Well, yes, but I’m afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I’m afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Quite disappointing this week. Only picked about 7 videos for my list, about half of what I normally have at that time, it's probably my higher standards after Fayt's video last week. XD Here is this week's Top 5. [top5number1]d418d97f-1c9c-4e3f-bb19-9ad2010d4222[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: KatastrophicKaylee | View Video Song: We Are Broken Paramore Was a bit eh with the we beginning, but you easily made up for it. Original but a bit weird to use Dead Fantasy, only gripe I have with that is that it didn't really fit in with the FMV scenes, but it did work and made it look like something different. Only other thing I can say is that some parts seemed overtimed, like when Tidus and Yuna hugged. Well done. 2. Submitted By: jforce321 | View Video Song: Never too Late by Three Days Grace Eh...the intro was way to long. Yes I'm being a heartless b****** but there is the describtion box for such things, even if it did have good intensions. When the video finally did kick off, a very good collab with good flow, was a bit 50/50 with the text. But overall it was very nice. 3. Submitted By: cc96591e | View Video Song: The Matrix Trailer Watermark is way to big, we watch AMV's for the video not a small bit of text, make it much smaller and transparent. But the video itself was good, nothing special but things worked well, bit more flow is the main criticism. That's about it, good job. 4. Submitted By: JazzVideos | View Video Song: Unforgiven by Sweetbox Didn't like the look of the effect at the beginning, didn't really look nice. I also didn't like the random use of effects, don't use effects for the sake of using them. But timing was good. Also get rid of subtitles it does ruin it slightly. But I did really enjoy the video even with those problems. 5. Submitted By: darkwolfbeast | View Video Song: Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin Flow, flow, flow. This video lacked it, don't stick to all straight cuts, it works in some situations but even a small crossfade so much better, the about to break part with Roxas and the rip in the drawing did make me laugh a bit, was a bit cheesy. XD The voice overs were a bit iffy, it's best to fit those into parts with no vocals. It wasn't a bad video at all, even with all that criticism, it had potenial, it was just a few flaws, like the part at the end, and a story was there. Now for the special mentions. Submitted By: AXBHikaruRemastered| View Video Song: N/A Yes it's not a video, but it's a very good making of, and the final result was brilliant. And I liked the first song you used, very nice. The drawing deserved this special mention. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
Phoenix - Zebrahead Before I start, I would like to say i'm a huge Zebrahead fan. So no-one better to give a detailed review then someone who knows the bands music well. The album came out in Japan at the beginning of the month and is due for a UK and US release a the beginning of August. So before you all obviously go to rush out and buy it =P. Read this review. Zebrahead are really one of those "Why aren't they more popular" sort of bands, they have all the right stuff to make it, but never quite make the big time. But this album just might, or will it just keep them in the same spot. This album really grew on me, while I liked it from the get go. At first I felt it wasn't quite as strong as 'Broadcast to the World', their previous album. But as I listened to it more I fell in love with it, and now in my opinion it's as strong an album as dare I say it the critically acclaimed 'MFZB' well yes I am. Definately their best album with the current singer Matty Lewis. The album starts off really strong with the heaviest song on the album 'HMP' (Heavy Metal Push-ups) The guitars, drums, everything is fast. A brilliant album opener, and probably my favourite song on the album. Greg's skills on the guitar have definately gotten better. Can't wait to hear this song live. 5/5 Next up is 'Hell Yeah' definately a more mainstrean, single type song, catchy riffs and vocals, typical stuff from Zebrahead, nothing special, I did enjoy the solo. 3.5/5 The more Metal influenced intro starts off the song 'Just the Tip' and a likely choice for the next single is a strong song. Ali's rapping fits in well, and the solo again was good, again with the typical catchy vocals from Matty. 4.5/5 The first single from the album 'Mental Health' is a very singley song, while not the best in the album, it's catchy and very easy to sing along to. Also slightly reminds me of Rescue Me for some reason. The rapping here is probably best best in the album, must like past Zebrahead songs it's full of energy. 4.5/5 'The Juggernauts' takes things a bit slower. Ali's rapping slips a little bit. His voice fits in really well in the high energy songs, but falls short on the slower songs. But the song really picks up at the chorus, very catchy and definately going to be a favourite at gigs to sing along. Probably a good choice for the next single. Would of been a 5 if it wasn't for the first verse's rapping. 4.5/5 Just a meh song 'Death by Disco' is. While not bad, it feels a bit like filler, It's back to Ali's high energy rapping, with the catchy chorus. The typical Zebrahead combination. 3/5 'Be Careful What you Wish For' has a good Bass intro, and starts to show Matty's voice showing his potenial, definately a step up. The part after the second chorus is really enjoyed. 4/5 The song starts out with the SOS signal, which fits the name of the song 'Morse Code is For Suckers' the slow build up intro is really nice. A catchy bass line. Ali during the bridge is a bit...eh..but generally a good song. 4/5 'Ignite' while it has a good start, the rest of the song doesn't impress me much. Felt like a filler song. 3/5 A bloodly long title here. 'Mike Dexter is God, Mike Dexter is a Role Model, Mike Dexter is an ***hole' A really feel good song here. I love singing along while driving to this song. It really puts a smile on your face, a song about wasting the day with someone you care about. Just a great song to listen to. Ali's rapping is a bit plan in the first verse, but the song is still a, 5/5 'Junkie and the Halo' isn't as strong song, almost feels like a B-side frm BtoW. Good, but not great. 3/5 I loved the intro to 'Brixton', while the rest isn't quite as awesome, it's still a strong song with a good rift. Just a good song to shout to, also Matty's vocals is strong here. 4/5 The more serious 'Hit the Ground' is a great song. Ali's rapping is hit or miss, but Matty's vocals is the best on the album. He tries a different style, more louder and it really shows, him in the chorus and solo is great. 5/5 'Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, but Three Rights Make a Left', Yep another random title, and a song back to Zebrahead's silly side with lyrics saying "Bow Chicka Bow Wow" a song about forgetting a ex, but still not quite forgetting her. Just a catchy song to sing along to. 4/5 'All for None, And None for All', I really enjoyed the rifts in this song, the more fast paced more ska guitars sounds really nice. 4.5/5 'Sorry, but Your friend is Hot's intro is going to get people jumping at a gig. While not really strong, it's just a good song. 4/5 In my opinion the album is on par with MFZB. A really strong album, with more rememorial tracks then Broadcast to the World. While it starts off really well, it does dry up a little around the middle but picks up at the end. This album sees everyone progress, Greg and Ben's guitaring, Ed's druming and Matty's vocals have all improved, even if it's just by a little bit. But Ali's rapping can be hit or miss in the slower songs. He fits in really well in the faster songs like 'HMP', but falls flat in songs like 'The Juggernauts.' It is just what you would expect from Zebrahead, catchy, easy to sing along to and just feel good music. Very drivable music. While it might not attract many non-fans. It will definately statify the fans, and won't disappoint. Will they hit the mainstream again? It's hard to say, depends on the marketing and what other songs they release. Any fans of pop/punk and have not heard of this band, give them a try. Overall - 4.5/5 For Fans of - Bowling for Soup Reel Big Fish Sum 41 Must listen/Download - HMP The Juggernauts Mike Dexter is God, Mike Dexter is an Idol, Mike Dexter is an ***hole Hit the Ground.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Sorry everything is so behind, I was on holiday, and as I went to post this yesterday, the died had a heart attack. But anyway, I would like to thank RvR for doing the Top 5 for one week, I liked the choices he made and I really appricate it. Here is the T [top5number1]8c76370d-7121-4f29-a367-9acd0103e3f8[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Fayt | View Video Song: For the True Story by Sonic Adventure 2 OST Oh my ****ing god. A video on the portal hasn't blown me away like this in a while. This is the next step for the editors here. Use photoshop, it is your friend they go together so well if used properly. Some parts seemed repeatitivebut that is nitpicking and there is no story, but considering the music, there isn't much need for one. I loved every minute of here. My favourite video on the portal so far. Congrats. 2. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video Song: Whisper in the Dark by Skillet A solid video, good flow timing, everything we would expect from you, the part of 0:49 ruined the flow a bit, and felt too slow compared to the style of editting you did before it. But beyond that. Really liked it. 3. Submitted By: False Visions Studios | View Video Song: Breathe Into Me by Red Well Red is a popular band choice here, good thing I used it before it got generic. XD I loved the intro, bit long, but at least it looked very nice. Only gripe about the MEP was that all the editting styles together all with their own timing style, make it seem cramped and almost a bit messy, also some of the masking and effects during the slow part. Yes Masking is fantasitc but don't abuse it. I found the video very effects heavy, nothing wrong with that, but there is a time a place, use it for really fast paced songs, songs like this you need more drive then effects. Sorry for the small rant, I really did enjoy the video. 4. Submitted By: Yuna784 | View Video Song: What about now by Daughtry Another solid video, again for a slow song like this, there were some pointless effects like at 0:15, also some of the flow was eh, but beyond that, it was well made. 5. Submitted By: WGreyB | View Video Song: Wherever You Will Go by The Calling A good emotional video, can't complain about the editting much, but yet it gives me an...meh impression, because it's nothing new. Still didn't stop me from enjoying it. Oh as a final word, **** that smiley advert at the top of most videos, it annoys the crap out of me. Hello, hello, HELLO. Yes I get it hello to you to, now shut up, i'm trying to watch videos. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Life lesson people, don't drink and go camping in a slippery area, you will probably fall and badly ruin your ankle. >>
Just lol http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/kung-fu-grip/131-The-Final-Final-Fantasy
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Gah I'm late again, sorry, I plan to be up to date by the end of the week. Hopefully. Also sorry for those who check the blog often it hasn't been updated in a while. I haven't had time to update it and I also lack questions from you the members. Also not sure what happened to Pwillard or HazHeartz with it also. Also to those who have sent in entries for the MEP..worm whatever you want to call it, we have about half the entries in so far and it's going to be a long one. I suspect it will be in about 3 or 4 parts. Here is this week's (or should I say Last week's) Top 5. [top5number1]19049415-7af6-4afa-97d1-9ac000aa3f0d[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: iSora1 | View Video Song: Beautiful Lie 30 Seconds to Mars A very good video, some parts seemed out of flow, but that was because you timed by the drum beat, s that was unavoidable. My only gripe is that the voiceovers you added really ruined the flow of the music. Mainly at the end. But beyond that, good, congrats. 2. Submitted By: WGreyB | View Video Song: All at Once by The Fray A good emotional video, only think I can critize is that some scenes you used dragged on a bit. 3. Submitted By: KingdomOfFantasies | View Video Song: Last Train Home by Lostprophets Nice little touc at the beginning, the video was veryg good, somne weirdi timing, and the constant blue filter personally got annoying, but that's just a little thing. Very good video. 4. Submitted By: K-Dudd | View Video Song: The Matrix Trailer Lip syncing to games are hard, unlike Anime where it's much easier, that was the only problem with the video, some of the syncing was off. But it was very good neither the less. 5. Submitted By: kiingdomX3 | View Video Song: Miss Invisible by Marie Digby A very good video, it has a similar problem to WGreyB, but I really enjoyed how you connected the music and footage together. Now for the special mentions. Submitted By: khfreak87| View Video Song: Boy Meets World Original idea, that's for sure. I liked how you synced the dialogue pretty damn well. Just a good video. Submitted By: FilpinoKid264 | View Video Song: Shine by Uverworld A very nice little video, just a shame it was on the short side. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
My little sister has sent the Dragons into my room again. >>
Just came back from a small gig by Dave McPherson (InMe frontman) at a local pub. An old man was there dressed in drag, as the night went on I started to believe it wasn't a one off. He danced during the gig, it caused many giggles and was quite epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJTlD62luIs Later on he does the split, and for a 52 year old man, it's quite impressive. Lola you are a legend. XD
I believe there was a thread in the past, but I can't find it, and it's probably closed now. So here is a new one for all. My list has recently increased big time: All American Rejects My Chemical Romance x2 InMe Biffy Clyro x2 Kids in Glass Houses (support band) Go Audio (support band) Rise Against x2 Cancer Bat (Support) The Bronx (Support) Zebrahead x2 Army of Freshman (Support) Sherwood (support) Foo Fighters Nine Inch Nails Nightwish KISS Judas Priest Motorhead Disturbed Firewind Bullet for my Valentine Alter Bridge 36 Crazyfists Job for a Cowboy A Day to Remember Pendulum (only one song though) Fightstar Black Stone Cherry Apocalyptica Within Temptation In Flames Coheed and Cambria Jimmy Eat World Lostprophets. Phew, going to Download really increased it. XD
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/kung-fu-grip/94-Metal-Gear-Solid-Snakes-Final-Days lol. That's all I will say. XD
A certain member came to mind.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Gah I'm late again, sorry, I plan to be up to date by the end of the week. Hopefully. Also sorry for those who check the blog often it hasn't been updated in a while. I haven't had time to update it and I also lack questions from you the members. Also not sure what happened to Pwillard or HazHeartz with it also. Also to those who have sent in entries for the MEP..worm whatever you want to call it, we have about half the entries in so far and it's going to be a long one. I suspect it will be in about 3 or 4 parts. Here is this week's (or should I say Last week's) Top 5. [top5number1]879fd574-90c7-4228-937e-9ab50137fc89[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: WGreyB & Kellygemkat | View Video Song: How to Save a Life The Fray Very nice collab, flow from both parts were great, and I have no complaints from the editting side of things. Though personally I feel that watermarks are needed for these sort of things, normally the describtion page says who did what part. But congrats. 2. Submitted By: KatastrophicKaylee | View Video Song: Monster byMeg and Dia A really good video, a little bit too much going on and some bad lip syncing but they are small problems. I enjoyed the video. 3. Submitted By: PaopuDragon | View Video Song: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls Geez, I wonder what inspired this video. =P Anyway yes your flow is much better some transistion were a bit too quick, but I liked the use of voice clips. Great job. 4. Submitted By: TheClamWhisperer | View Video Song: I kissed a Girl by Katy Perry An original video, this song stands out in my head thanks to a certain member *cough*CTR*cough* but the video is good, and the sync to the lyrics was nice. The main issue here is the flow, some cuts felt too fast. But a very good video. 5. Submitted By: Unforgettable Dreams Studios | View Video Song: Final Distance by Utada Hikaru A good MEP, I peronally felt it would of been better without the watermarks since you said who did what part in the describtion, the idea is to make it seem like one whole video, not one made out of many little parts, that's what a worm is for. Did slightly ruin flow, but the video was good in general. Maybe too many effects for the type of video it was, but I still enjoyed it. Now for the special mentions. Submitted By: iSora1 | View Video Song: Beautiful Lie by 30 Second to Mars I'm liking what I'm seeing so far. Though the double image effect during the Sora vs Roxas part made me feel like I was drunk, does make you feel a bit dizzy, not really a good idea to make the people watching it feel sick. =P But I look forward to the full version. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
Why not huh. Lets see how well you know your wonderful admin. Any score with less than 30 will be banned for incompetents. http://www.quizyourfriends.com/takequiz.php?quizname=080617192721-956901&
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Bloody hell, this is late. All I can do is say sorry. I would of done this sooner, but I was at the Download Festival from Thursday until yesterday. Sorry. Anyway good week this week here is the Top 5. [top5number1]b6f713c8-880d-4fe5-9e34-9ab100d5767[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Leading Man Studios | View Video Song: First Time by Life House I really enjoyed the collab, things worked well and transistion between each editor was smooth. All I can say is that the watermark for each person wasn't needed, the idea is to make it look like 1 and then say in the describtion or credits who did which part. 2. Submitted By: khfreak87 | View Video Song: Too many god damn songs A very original idea I must say, songs transistion was generally good but some didn't go down that well. But overall the remix idea is good, and the editting was gooda s expected, good video. 3. Submitted By: angelsinflight14 | View Video Song: THe Golden Compass Trailer A very good trailer, and the film fits in quite well with the animal disney characters and was generally well made congrats, though some of the masking was a tad dodgy. 4. Submitted By: GameFreak389 | View Video Song: The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars Finally a Disney only video in the Top 5. And the video is very good, the connection to the lyrics and story was great. And timing was good to boot. Not the sort of thing you would associate the song with but it worked. 5. Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: Molly by Mindless Self Indulgence Yes it is a weird band, but it worked well oddly enough. Small flow issues, but generally things flowed well. All I can say is try a few less fast cuts and some smoothers ones. Great job. No special mentions this week. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/ No Top 5 Extra this week due to me being busy i'm afraid.
Bring on Old Elizabeth.
Pizza Cheese Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid 4 Strongbow Jack Daniels Jaffa Cakes Instant BBQ Sausages Burgers Mayo Mustard That's all for now.
But now i'm cheating on it with a fence A woman who married the Berlin Wall has been cheating on her husband...with a fence. Bonkers Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer - her surname is "Berlin Wall" in German, wed the structure in 1979. But cracks appeared in her marriage when Berlin was reunified in 1989 and the wall began to crumble. After that, her eyes wandered to another strong, silent type, this time closer to home. She hedged her bets and dated the garden fence for several years. Eija-Riitta, from Liden, Sweden, claims to suffer from an illness called Objectum-Sexual. The condition sees sufferers think of objects as humans with a gender and clear personality. Eija Riitta, 54, said "I know it's difficult for people to understand but i was born like this. I have never wanted to be with a person. The Great Wall of China is attractive but he is too thick, the Berlin wall is sexier. What they did to my husband was dreadful. I couldn't look at the television. It was not his fault. They built him and then they mutilated him." When she wed the Berlin Wall, who she still calls "my darling husband", Eija-Riitta invited friends and family and wore white. She told him the congregation applauded at the end of the service - however witnesses said the groom remained stony-faced throughout. Down the years she also became close to several model bridges. Amazingly she isn't the only sufferer of OS. A 43 year old British woman identified only as Emma is registered as having the condition, and is currently dating a stereo called Jake.