Search Results

  1. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    I had planned to do 2 last week, but worked got the best of me and I couldn't get round to it. So i'm unforunately still a week behind. This week had quite alot of love themed videos due to valentines day which makes sense. But I will be worried if I see egg themed videos for Easter.


    This Week's Winner: SukeyFPT | View Video
    Song: Ice Cold City by 12012

    On a technical aspect the video is awesome. Timing is spot on and everything looks so nice and lively without seeming like overkill. (well maybe a little overkill) Really professional, I can't really fault it. Great job.

    2. Submitted By: HazHeartz | View Video
    Song: Across the Universe Trailer

    Very good syncing, the flow was great and everything worked, my one and only flaw with it was the lip syncing at the beggining. Great job.

    3. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video
    Song: My Valentine by Martina Mcbride

    Great emotional video, the effects you used worked without it seeming like overkill. Things just worked and it had a very good story.

    4. Submitted By: AlteredLight | View Video
    Song: Dig by Incubus

    Another good emotional video, less use of effects but that doesn't matter, it really suited the mood of the video, sometimes the less use of heavy effects can make the video better. Well done.

    5. Submitted By: KL93 | View Video
    Song: Wonderwall by Oasis

    Not your best work, but it had a good love themed story, and generally good flow. Good job.

    Now for the Special Mentions, since this week was so hard, here are 2 videos that didn't quite make it, but deserve a mention:

    Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce

    Not the best video to watch when having a hangover, trust me on that. Well it's what you would expect from khfreak, great timing and effects overkill. And well in this beta that is no different. Dragonforce is a hard band to use, they are so fast. And that was the problem, the timing was too fast, it was hard to tell what the hell was going.

    Submitted By: Daae | View Video
    Song: Rewind by Pillar

    A good beta, I look forward to the final product. Timing is good and the effects suit the mood of the video.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 24, 2008, 48 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Darkandroid
  3. Darkandroid

    Oh ****

    This explains these chips have been hard to eat. I've been eating them with the wrong end of the fork.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 21, 2008, 58 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkandroid

    First Cars

    I just saw a video about the best first cars. And it seems that the average spent on people's first cars are £2,400 (Around $4,800). Which is £1,400 more than what my parents spent on mine. XD

    And it made me wonder for those who drive what was your first car?

    I have a nice 1998 1.4 Vauxhall Astra. A good car that has done over 105,000 and is still is very good conidition (except for that flat tire I caused while going to work. XD But that is sorted out now) Quite a nippy little car does 100MPH comfortably, not that your suppose to go that fast. <> Also it's a family car, so it has quite a bit of space. =O
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 20, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Discussion
  5. Darkandroid


    Source - Kotaku

    Seems like this will be used for people releasing small games like in the PSN or XBL Arcade. A year late but still it's coming.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 20, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Well well well, I'm now only have last week's to do and i'm up to date, sorry for all the delays everyone. Here are the Top 5


    This Week's Winner: HazHeartz | View Video
    Song: Rooftops by Lostprophets

    A brillant video, not quite perfect, but everything worked. My one and only critism was the lack of good scenes that fitted around the 2:30, I personally think it could of been more epic. But everything worked so well. Good flow, great timing, generally good use of scenes and some very nice effects that weren't abused. Also it's nice to see some credits, and a very nice one at that. I loved the credits, very professional.

    2. Submitted By: Tallboy44 | View Video
    Song: It's Always Winter by Relient K

    It's hard not to compare this video to the one made by angelsinflight, because well it's the same song and very simply glow effect. It's not quite as good as hers, but still very good neither the less. Congrats. Just maybe try a more slightly different and more original style.

    3. Submitted By: angelsinflight14 | View Video
    Song: Sorry by Daughtry

    Would of made number 2, but the main transition you used I did not like one bit, it didn't fit the mood of the video and was abused. But beyond that a great video.

    4. Submitted By: xkhxloverx | View Video
    Song: Angel by Unwritten Law

    A good video with alot of potential, but I didn't sense much flow in the video, and it was hard to tell what you were timing to at times. But beyond that it was a well made video.

    5. Submitted By: 1MoonGoddess7| View Video
    Song: Twilight by Vanessa Carlton

    Very well made for something in WMM. Was generally a enjoyable video that made good use of the software at hand.

    *Gasp* No special mentions this week i'm afraid, but I will be certain there will be some next week.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 19, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Darkandroid
    We had another pointless computer processing class in Japanese today. After we wrote out the paragraph instead of translating it ourselves we were told to use an online translator. Probably as an attempt to tell us his important life lesson -

    "Translation is Impossible"

    But when I translated it, it was was suppose to say I like red clothes but instead:


    Oh how it made me laugh, bonus point for the person who can see the context in which made me laugh.

    Another also said. "Dirt clothes like me."

    Apparently if not using the right kanji, it makes the word for red become the word for dirt.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 19, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkandroid
    Chapter 1

    Ok. So here is Chapter 2. Might not be as funny as it had to explain alot of information. But don't worry, from the next chapter onwards will be chaos and many more appearances. Anyway enjoy.

    Chapter 2 - Although good things don't happen consecutively, bad things do.


    RvR: Damn.

    Fayth faints

    Rosey: Faythy dear, wake up. Violently shakes Fayth.

    Kitty: So how did this happen so suddenly?

    Sara:...Err...Well after CTR said that 4chan was responsible for the attacks, in an attempt to stop them, I confronted them. I had Xaldin's approval on this.

    SJ: Oh come on, we all know that just Xaldin's opinion is highly flawed.

    Xaldin: HEY.

    SJ throws Xaldin him an Rubix cube, he stands their mesmerized.

    DA: What did you exactly say to them.

    Sara: Well I said that they were all immature and should stop now or else I would take legal action.


    CTR: *Face Universe*

    Rosey: WE ARE DOOMED.

    Rosey runs around the room

    DA: Vivi, put the suit back on, it's time to practice.

    Vivi: Oh ***** no, I'm out of here, like hell I'm doing that.

    Vivi walks out. Sammy fires a tranquilizer at Rosey, she falls and lands over Fayth.

    Sammy: Ok, now it's quieter. So where were we, oh yeah, Sara seriously?

    RvR: That is the one thing you don't do, you see now we have the greatest power on the internet against us. Anon consist of millions; there are probably quite a few on the forum. They are the people of the internet. And they want to destroy us.

    Coco: What are our options? Fight?

    DA: Looks like we have no choice.

    Hissora: What the? He's wearing the penguin suit.

    DA: No choice but to fight, do we want to die like cowards, or fight and stand a chance, no matter how slim the chances are.

    He raises his hand into the air

    DA: Who is with me?

    Misty: And we put him in charge of defense.

    SJ: Despite how crazy he looks, he is right. Do we have a choice in the matter; they are going to attack no matter what.

    Fayth: Errr....Yeah....fight....if Rosey will get off of me.

    CTR: We need to find someone who knows the inside of anon, who can help us find a weakness and what we are up against.

    Sara: We know just the person. RvR, Kitty join me. Coco and Rosey help DA, defense needs all the help we can get. Everyone else keep the forum in tip top shape, don't let members know yet.

    Everyone: Got it.

    Xaldin: Is this Pandora's box?


    Random Dark Cave - Sara, RvR and Kitty

    The 3 spot a light in the distance.

    Sara: She must be there.

    They walk towards the light, and notice a room with a girl sitting on a beanie chair.

    ???: I knew you would come.

    Kitty: 'I want those shoes...wait those are her feet. I want her feet.'

    RvR: Like we had a choice...Alice.

    Alice: Indeed, but what makes you think I will help you. Last time I checked you banished me from entering the site, and now you want my help. How ironic.

    Sara: Yes well...

    Alice: Yes I know, as a member of anon I am well informed, thanks to this crystal ball.

    Kitty: Can you help us?

    Alice: What is in it for me?

    Kitty: Loli?

    Alice: I have plenty.

    Sara: How about Xaldin?

    RvR: What!

    Alice: Hmm...that is quite an offer.

    Sara: And allowed back into the site.

    Alice: Ha, it's doomed anyway, but it looks like you seriously need my help. Look since you have provided me many lulz in the past, the least I can do is offer some advice and information.

    Sara: And?

    Alice: Your ****ed.

    RvR: We already knew that.

    Alice: Though Anon have millions of members, not everyone is fully dedicated to these acts. You should only get a few thousands show up. There are many raids like this all over the internet; you aren't the only site in this situation. But Anon alway win, they have never lost. They have tremendous power on their side.

    Kitty: lolcats?

    Alice: Even worse, Pedobear. And as the site has a lot of minors, they are the perfect pray for him, among other memes.

    Sara: Come with us.

    Alice: Hell no, I'm staying here, where it is safe.

    Sara: Thank you for the information.

    The three walk away.

    Alice: Hehe, like it would make a difference. Even if you do manage to win the site will be in ruins.


    Spam Zone

    Mish: Good, you are all gathered here today to help me with a little situation. Come on girls, we need to unite.

    Fayth: This joke is getting old now. I’m not a fricking girl.

    L_F: And Fayth for the last time no-one cares.

    Mish: Right, as you must have been aware, I have myself some competition, and that girl’s name is Random Angel. I have a reputation to live up to. I need you all to find dirt on her so I can publicly humiliate her. Who is with me?

    Maria: There is nothing wrong with some friendly competition, so why not let her be.

    Mish fires a pistol straight at Maria’s head.

    Mish: Anyone else object…Good. Anyone else going to help…anyone….Come on Sistah’s, even you lot must be willing to help.

    SA: Well Kitty and Sammy aren’t here, and also we broke up and all. Sure your Whorey Spice, but come on.

    Mish: But we have that World Tour planned.

    Lithium: So.

    Mish: Fine, if there is something that has to be done, then you must do it yourself.

    Walks off

    *Sora*: Mish wait.

    Mish: What is it *Sora*?

    *Sora*: I want to help you.

    Mish: Why?

    *Sora*: Something to do I guess.

    Mish: …Fair enough come with me.


    Secret Staff Lab

    DA: It’s finally good to see some company down here; it was starting to get lonely.

    Rosey: Why does down here smell like cheese?

    DA: That doesn’t matter. We have a lot to do. Oh Coco don’t touch that.

    Coco: What is it?

    DA: I was trying to make an artificial horse. And all it did was create a mini Amy Winehouse.

    Rosey: I have a serious question, why does everything you make have nothing to do with defense?

    DA: Well I need something to do to pass the time.

    Rosey: You have a job to do, build weapons or something.

    DA: Well those don’t take every long. But now follow me; in here we have a variety of different weapons. Pistols, scatter gun, missile launcher, Sheep cannons, Spam Grenades….

    Coco: Sheep Cannon?

    DA: Yes, it does what it says on the tin. Oh and this is my secret project, miles better than Project E. I’ve been saving it for just these situations. I present to you….

    ???: Attention all Members, please report to the main hall, for an urgent announcement.

    DA: Damn, looks like it would have to wait.


    Main Hall

    Sara: Ladies and Gentlemen…

    No-one in the room will shut up

    Roxma: I heard that is will be about the second coming of Roxas.

    GX: Of course not, I’ve heard that spdude is really an alien.

    Sara: SILENCE……SPAM…......Guys help me out here.


    The staff give her a weird look, but the room was silent.

    Kitty: See it worked.

    Sara: Thank you. Ok. We have received some disturbing news. I don’t know how to say this but…well…you see…..err….it’s like…you see…like….2…errr…

    DA: We’re under attack.

    The whole room panics

    Libre: Finally something more interesting.

    Sara: DA, I was going to break it to them more carefully.

    DA: But by the time you did we would be dead.

    RvR: Unfortunately it’s true. Anonymous have declared war over the site. And we as a site have no choice but you fight. Now it’s not as bas as it seems.


    Everyone tries to escape, but CTR activates the metal shutters.

    Sara: Thank you. Now everyone, I know you are probably scared, but an attack will happen anytime soon. It’s either fight with us, or die trying to escape the area.

    Xaldin: My sources tell me that they are moving closer as we speak, by the time you make it a mile away Anon would of found you.

    *Sora* I had to pick now to come back to the site.

    Kitty; But we have a plan. There most likely place of target would be the spam zone. So first of all we have the front line soldiers who will be those in the RP area, and those in the Kadaj Family. Your high numbers should be useful.

    SJ: AKA, we get rid of them.

    Kitty: All premiums will be like Sergeant’s and will have your own small squad.

    CTR: The squad you will be assigned to are done by random.

    Sara: Now as you all leave the room, Sammy and Hissora will all give you a random number, the number you will get, will be the squad you are on.

    DA: So we some training done now, weapons will given to you all. Your main weapon will be rifles, with an extra pistol and spam grenades. As well as some people getting specialist items like sniper rifles etc. Any Questions?

    Thelightisgone123: Umm, are we required to actually kill anyone?

    SJ: That is the idea yes.

    Roxas_Mega_Fan_34639292: Where can I find Kingdom Hearts Videos?

    SJ: We’re screwed.

    DA: CTR, give that guy dozen exploding cookies, maybe he will eat them.

    Sara: That’s all. Thank you and good luck.

    RvR: So it’s begun.

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 17, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkandroid
    Trend whore. =O

    Well I had this idea for a little bit (few weeks) and with my boredom, I actually thought I will start it. Now don't worry if you aren't mentioned in this one. I will try and add as many people as possible as the story goes on. So enjoy.


    KH-Vids has seen it's weight in problems, troll war, the rise to power of the Sistah's, the CFF trilogy, Xaldin's experimentation and KairiNamine. But nothing will prepare them to what's to come.

    Staff Meeting

    Sara: So *points to blackboard* Their most likely target would be the side entrance to the spam zone, going through all the traffic of members to blend in, and that's when they will attack with the army ants, which would slowly cover up the sections one by one. The person I suspect is behind this is Roxas, it all makes sense, it was shaped like an R, and his activity is slowly on the rise. We all know how badly he wants to come back, also...

    Sammy: (whispered) Err...what caused this theory.

    Kitty: She saw some sticks on the floor shaped like an R with an ant on top on them in the General Gaming Area.

    An airhorn blaired through the room.

    Sara: Girls! Listen!....Ok I'm finished now. Any questions.

    SJ: ....Are you serious?

    Sara: Does anyone else feel this way?

    Everyone puts there hands up

    DA: It does seem rather farfetched.

    Sara: Life is like a game of chess...

    Everyone: You have to keep 2 steps ahead to be on top.

    Sara: Fine whatever, you just wait, when it happens I will be ready for it.

    RvR: Ok, as you know we are getting an increase in the number of troll attacks again, Kay, it seems you have some ideas to who is behind it.

    CTR: Right, with some digging around we found that some people from 4chan are behind it. Hopefully if we just stay consistent with the bannings, so yes shotguns are allowed, they should eventually just stop.

    Sara: Excellent, now DA you have something about your new project.

    DA: Yes, Project E.

    SJ: Gee, I wonder what that could be about.

    Coco: I guess it can't be as bad as that monkey butler he trained to help with the RP area, and well..look at it now.

    DA:....Anyway, it should be ready by the staff meeting tomorrow, so be perpared for something that can help us tackle the trolls.

    Sara: Ok so that wraps up the meeting for today, oh if anyone finds Xaldin, give him the memo notes, which Misty should of done.

    Xaldin (stuck in a lift): the red button doesn't make it go faster.


    Misty: What?

    The memo being full of stars and Rise Against Lyrics

    Misty: I will give it to him.

    Sara: Oh and SJ can you join Rosey and Fayth with the cleaning up of the Movies section, they need help, and also it adds some mixed gender.

    Fayth: Hello? I'm there.



    Movies Section

    Rosey: Last time I checked a thread about pie wasn't a film. SJ can you move it for me?

    SJ: Sure.

    SJ just starts to move the threads, when he bumped into Risk.

    Risk: AH, this is just a methapor for my apathetic life *sigh* Where's a corner I can go to.

    Forsaken: Currently being reserved for Rosey.

    Risk: All of them?

    Forsaken: Yes, she needs them free so if she needs them, they are there.

    Risk: And you all had the raise the ceilings.

    TCO: Well after the incident in the Music area, they raised the ceilings.


    Shadow lays lying on the ceiling


    Spam Zone

    Vivi: I can't stand it anymore.

    Darky: Now now calm down, he is only sitting down.

    Xemnas_14 is sitting down

    Vivi: But just look, he has noob slapped on his forehead.

    Sora 13: Well you have twat on yours.

    Vivi turns his head slowly, holding an axe

    Sora 13: Oh shi....

    A door slams open, Mish comes out, waving her hair around

    Leadcat: Epic entrance.

    Trigger: When did you get here......Oh he's disappeared again.

    Mish: Hi Gu....

    The door opens again, but Random Angel comes in, and most of the guys rush past Mish to Random Angel

    Mish: WTF. How did this happen?

    Darky: Most of the population of KHV are noobs.

    Mish: That *****. I will gain my status again, even if it means doing DogboyX later.

    Dogboy: Score.

    Mish: Hey you.

    Xaale: Yes?

    Mish: In the other room now!

    Xaale: But i'm a Girl.

    Mish: Do I care.


    Next day - Staff Meeting

    All the staff walk in, except for spdude. They all notice something covered over with a sheet, it was about 6ft tall.

    CTR: What the hell is that.

    DA: Yes welcome everyone, sorry about the second staff meeting in a row, but this is important. Project E is finished. BEHOLD.

    DA takes off the cover, showing a white penguin thing with an orange peck and feet.

    DA: The troll stomper, Elizabeth.

    Sara: That's it!? You used 20% of the sites revenue on this?

    Rosey: It looks like it's made of cotton.

    Some of the staff take a closer look

    DA: Well it's has a ca.....

    Sammy (lifting the bottom of Elizabeth): It has male legs?

    She lifts up the white part

    RvR: It's Vivi in a white penguin suit.

    Vivi stands there in shorts

    Vivi: DA..I hate you right now.

    Sara: Serious, what the hell? You thought I was mad after yesterday, but how is dressing people in white penquin suits going to help.

    DA: Look at it, it's freaky, it would scare the trolls, and then you attack.

    The door opens

    Evilman: Sorry, but you have a video tape.

    RvR: Play it.

    Evilman plays the tape. A picture of the clouds appears

    Voice on TV: Hello, KH-Vids. We are Anonymous.

    Over the years, we have been watching you. Your acts as a Kingdom Hearts fansite is unjust. You have stepped out of your main aim and has diggen yourself into something you can't get out of. Anonymous has therefore decided that your site should be destroyed. For the good of your followers, for the good of mankind--for the laughs--we shall expel you from the Internet and systematically dismantle KH-Vids in its present form. We acknowledge you as a serious opponent, and we are prepared for a long, long campaign. You will not prevail forever, your methods, hypocrisy, and the artlessness of your site have sounded its death knell.

    You cannot hide; we are everywhere.

    We cannot die; we are forever. We're getting bigger every day--and solely by the force of our ideas, malicious and hostile as they often are. If you want another name for your opponent, then call us Legion, for we are many.

    We are Anonymous.

    We are Legion.

    We do not forgive.


    Expect us.

    Video Ends


    Sorry, if it seems short, but other chapters will be longer. =D
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 15, 2008, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    A very emotional AMV based week this week. Here are the Top 5


    This Week's Winner: WGreyB | View Video
    Song: Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne

    A very good video overall. I liked the transition you used at the beginning with the glow and blur. I don't have any main criticisms. It's a very well made video with a good story. Congratulations.

    2. Submitted By: Sindar | View Video
    Song: Shadow and Regrets by Yellowcard

    I've had that very same idea for an AMV using that same song and same theme. My only criticism is the limited variety of transitions which is not your fault but rather the limits of WMM. Well done.

    3. Submitted By: ThatDumaKid | View Video
    Song: With You by Chris Brown

    Another good video with some nice use of effects, my only complaints are some better lip syncing and smoother transitions.

    4. Submitted By: Naomi8790 | View Video
    Song: Bubbly by Colbie Caillat

    Another good emotional video, I don't really have any complaints other the the flow wasn't great at some points. Good job.

    5. Submitted By: XkILlErXkAiRiX | View Video
    Song: Hurt by Christina Aguilera

    Anoher good emotional video, with a few personaly flaws. I found the intro to be a bit to long and dull, and there wasn't any need for those subtitles, the song tells that for you, a good AMV makes the point across by using the song and the clips, which is what you did, so they were pointless. But beyond that great.

    Now for the Special Mentions, since this week was so hard, here are 2 videos that didn't quite make it, but deserve a mention:

    Submitted By: HazHeartz | View Video
    Song: Rooftops by Lostprophets

    A currently flawless beta (apart from the blank part which I assume you haven't done yet). so keep at it and don't scew it up. =P

    Submitted By: khfan1661 | View Video
    Song: Move by Thousand Foot Krutch

    A bit to short for my liking to be in the Top 5, but deserves a special mention.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 15, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  11. Darkandroid
    I am totally pissed off over Rosey being Green. This is an act in isolation, and I won't have it. Yes Rosey is an annoying ass, but she doesn't deserve this treatment. And GREEN? That is just a low of a low, the admin responsible for this speak now for I have my shotgun.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 14, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkandroid


    Well these crisps will cure that. Or maybe just that dog.

    The crisps are called 'Comsomme Punch" =O
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 10, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkandroid
    Well with Moonland having touched the presence that is Smash Bros Brawl, the Stateside release only a month away. (while Europe has to wait for a release date to be announced) Anticipation is high. So talk about all it's goodness here.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 9, 2008, 153 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    This was definately the hardest week I've done so far. So many good videos, and it's a shame I can't show them all. If this keeps up, it's going to get harder. XD But here we go the Top 5.


    This Week's Winner: Daae | View Video
    Song: Everytime by Britney Spears

    A great emotional Final Fantasy Video. The use of voices really helped, and it all fitted well with the music and had good flow and timing, my only flaw with it was the aspect ratio. Congrats, excellent job.

    2. Submitted By: KL93 | View Video
    Song: Phenomenon by Thousand Foot Krutch

    A very good, well made video, you made good use of blur, the only issue was the song, tis a bit overused in the AMV world.

    3. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video
    Song: When I'm With You by Faber Drive

    Well effects overkill, the song didn't need that many effects, and too much was going on, but you made it work, congrats, had good flow despite the amount of effects.

    4. Submitted By: xkhxloverx | View Video
    Song: Must be Dreaming by Frou Frou

    It was either inspired by PowerMonkey's 'Dream' or the famous "Euphoria" but either way it was good, again like the videos mentioned effect overkill, and they didn't look quite as good as they could of, but they worked, had good flow and things just worked. Well done.

    5. Submitted By: FreeShooter | View Video
    Song: Attack by 30 Seconds to Mars

    A very good video, good flow and things in general were good. But don't worry I understand the problem you had, something must of been wrong in the rendering or just the version of the song you have, but I noticed what you timed.

    Now for the Special Mentions, since this week was so hard, here are 2 videos that didn't quite make it, but deserve a mention:

    Submitted By: Stardust | View Video
    Song: So Far Away by Staind

    It didn't make it because of it's flow, and for a video like that flow is very important, but good job.

    Submitted By: ThatDumaKid | View Video
    Song: Until the End by Breaking Benjamin

    Didn't make it because it wasn't all the original, but a very good neither the less. So that's why it got mentioned.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 9, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Catch up week. Procrastination is a good thing. =P


    This Week's Winner: HazHeartz | View Video
    Song: Promise of a Lifetime by Kutless

    From the beta, I knew this video was going to rank high, and it did. Everything was great, the only negative thing I can say was that some of the transitions and timing were too fast for the song.

    2. Submitted By: 72f4647d | View Video
    Song: Game by Ayumi Hamasaki

    I loved the professionalism of the video, and most things worked, but some of the timing at the beginning I didn't like, actually most my problems were at the beginning, it was had to see what was going on with the overlay. And also the things at the sides, I hated it was too distracting, but everything else I liked. Like I said a very professional video

    3. Submitted By: Anime17 | View Video
    Song: Stop and Stare by One Republic

    A video I generally enjoyed, nothing outstanding, but it did what I did well. Congrats.

    4. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video
    Song: Who I Am Hates Who I've Beenby Relient K

    A good emotional video (lol, i've said this for every number 4 video so far) I pretty much have the same comments as the one above. XD Good job..

    5. Submitted By: haelsyx | View Video
    Song: Savages by Pocahontas OST

    Something quite original here, it was different then usual. Timing and syncing was great. A generally enjoyable video.

    Now for the Special Mentions:

    Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Be My Escape by Relient K

    khfreak again. =O This is a very promising beta, his best yet? While find out.

    Submitted By: HeartslessSora | View Video
    Song: Family Guy

    Simply in here because it was entertaining to watch. A hard clip to do, but it worked quite well. Your syncing could of been much better in places, but when the syncing was good it really worked. (especially the flamethrower part XD)

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 4, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Darkandroid
    Right I've got the weekly Japanese test tomorrow, the one I'm never prepared for every week, but instead of sleep I've decided to (plan to) revise. Being a person who loves his sleep and the fact I have a long day of lectures tomorrow 9am-6pm. I'll see how it goes. I haven't done an all-nighter in years.

    Now for hourly update, to pass time and so I don't get bored and tired. =O

    10pm - decided to start my revision, wrote down the kanji we need to learn (just 1-10 in kanji, not too difficult, it's just things like one person, 1 month, 3 years etc) but also the vocab for chapter 14 of the textbook. Now this is were it gets harder. Damn chapter involves these verb groups, all we know are some words which change the ending like for example kakimasu to kaite. Why it changes to that I haven't got a ****ing clue.

    John (one of our tutor) doesn't explain because he explains this long metaphor or story to explain why, but by the time he finishes we forgot what we asked and explains it in a way unknown to man. The textbook doesn't say why, the grammer notes and translation book for the textbook doesn't say why either. And Ken (other tutor, and an actual japanese guy) doesn't either, when you ask a question he tell you a question which is suppose to answer our one, or just simply laughs and walks away. So if the textbook doesn't say, and the tutors are pretty useless, how the **** are we suppose to know when yo use it. It's nice to know that the word nomimasu can change to nonde, but why does it change to that, and also what classifies this change. If we are here to learning the fricking language, a simple explaniation would be nice.

    Wow, sorry for my mini rant here. *cough* There you go a small piece of my life at JMU. XD

    11pm - I thought I would go and have some coffee, that always works (apparently) I can't stand coffee, but since there was no red bull or any energy drink of that nature I decided to have some. It was ok, added lots of sugar to counter the terrible bitter taste, but it made the first half too sweet and the last too bitter. I can't stand coffee for it's aftertaste. Blah. But anyway I took my flat-mates, coffee, sugar and milk. They are all out on a pub crawl called 'Carnage' I would of joined them, but i was being a geek and decided to revise for the test i'm not prepared for.

    12am - Tried to get the taste of coffee out of my mouth, tried eating some soft cheese. Didn't work. Maybe I should try cleaning my teeth. And oh yeah, I decided to write this.

    1am - Is it common to get feel light headed after drinking some coffee? Well I do. O.o I'm up this time alot, but I never feel like this. Instead of revising i've decided to finish off the Top 5 for the week 12th -19th. Should be up soon.

    2am - Finished the Top 5 for that week. Felt tired doing it. XD I did more revising. And then some of my flat-mates have come back, 2 of the 5 are back. They are talking right now outside. Good thing i'm awake or I would of been pissed off.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 4, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Darkandroid
    Sorry if this offends anyone, it is just a joke.

    Well in Japanese today we talked about religion (don't ask why, it's what the tutor is like) and he showed this. XD (I originally thought he made, but it's from the internet)

    Toaism - **** Happens

    Confuciusm - Confucius he say "**** Happens"

    Hinduism - When **** happens, is it really ****?

    Buddhism - This **** happened before

    Zen Buddhism - What is the sound of **** happening?

    Hare Krishna - **** happens rama rama ding dong

    Protestantism - **** won't happen if I work harder

    Catholicism - If **** happens, I probably deserve it

    Jehovah's Witness - Knock, knock, **** happens

    Judaism - Why does this **** always happen to me

    Islam (May cause offense) - If **** happens, take hostages

    Shintoism - It is an honour for **** to happen

    Rastafarian - Lets smoke this ****

    Scientology - **** happens if you're on our **** list.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Feb 4, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Woo, I'm getting closer to being up to date. Sorry for the delays everyone.


    This Week's Winner: xDeviXane. | View Video
    Song: Haunted by Evanescence

    A really eerie video here, and the flow and timing really suited the mood, everything just worked, I have no real big criticisms with it. Congrats

    2. Submitted By: angelsinflight14 | View Video
    Song: The Walk by Imogen Heap

    Another good video from angelsinflight14, though I will say this now, don't abuse the glow effect, it was great in your other video, but it does get old after a while, and there were some lip syncing issues, but beyond that great.

    3. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video
    Song: Until the End by Breaking Benjamin

    A great video, with great timing and flow (thought there was some questionable timing at the beginning 5 seconds) but I really enjoyed it, but the reason it didn't get any higher was because I felt there was no real story going on, you connected to the lyrics but no overall story, this is always a hard issue when you use multiple games that don't connect much to each other, but great other than that.

    4. Submitted By: gurpreetx | View Video
    Song: Far Awayby Nickelback

    A good emotional video, good flow and generally enjoyable, but nothing original. But it still doesn't stop the fact you did a good job.

    5. Submitted By: starshapedfruit | View Video
    Song: When I'm Gone by Simple Plan

    A good video, can't complain about the timing and flow, but my only problem was you choice of clips for the most part it was good, but during the more upbeat parts you lacked scenes that could match it, you had some action scenes from Deep Dive but beyond that some of your scene selection was uneventful. But great job beyond that.

    Now for the Special Mentions:

    Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Papercut by Linkin Park

    I'm not sure how this got approved into the User Portal (looks at CTR) but it's too late for that now, so it gets a special mention, simply because it's khfreak not doing kingdom hearts, that in itself deserves a round of applause. =P But the video was well made, debatable song choice but it worked. Good choice.

    Submitted By: Babbitrules | View Video
    Song: The Dark Knight Trailer

    Almost made it into the top 5, if it wasn't for some syncing issues which is vital for this sort of video. But it deserves a mention.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jan 29, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Darkandroid


    Fanboys are funny.

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jan 28, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Darkandroid
    I just got the album today and I think it's great. I didn't mind some of the songs from their previous album, but after hearing the lead single 'Scream Aim Fire' on TV I instantly feel in love with it. I never expected them to go in this direction after the huge success of 'The Poison' most bands after a popular album stick with the same sound or make it more mainstream. But Bullet did the opposite.

    Don't expect to hear songs like 'Tears Don't Fall' this takes a much more heavier and uptempo route.

    Though the album is a bit too much like Metallica and Trivium for it's own good. One song especially sounded too much like Trivium. The classic rock elements are obvious, like in the song "Hearts Burst into Fire'. I guess you can say that is the main criticism with the album, it's nothing all that original.

    I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews. Granted that the 1/5 by one website was an Indie site, so them doing a metal review was questionable.

    I say it's a solid 4/5. =D

    Fans of the first album, look with caution.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jan 28, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Music