Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! On time this week. Couldn't post it yesterday due to my Oral exam today. But since it's the last week of lectures this week, I have more time to do the Top 5 sooner. So expect updates on Monday's, if not Tuesdays. [top5number1]32fa5d4f-5249-4b90-9311-9a7a014547a5[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: TheClamWhisperer | View Video Song: Elektra Trailer A very well synced video, all the characters fit the part. I don't really have any complaints. Well done. 2. Submitted By: AnalisSC640 | View Video Song: Far Away by Nickelback I didn't really like the intro and was a bit long for my tastes, but the main video was much better, good syncing and timing, my only complaint is that it was a bit too fast pasted for the type of song, smoother transistions would of been better. 3. Submitted By: rIkUsBlaD3 | View Video Song: Triple Tone Eyes by Just Jack A very well timed video, but has a similar complaint to the second place video, smoother transistions would of been better, more flow. Good job. 4. Submitted By: ARTfreek | View Video Song: Unknown A well timed video, very good for the limited WMM, you used the software well. Had good flow, but I'm not sure why but it lacks something. But still a very good video. Well done. 5. Submitted By: Xemnas666 | View Video Song: Attack by 30 Seconds to Mars Some weird effects and repeatition of those effects is whar bought the video down a bit. But the good timing and use of clips helped. Good effort with the video. Now for the Special Mentions, only 1 this week. Submitted By: Kairih | View Video Song: Various A very nice collection of unfinished videos and Beta's, the first one was great, very epic and nice use of voice overs. The rest were pretty good. Since it was a collection of beta's (which I normally place here), I was iffy about putting it into Top 5, but it definately deserves praise. It would of been number 1 in the Top 5, if I didn't place it here. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! A day later then I wanted to, but I ended up working on coursework all day so I couldn't post it, but here is the Top 5. [top5number1]f3ad7fc7-c965-4dbe-95db-9a6f00e55058[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: HazHeartz | View Video Song: Goodbye Apathy by One Republic Yes it's not your best work, but it doesn't stop it from being good. It was quite a dull song in my opinion to work with. But I still enjoyed the video. I like your editting style with nice soft transitions that look professional instead of using an effect for the sake of using it. 2. Submitted By: LovexOnParas | View Video Song: Prelude 12-21 by AFI A video with a nice charm, but you overused that spotlight effect, it got old after a while. But I still enjoyed the video. Good job. 3. Submitted By: Daae | View Video Song: Rewind by Pillar Crisis Core Spoilers - A very good video, though some of the transitions could of been smoother and a little bit of repeatition, but it was still a very good video. Good job. 4. Submitted By: khfan1661 | View Video Song: Raise Me Up by Sela A good video, my main complaint is the lack of variety of clips, but the transistions were nice and quite professional. A good video. 5. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video Song: Doomsday by Atreyu The songs heaviness isn't best suited for KH, but it worked somewhat. It was a enjoyable video good timing, though at times it seemed a litte off. I've used the song before and timed it differently (doesn't matter, different opinions on how to time it), though there wasn't much consistency with it, like in the chorus, you timed with the drums but then changed to lyrics randomly. And I don't like how you ended it, you missed out the best part, and it ended randomly. Sorry i'm sounding quite harsh, having used it before I have strong opinion on how the song could of been done, but don't get me wrong it's a good video and deserves praise. Now for the Special Mentions, only 1 this week. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video Song: How Could You by K-Ci and Jojo Crisis Core in the video - A nice beta, I look forward to the final product. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! It's like fate doesn't want me to have a Top 5 on time, I recently got a new laptop and couldn't get the internet working until the Monday which is my big revision day so I had to start it yesterday. Hopefully you should get the next one next Tuesday. Here is the Top 5. [top5number1]703fee32-1411-4381-ae0f-9a68005bd5e1[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Eviiii123 | View Video Song: Apologize by One Republic A good emotional video with good flow, my only fault is the unorginality of the song. I'm seeing it way to often these days, to really shine out show something different. But it was good to see you used the original (and better) version of the song. Not the version that Timbaland took all the credit for even though he barely changed the so called 'remix' at all and made unnessasary changes. But anyway great job. 2. Submitted By: WGreyB | View Video Song: I Need You by Relient K A very good video. I enjoyed it and it had good flow and timing, can't critise it much. Good job. 3. Submitted By: Fayt | View Video Song: Fall for You by Secondhand Serenade A good video, my only critisism's is the intro, wasn't a bit fan of it and touch up on flow beyond that, Good job. 4. Submitted By: FF Italian Group | View Video Song: Come Clean by Hilary Duff Crisis Core Spoilers -A pretty good MEP, but with a few faults. One was the transitions between people, the song quality changed each time, it would of been better if you compilled them together and then add 1 version of the track over it to make it consistent instead of hearing different quality versions of the song. And also some parts add way to many effects for the type of video. I mean I like Pizza, but I don't want 50,000 thrown in my face. It just didn't work all that well. But A good job either way. 5. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video Song: Step to Me by Thousand Foot Krutch Good for a first Vegas video. All I can say add more flow with smoother transistions and better use of effects which should improve over time. Good job No Special Mentions this week I'm afraid. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
It seems quite Ironic that I pick today of all days to do this, but I fell like I have to. I'm leaving staff, maybe not for good, but at least for a long time. I feel the site has changed and that I can't work with everything that is going on at the moment. I have life to worry about and the added pressures of a forum like this isn't helping, working is getting higher as is my social life and I don't want to spend my free time worrying about problems like this. It's been great working here for the past year and a half, it has helped matured me and make me the guy I am today but it's time to move on. Don't worry I'm not leaving the site, I will still be around the site, just not as your wonderful Admin. There is no need to say any goodbyes or comments on staff/members because I'm saying and the staff know how I feel about them. After a few discussion we decided on my replacement and that will be Shadowjak. Some of the other members of staff may not like the decision but we feel he is the best person to replace me with his similar style and way of thinking, (only more ranty) and should be a worthy replacement. Good luck to the staff for all future problems and situations. Feel free to come to me for advice if you wish, just as long as you don't spill staff secrets. =P The changes will be effective just as soon as I finish this. I posted this so everyone is aware of what has happened and why. Thank you.
Classic moment. XD http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rUpBTVilhzY
When I saw this the other day...it was just lol. XD http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nh6ISIi29rE
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Sorry about last week, I get back home from Uni and I didn't get to rest at all. I was working all day for a few days and then there was catching up with family and friends, I had time to pick my Top 5 but never time to post it. I thought it would of been better to post it on the Wednesday but someone else do it. Then me post it on the Thursday or even later. So I apologize if you didn't get a comment on the video. If you want my usual comment on your video if it made the Top 5 just PM me and I will be happy to. This week's Top 5 would of been sooner but with Easter and my Dad's computer being similar to something you see in a toilet I couldn't watch the videos until the other day. But enough about that here is the Top 5. [top5number1]658140c0-e16d-4abb-b9b3-9a61012b6c59[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: SukeyFPT | View Video Song: Goodnight & Go by Imogen Heap The video contains scenes from Crisis Core, spoilers or not I'm not sure, I haven't played the game. The video was great. Though I do have one criticism, even though all the lines and squares looked nice they didn't really so much for the video, they work fine for action videos, but for more emotional ones it didn't work so well. Vinegar is nice on chips (fries for all the American's) but when add it into a chocolate pudding it doesn't taste so nice. But everything else worked perfectly. Great job. 2. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video Song: In Burges Trailer Nice syncing with a bit of charm, probably because of the nature of the trailer. I liked the castle and Pete being fat part, it was a nice touch and attention to detail. Good job. That reminds me I need to see this film. 3. Submitted By: Devrev | View Video Song: The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars Good attempt at flow, the verse is hard to get right, it has slow vocals but a powerful drum beat, hard to get right, a good try but it felt like too much was going on in the first verse, also the chorus needed more going on interms of clips ironically. Beyond that I really enjoyed it. Oh and nice use of blur. 4. Submitted By: khfan1661 | View Video Song: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls My main criticism is the lack of flow, but beyond that everything was nice. But your watermark was too big, it was nice to see it was a little but transparent, but I would personally make it more so and make it smaller. 5. Submitted By: Unknownkid | View Video Song: Goodbye by SR-17 With Linkin Park at the beginning I was about to e-slap you, thinking about using another song with Linkin Park, but you luckily saved it. You picked a good song, overused with Naruto, but this is KH so that doesn't matter, it's not used as much with KH. Timing was good, as was most things, it's good to see people using blur, it really makes a video nice. Flow needs a little touching up but beyond that a good video. Now for the Special Mentions, only 1 this week. Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: [Unknown Really WTF. It didn't make the Top 5 because it had no meaning, but it deserves a mention...it's well...original I guess. Sora dancing was quite humorous. It had a weird charm to it. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Feeder is back and I'm loving their new song Miss you. It's back to their more rockier sound and it's really making me look forward to the new album coming this year. Below is a link to the song. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xTC_qHtmVRY Also the song is available for a free download on their site.
The "I Like To Watch People Fall Down" Fanclub Yes I know you all you have a good giggle when someone falls over and humiliated themselves. Well this is a fanclub for all you narcissistic people out there who love others misfortune whenever it's just tripping over the curve or falling down a flight of stairs. So come here to talk about your experiences and also post pictures or videos of other misfortunes. Members: Darkandroid Hissora Mish Leadcat StormAndLightning13 HigherBeing Absol493 Forsaken Reptar :D Shadowjak anwita01 Kharna Jube Gamefreak103 axel ftw
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! It's good to see so many talented editors appearing here. Back in the early days of the site there were little to no good editors and look at the site now. It's so good to see such progress from everyone. Just imagine everyone in another years time. And now for this weeks Top 5, and also the day I finally catched up, now expect the week's Top 5 on either the Sunday or Monday. [top5number1]9e2bdc5e-3b5c-4028-aef9-9a530062ff8e[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Various | View Video Song: Various Artist's Yes I was being lazy with the people taking part, but there are a full explaniation of all the editors that took part and what songs they used on the youtube version. Well what can a say, it's a good collection of short videos froms some of the best editors here, a few of the videos lacked but overall it was impressive and the tranisition between each clip was done nicely. Congrats everyone involved. 2. Submitted By: SoraKey89 | View Video Song: The Bourne Ultimatum Trailer Forget the fact it's in another language, the editting was top notch, it was synced so well. Very good work. 3. Submitted By: angelsinflight14 | View Video Song: Into You by Zebrahead Since we accept FF it's only fair to include Disney in the mix, so here is a KH and Alice in Wonderland video. A very good video, was timed well and had goos flow, but some of your choice of clips I wasn't so keen on, for quite an upbeat video, some of your scene selection didn't really represent the mood all that well, like having Roxas walk when it's reallt upbeat doesn't really fit well, and AiW doesn't suit the type of song all that well, but overall it was really enjoyable. 4. Submitted By: Anime17 & Kairih | View Video Song: What have You Done by Within Temptation A good collab here, was very nice indeed, was good overall, though your watermarks stand out to much, make them less visable, don't let them dominate the video, just have there in the background only slightly visable. 5. Submitted By: 72f4647d | View Video Song: My Odyssey by Scarf A very nice use of effects, there stood out but didn't dominate, the way they should be. And something many editors don't get right. Though that circle effect throughout got annoying after a while was was kind of unneeded, but good video in general, Good job. Now for the Special Mentions, since this week was so hard, here are 2 videos that didn't quite make it, but deserve a mention: Submitted By: HazHeartz | View Video Song: [Unknown/I] You are definately one of the best editors here. Each video is done so well, we a good variety and effects which don't overpower the video and have such good flow. I look forward to the final version. Submitted By: FmaKnight22 | View Video Song: Hero Heroine by Boys Likes Girls A good beta, with nice transistions. I look forward to full version. Submitted By: meachulin | View Video Song: We Are by Ana Johnson What's this? A third one, well from time to time I might have an extra one for good first AMV's for editors that have potential. The video is far from perfect but they have potential. I would be good to see what the future holds. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
...the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Canon.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! I'm getting questions often about the use of Final Fantasy in the Top 5, so I thought it was about to explain why here. FF has always been allowed in the User Portal, but after a few weeks of doing the Top 5 I was noticing some really good videos that deserved attention but they weren't originally allowed. This Top 5 is here to get editors noticed and appreciated for their efforts. With Final Fantasy being popular in the community it was only far to add it in to allow others more of a chance and variety. Sorry if some of you don't like it when we have FF but I don't want the Top 5 to be so narrow-minded. Thank you. And now for the Top 5. [top5number1]7245cc97-8c70-4765-8850-9a4f013c6deb[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Fayt | View Video Song: Apologize by One Republic A very well made video. I had a hard time again picking between the the top few again, but I picked this one because it had the best display of emotion. The use of voices worked, though it clashed with the actual singing of the song which wasn't all that great. But beyond that good work. 2. Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: The Cell Block Tango by Chicago OST This video was quite original. I generally enjoyed it. The video had good flow and timing. Great work. 3. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video Song: One Life One by Chuckie Akenz This video was good, timing was good, though I felt your use of timing didn't fit some of the video. But generally it was well made. Well done. 4. Submitted By: haelsyx | View Video Song: Monster by Matchbook Romance This had a good story, and was an original concept, things just worked. 5. Submitted By: PaopuDestiny | View Video Song: Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Good syncing the lyrics, this was a very good WMM video. Well done. Unforuntely no special mentions this week. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4mhfh_kyotobreak_blog Why did this happen? The woman driving the car was pulling into a parking space and accidentally hit the car’s accelerator instead of the brake pedal. Honestly, I think all female drivers should be banned. =O If the last comment is taken seriously, you suck. <>
Hmm.....So? I perfer to spell favourite the true british way.
Ages ago I made a thread with mistakes made by past students taking Japanese. Well here are more. =O This has obviously weekend the relationship. Wood is the most important resource as it is used mainly for chopsticks Japan currently has an aging population, due to decreased birth rates, and this will become a problem in the future. "They viewed the activites of European Catholic mercenaries as particularly dangerous" Since Japan in an inland nation with no land borders. Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu are enclosed by Inland Sea. Other recent international relations that Japan is involved in, is the Kyoto agreement or "The Kyoto Protocol", which was negotiated in Kyoto in 1998, the agreement came into force in 2005. However, Japan has moved from independence to dependent on other countries. Japan is in need to attract foreign migration. ....other countries soon followed suite... From a historical point of view Japan is almost unique in that it has had very little influence from other countries, the closest Japan came to colonization was when the American's invaded in 1945. ....self induced isolation... ...has now become an allie, ...having an allie.
This email I got really made me laugh. XD It was from my lecturer.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Again life got busy and I was unable to do 2 last week, but fear not this week should be quieter. Anyway here is the Top 5 for this week. [top5number1]1e159e9d-051f-4ae1-b645-9a46012261a8[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Kairih | View Video Song: Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin This video has crisis core spoilers. I had a hard time chosing between the 1 and 2 this week, but I picked this one in the end because of the technical aspect. The video has a whole was very good. Just don't let the effects do the talking, effects are only a part of a good AMV. 2. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video Song: Will You be My Lady by Dj Sancho A good emotional video, some very good effects that weren't overused they fitted quite well for the type of video. The main flaw with the video was the flow, the video lacked it and flow is highly important for an emotional video. 3. Submitted By: fb0b1297 | View Video Song: Moulin Rouge Trailer Interesting mix here. Syncing was pretty good, though more lip syncing would of been nice, but a good effort. 4. Submitted By: Autipooh | View Video Song: Next Contestant by Nickelback A pretty good video. Though it needed more flow and more fluid transitions. 5. Submitted By: 9003dc3b | View Video Song: Suddenly I See by KT Tunstall Interesting concept here, it worked pretty well but like the video above it needed more fluid transitions. Now for the Special Mentions, since this week was so hard, here are 2 videos that didn't quite make it, but deserve a mention: Submitted By: angelsinflight14 | View Video Song: Waking Dreams by Natalie Walker It's good to see people doing something original, and take story over effects. It would of been number 1 if it weren't for the fact you used Death Note. The concept was weird, but it worked. Submitted By: ehikari | View Video Song: Break Me Down by Red A good beta, seems pretty good, and I can't believe i'm actually saying this, but it needs more effects when the music picks up. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Those in England have probably all heard about the Earthquake that hit Lincolnshire and well 5 other counties. Not an extremely powerful one it was 5.4 on the richter scale, but it's a big one for England. XD Apparently people say they felt it here in Liverpool a good 165 miles away from the epicentre. One of my flatmates said they were scared as they didn't know what it was. I for one never felt the bloody thing. It happened at 1am, so I was online at the time., didn't feel a thing. I doubt the fact it even could be felt here. Well we blame the earthquake for our broken toaster. RIP Toaster.
This is a wonderful little story about how one duck/penguin things rise to fame. Elizabeth as appeared in cameo's or even a bigger part in KHV fanfics all over, so it's about time to explain why (and also I'm wasting time). So here read and enjoy. ---------- Elizabeth a 6ft tall white penguin/duck which is made of a silk/cotton exterior with a orange/yellow beak and feet, with hairy legs on the inside. But what is fully on the inside of the creature has always been a mystery, but that is only just the start of the wonders of Elizabeth. A creature that doesn't talk and speaks only with signs. A very good artist and skilled with a blade. Elizabeth started his career in Japan in the popular anime series Gintama. But after 2 years on the show he was kicked out of series after accidentally destroying the studio, he was then replaced with an exact double and he was left on the streets. As pictured below being seen finding food in the trash, and even selling himself for prostitution. But luckily one day while walking the streets of Tokyo was found and recognised by a young man who online is known as 'Darkandroid' an admin at the site KH-Vids. He took him back to England and since Elizabeth is not listed as a real person nor a pet, smuggling him into the country wasn't that hard. After that day he had food, water and a loving owner. In an interview Darkandroid said "He is the best pet you can ever have, he can easily depend on himself, doesn't talk so he isn't noisy, he doesn't mind living in the cupboard and he scares off annoying little kids, what more do you want?" Their attachment just grew and grew, and even joined Darkandroid when he moved to University. "Yes space was tight in the room considering the size of Elizabeth, but the rest of the flat didn't mind him living in the storage cupboard and kitchen" said Darkandroid. "It's was impossible to detach the 2 of them, he even went to staff meetings, he is effectively a part of the staff here" said Catch the Rain, friend and fellow staff member. "Elizabeth? Weird thing I tell you that, and quite an angry duck, I once made fun of him, and well he hit me with a sign...repetitively" Shadowjak, friend, Mod. Elizabeth's new life was going great, but that was only the start. Film Maker Forsaken saw interest in Elizabeth, and asked him to appear in his popular film "Christmas Murder" he was originally used as a joke for Darkandroid's attachment to him, but now has a bigger part to the plot of the story. He was given the name 'Lizbeth' and since then has appeared in many KHV films by the likes of Laurence Fox, Kitty, Shadow, Kitty, GX and even Darkandroid in his own KHV epic. Within a month he quickly rose to fame. Anywhere Elizabeth walks he is mauled by fans and the general public. Life has changed for Elizabeth from a Japanese anime character to KHV Internet superstar. "Yes I saw potential in the...thing...after seeing him follow Darkandroid, it has so many unique features, and among the spam filled regular members he really stood out...beyond the fact he was tall and well...pale white" Forsaken. "I can't believe how quickly Elizabeth has risen to fame, it was almost instant, you have got to respect that, despite how much I hate the thing" Kitty, S.Mod. But Elizabeth has caused some problems at the site. He and Kitty had a war over a Duck vs Cat debate "That war was epic, I mean how Elizabeth made comebacks so quickly with just a signboard and pen was amazing, just a shame it ended in blood" Higherbeing. Both Kitty and Elizabeth ended up in the Forum Family hospital with minor injuries. He also burned down Orange's Orange farm after Orange accidentally spilt Orange juice over him. And also killed the member Repliku because 'He just wouldn't shut up.' So where does life go for the duck thing now. More appearances in films or maybe even beyond that? Only time will tell.