without pants. WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING PANTS? [/movie nonsense]
So I went on photobucket and got you a present to return the favor. HOPE YOU LIKE IT! 8D
My state now fully trusts me with a screaming metal death trap to travel around in. hai/bai :}
Well, it's been a great run, sillybillys, but it's time for a curtain call. You've been great and all (some more than others), but it's about time I said goodbye for now. This whore has finally had her fill. omfg, paradox. DDD: I've got more important matters to take care of lately and really don't need distractions. Work starts next week(oh har har har, I love the fact that my own school pays me ;D), oh em gee other personal matters, school and such, plus I have to fuuuck around with my schedule to be able to do half-days next year, other after school activities and every other waking moment of my free time shall be spent with friends doing odd and random things... of course; just to name a few. ( I STILL AWAIT FOR THE DAY I SHALL BE BANNED FROM K-MART! :B ) Besides I must get my lover, my bffl's little brother, to accept me. He really needs to get over that whole 'girls have cooties' stage. *rolls eyes* HE WILL LOVE ME! D< ... Although he could still be mad about the one time I spent the night and stuck a frozen hot dog down his pants in his sleep. >>; But that is no reason to reject me and refuse to hold my hand and refuse to ride rides with me at amusement parks! lol, not really I just really enjoy embarrassing this small child. Plus this place has gotten majorly boring anyway. You are all too good and well behaved most of the time, I need entertainment! D,: You have a choice you can be: Miss Little Goodie Two Shoes or Miss Two Shoes On the Dashboard of Her Boyfriend's Car. Wait... that was the wrong line. DDD: Okay well, you guys can sit there and pretend you get along and like everyone and be boring or you can speak your mind. Yah... I think that was it. :/ No, no. Wait it was: In the morning I'd like my eggs unfertilized, kthnx. FUUUCK! That's not it either. ... I give up. lul, so like you guys know that about ninety-eight percent of the time I'm joking, right? Well... maybe ninety-nine percent. So whatever the fuuuck I've said to any of you and you've gotten offended I was most likely joking. Perhaps I should start counting to three before I speak. But I can't help it, everything that comes up in my warped mind tends to make its way out. It's just the way I roll, or perhaps it's the whole 'no limits' way I live. I tease, I kid, I openly joke about myself and others. Learn it, live it, love it. WE could all use a little more laughter in our lives, right? XD Anyways, with some more free time I'll probably get my story written faster than my normal crawl pace ( Stfu, I hate writing with an odd passion. 3: ). So I'll come by to update for you sillys and I'll probably come back for a bit during... maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas break. From now on and until May-ish limited posting, popping by once in awhile to run my mouth and rape your threads. ;DDD I'm not leaving any of those heartfelt special goodbyes, they're bullshiiit and it's not like I'm being all like, "OMFG I IZ LEAVIN' 5EVA, IMMA MISS U GAIZ SO MUCH. SO *** 2 DIS THREAD & LEIK MORN ME!111!!". You people shouldn't need them, you should very well know how I feel about most of you. So I'll see you when I see you and keep your heads up children. 8D ~Luvs ya betches~ <3 //this is all a true story that I may or may not have made up// *sashays out* (lol, don't you guys just love long goodbyes even when they are epic fail ahhhh-mazing?) lomg, why did you highlight this? You fail more than this thread. biiitchtitsstopexpectingajokesomewhereinthischaosjustleavealready. lulkthnxbai;D
From me, to you~ ;D
I demand that we all post in a shade/hue of pink in this group. B| ~Let the whoring of pink commence~
Isn't your usertitle and O R A N G E's usertitle the same thing? ... Except for the fact that hers is in French and yours is in English, of course. o:
so i herd ur goin' 2 c all time low/mayday parade/the maine/every avenue ._> lulhai