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  1. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Quite a disapponting week this week, not many videos to choose from this time, normally I have about 10-15 I pick that have potenial, but only 6 this week. Lets hope next week is better. Here is the Top 5.


    This Week's Winner: Various Editors | View Video
    Song: Various

    A very good MEP, bit of a rough cut to start it, but everyone who took part did great. Congrats.

    2. Submitted By: crazymonkey91767 | View Video
    Song: Jumper by Third Eye Blind

    Some very nice effects there, things flowed well and I really enjoyed the video. Well done.

    3. Submitted By: HayabusaZeroZ & Eviiii123 | View Video
    Song: I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace

    A great collab, good transistion between each person, and everything generally worked well. Well done.

    4. Submitted By: WhiteRoeOfWutai | View Video
    Song: Face Down by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

    A very good video. I only have 1 main complaint, and that was the overused flash and TV effect. It would of been nice to see some variety.

    5. Submitted By: iSora1 | View Video
    Song: A Town Called Hypocrisy by Lostprophets

    A good video, but lacked effect but had good flow. The cut in the song was obvious, maybe because I know the song well so I noticed the edits easily, and I didn't like how you ended the song, but beyond that it was good.

    Now for the special mentions.

    Submitted By: squallxrinoa | View Video
    Song: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

    I really enjoyed the video, good effect, generally good flow and timing. It's just a shame it's on the short side.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to:
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jun 4, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. Darkandroid
    It's been a while since the last KH-Vid MEP, which ended up being a big success, so now seems like a good time to do a new one.

    For those who regularly visit the forum, you would of found out that a well liked and popular member Soku has passed away recently. So in respect and remembrance of him this MEP will be dedicated to him.

    There will be no limit on song choice, we don't want the tribute MEP to be totally depressing. So pick any song you wish, from happy or emotional. Lets just make it fun and enjoyable for those taking part and those.

    To those who wish to take part say so here or PM me, whatever you wish. Once you are done with the video just send me a download link via PM. Now for the technical aspect.

    Quality: Ideally good quality in both picture and sound.
    Length: 30 Seconds - 1 Minute 15 Seconds. No shorter or longer.
    Limit: There will be no limit on people taking part, the more the merrier. Nor a limit on skill, people of all skill levels can take part.
    Footage: Last years attempt at diversity failed with only one non-KH video. So this time like the Top 5 make it KH, FF or Disney related only.
    Song: Anything, just nothing to crude.

    Deadline: June 25th. I believe that is a reasonable time to get a video done by.

    Due to huge response, if you want to take part tell us by June 6th, or else you won't be able to.

    I hope may people take part and I look forward to the entries.

    People involved:

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jun 4, 2008, 156 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Darkandroid
    I'm coming for you.

    I'm leaving home in 2 hours to go to London to meet the guy. Lets hope that 300 people aren't in the queue before I get there, since there is only 300 sleeves to get. D=
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jun 1, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Sorry late again, I got back home last week so I've been doing a lot of catch up, and I got Call of Duty 4. But this week was very hard to decide so many good video, but here is the Top 5 for this week:


    This Week's Winner: xxTaintedRoses | View Video
    Song: Little Wonders by Rob Thomas

    Weird pairing to say the least, can't say it's not original. The video was executed very well, great flow and very professional. Effects were minimal but it fits the mood of the video very well. There is nothing I can complain about. Congrats.

    2. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video
    Song: Wasting Time by RED

    Another great video from you. Probably one of my favourites from you, great effects not overused, and great flow. Can't complain about it.

    3. Submitted By: WGreyB | View Video
    Song: Heaven Forbid by The Fray

    Very good emotional video, everything flows well together, though the effect with the black and white circles (like at 1:28) didn't really fit that well. But great regardless.

    4. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video
    Song: Eleven Regrets by Manic Drive

    Complex story to say the least. But it's good to see such care went into the story as with the editting, as it should be. It's great. Your flow as improved but it's not perfect, some edits were a bit to quick but nothing is perfect huh, great video.

    5. Submitted By: SephyX10 | View Video
    Song: Broken by Seether ft Amy Lee

    Great video, some good effects like at the beginning, though it is every good there is nothing special about it. Not that there is anything wrong with that, great work.

    No special mentions this week.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to:
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 31, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Darkandroid


    What was the first band that combined Rock and Rap? I'll give you a minute to think about it.

    ....Nope your wrong. It was this band. Forming in 1996, and released there first album in 1998. They were at first a ska/punk band but changed to pop/punk. (with some rap)

    I first heard about the band from a friend, around the time they released their latest album 'Broadcast to the World' in 2006. I thought it was a good album, nothing amazing but it was catchy and easy to listen to. Rap doesn't sink well with me, but it works so well here. I didn't know that they had another singer before it. There was a long period where I lacked interest in the band. But with me going to the Download Festival in 2 weeks time, they will be the first band I will be seeing, this resparked my interest. So I got a hold of all their albums. The first 2 'Waste of Mind' and 'Playmate of the Year' was pretty good. But it wasn't until 'MFZB' (said to stand for 'Mother ****Ing Zebrahead, B****') that I really started to get into the band.

    'MFZB' is an amazing album, probably one of the best pop/punk albums out there. It's a highly catchy, high energy and well put together. Most of the songs are quite fast paced with the exception of a few slow songs. There are some real head-banging songs like 'Type A' or 'Alone' or just simply catchy 'Rescue Me.' It's great for when your driving or in the car. It's feel good and gets you pumping, I currently have it on repeat in my car. Fan of pop/punk? get this album. Yes there is rapping, but don't worry they are much more rocky and really fits well.

    I'm now really looking forward to seeing them at Download and there new album 'Phoenix' due in August. (July in Japan the lucky *******)
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  6. Darkandroid

    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 25, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkandroid

    I'n Waiting

    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 25, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Sorry for it being so late this week. It's my last week until I go back home for 3 months, so there were a lot of events going on in my life. Also I will be picking the winner for the Editor's Blog banner contest in the next few days. Here is the Top 5 for this week:


    This Week's Winner: tallboy44 | View Video
    Song: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls

    I first saw this video on youtube and loved it, and well I still do. The effects were as they should be for an emotional video. You can still use a lot of effects and not make it overkill. I don't have anything negative to say about it.

    2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: The Happening Trailer

    I had a hard time choosing between this video and the number 1 this week. Both are fanastic in it's field. I love how well synced this video is, and I liked the computer/TV part, good use of masking. I loved it. Just a shame it wasn't number 1.

    3. Submitted By: Mohrchen| View Video
    Song: Pain by Three Days Grace

    Very good video, and good flow, but there was a bit of effect whoring, beyond that I really liked it.

    4. Submitted By: FmaKnight22 | View Video
    Song: Hero Heroine by Boys Like Girls

    A good video, but lacks flow, especailly for the type of song it was, beyond that, very good.

    5. Submitted By: HayabusaZeroZ | View Video
    Song: Savior by 30 Seconds to Mars

    Similar problem as the video above with flow, but also had some weird effect choices and timing, but I still enjoyed it.

    No special mentions this week.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to:
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 24, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Quite a tough week this week. I would like to say that thanks to all of those taking part in the blog by asking questions and giving banner entries. (dealine 20th May) It's really helping making the idea worth it. But anyway here is this weeks Top 5.

    This Week's Winner: FF Italian Group | View Video
    Song: Various

    A very good MEP/Worm my only criticism's are that the tranisition between videos could of been better and the watermarks were way to big and distracting try making them smaller and more transparent.

    2. Submitted By: kinpaz| View Video
    Song: Pain by Three Days Grace

    First of all, the intro was way to long I thought it was the main video at first, it didn't even say anything like 'Bob loblaw Presents' it was just a random 30 second long video, not really needed, but the main video itself was very good, soem weird timing but it worked. Well done

    3. Submitted By: ThatDumaKid | View Video
    Song: Step to Me by Thousand Foot Krutch

    A very good video, I loved the effect around 2:15, very original and looked very nice. Can't complain much, expect some of the effects looked a tad out of place and some lack of flow.

    4. Submitted By: khfan1661 | View Video
    Song: Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne

    I really liked it, some weird effects but that one at the beginning was very good., it had very good timing and flow, well done.

    5. Submitted By: JazzVideos| View Video
    Song: Already Over by Red

    Very good flow and use of in-game voices, but some of your timing was weird and you didn't timing everything you could, but it was still a really enjoyable video.

    No special mentions this week.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out go to:
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 15, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Darkandroid

    Video editting at the site is growing fast, just over a year ago people were just getting used to Windows Movie Maker, but now people are producing amazing work. But it can be daunting for those new to editting. Well this is where the blog helps.

    With the help of Pwillard and HazHeartz, we will give advice and tips about video editting as well as answer your questions and talk about anything video editting related and I will also give an insight into what I expect in the Top 5 as well as a few rants. If you want to contact us, go to us at youtube or me at KHV and call the message "KHV Editors Blog Question". Links are below:

    Darkandroid - KHV - Youtube
    Pwillard - Youtube
    HazHeartz - Youtbue

    We will try and answer as many questions as we can in the blog.

    The site looks quite basic at the moment so lets start off with a banner contest, the size must be 600x150 and the winning entry will get 50 rep, so sent your entries to me. All it needs to say is KH-Vids Editors Blog and of course make it Kingdom Hearts related, beyond that you have creative freedom.

    Don't forget to bookmark the blog because we will update regularly.

    The link again -

    Thank you.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 11, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Sorry it's late again, it's for the same reason as last time, exams and revising. Also in recent weeks a lot of the good videos are FF, sorry to those who dislike it, but don't blame me, blame the people who keep on maknig good videos with them. XD Anyway here is the Top 5.


    This Week's Winner: EvilMeRc8 & SukeyFPT | View Video
    Song: Break Me Down by RED

    A collab as it should be. It was hard to tell when it changes editors, unless you really concentrate on the editting styles throughout the video. Well there isn't anything I can really critise, there was a variety of effects, great timing as usaul and good flow. I loved it, congrats.

    2. Submitted By: KatastrophicKaylee | View Video
    Song: Miss Invisable by Marie Digby

    I really liked the video, great timing, flow and had a great mood, i liked the syncing with the singing. Just a very good video. Well done.

    3. Submitted By: khfreak87| View Video
    Song: Let My People Go

    This is quite original, I like how you made a story using the song and the game footage, I really enjoyed it.

    4. Submitted By: 1MoonGoddess7 | View Video
    Song: Daylight Robbery by Imogen Heap

    A video with great flow, a great example of how WMM can be used, you can easily forgive the subtitles being there, and the changing aspect ratio. I really enjoyed the video.

    5. Submitted By: HayabusaZeroZ| View Video
    Song: Injection by Rise Against

    I liked some of the effects you used, but the video lacked a bit a flow, and some random use of effects. I also the intro was a bit long for my tastes, but it was a very well made video and I enjoyed it.

    Now for the Special Mentions:

    Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video
    Song: What's up People by Maximum thw Hormone

    This was definately original, it's quite a popular opening to parody, but to Kingdom Hearts, that's something new. The beginning was great, but started to lack towards the end and it randomly ended missing a few seconds but I really enjoyed watching it.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 9, 2008, 35 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Darkandroid
    For those who don't know what it is net neutrality is where there is no restriction of providers or restrict content. That what is it in it's basic form if you want a better explanation go to the wiki page.

    You can fully understand companies charging customers more for a faster connection speed, it makes sense. But Virgin are trying a contraversal method where they are going to limit the providers themselves. Lets say for a current example in an article where the CEO of Virgin Media said -

    What this means if BBC don't pay money to Virgin they will make the service slower for all Virgin Media customers. What BBC iPlayer is, is a on demand service where you can watch the past 7 days programmes online. So streaming the content takes up alot of bandwidth. And this is probably the reason for it, so save bandwidth. But that won't be the only site. Sites like youtube, veoh, probably even Gametrailers and gamespot, sites which have high bandwidths will also be affected. Do you want a slower loading site and even slower streaming times?

    So far it will only effect those Virgin Media customers in the UK, but it may also spread to other internet providers and maybe overseas to the likes of the US. But don't worry not all the companies have the same opinion

    For more information go to this site -

    Yes bandwidth is an issue in recent years, with more demanding sites like BBC iPlayer, youtube and torrents. But is Virgin's method the right way to go about it?

    I personally perfer BT's methods of educating.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 8, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Darkandroid
    Sounds much better. >>
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 5, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Darkandroid


    Have fun kiddies.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 5, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Darkandroid
    ...Boris Johnson is now the Mayor of London.

    London is doomed. >>
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 4, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    Sorry about it being a few days late. It's been a busy week with revision and exams, here is the Top 5.


    This Week's Winner: ShadowAMV | View Video
    Song: Everything Burns by Ben Moody ft. Anastacia

    A very good advent children video. Good use of small effects that really add to the mood. I just really enjoyed the video and you used the song well. Congrats

    2. Submitted By: xkhxloverx| View Video
    Song: Kiss Me by New Found Glory

    Good use of effects and connection to lyrics, there were alot of effects but it wasn't overkill....just. A good video overall.

    3. Submitted By: SoraKey89 | View Video
    Song: Dead Mans Chest Trailer (Italian)

    Another great sync'd video from you again, I personally perfered the other one, but this one is still great, not much more I can say, see it for yourself.

    4. Submitted By: jforce321 | View Video
    Song: These Hard Times by Matchbox Twenty

    Good lyrics syncing, the lack of many effects just suits the video, at times doing that is better than using a lot. The odd flow problem, but that is a small criticism. Good job.

    5. Submitted By: angelsinflight14| View Video
    Song: Captiva by Falling Up

    Not your best work, but still very good. Some flow issues, but everything else works well.

    Now for the Special Mentions:

    Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video
    Song: Various

    It's pretty good, deserves a special mention. A few good clips here, though it's there are many of them around, especiailly on youtube, so it's hard to be original, especially in format. But it's still good.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, May 2, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Darkandroid
    Anyone had the chance to play this yet.

    I have, so far I've only played for an hour, and had a chance to play Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.

    I really enjoyed it. A nice amount of customation for the character's look. Just a shame you don't get much to change facual-wise, but maybe the final version will have more.

    Some good chances for tactics, but no-one really used them and just went head first, I actually got 3 kills in a row within a few seconds which made myself feel pretty proud. XD It also gives a good insight into how MGS4 will work. It generally feels much better than past games, aiming is much easier, and the different shooting options are nice. I knocked a guy over, only for him to turn around unto his back and kill me.

    I also like how in Capture the flag, the more points you gather the more attachments you can add to your weapons.

    But one annoying thing, when I was installing v1.01 update, it took 12 hours, it's clever to have a P2P option, but the least they could of done was let their http download work, in the end I just had a very slow download for a huge file. 12 hours with an average 12kb/s. >>
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Apr 27, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Darkandroid
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Apr 24, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Darkandroid
    Here is my latest video.

    There was an annoying problem with the video, as you would notice there were out of flow black transistions it's a common problem I get, and it appeared in my 'In Pieces' video, for some reason when I try to do a plan cross fade a really terrible back transistion happens instead, and there is nothing I can do about it unless I change the clips. But I had a rusked time limit for this and aswell as coursework and general busy life (a reason why it's been a while since my last video)

    But anyway here is the video and enjoy.

    Yes I've contradicted myself, I always make a point to add credits and I didn't. Well I didn't add it for the contest, and to be honest I have better things to do like coursework instead of adding credits. XD Yes I'm lazy.

    Song - Almost Lost
    Band - InMe

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Youtube -

    Portal -

    All comments and critisms would be lovely.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Apr 22, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  20. Darkandroid
    Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from!

    A very good week this week. I was impressed by lot of videos. Also on another note, expect an special update within the next few days, the news involves 2 of our beloved editors, but anyway, here is the Top 5


    This Week's Winner: DarkenedSky | View Video
    Song: I'm Still Here by John Rzeznik

    Crisis Core Spoilers - The video is great, I can't really complain much other than a little too much was probably going on. But without a doubt a brilliant video, congrats.

    2. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video
    Song: How Could You by K-ci n Jojo

    Crisis Core Spoilers - I can't critise the video without really nitpicking. The timing was great as usual, and very nice use of effects and flow. Well done

    3. Submitted By: faade673 | View Video
    Song: Cloverfield Trailer

    Was synced together very well, the only flaw was the limitations of WMM. If this wasn't uploaded on a very close/good week then it probably would of been number 1. Great job.

    4. Submitted By: KatastrophicKaylee | View Video
    Song: Spin by Lifehouse

    Very professional looking, but that can only take you so far, it lacked some flow and some scenes dragged on for too long. But still a very well made video.

    5. Submitted By: FinalArcana| View Video
    Song: All Around Me by Flyleaf

    Very well timed, but lacked some flow and some effects didn't quite fit, but all other effects worked well. A very good video.

    Now for the Special Mentions:

    Submitted By: Darkandroid | View Video
    Song: Almost Lost by InMe

    Yes I know, how arrogant of me to add my own video. But I didn't add it to the Top 5 for obvious reasons, due to my own bias towards my own video, but I think it deserves this at least. >> Also I want to use it as a way to promote this great band who doesn't get noticed in the world of AMV's. Anyway go me.

    Submitted By: Jforce321 | View Video
    Song: These Hard Times by Matchbox Twenty

    A very good beta, I look forward to the final product.

    Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Apr 22, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects