I'm ****ing sick of people taking my locks. I'm there to lock a thread and someone get's their first, or we cancel each ther out making a mockery of ourselves. I'm ****ing sick of it. Kay I hate you. All other staff -
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! I would like to say sorry for the huge delay, I'm settling in back into University life and it's taken over my life, with finding a new job, lectures and stuff like that. I had Catch the Rain help with make the fina choice I haven't had the time, so thank you CtR. I am considering someone temporarly taking over until I get everything together and the Top 5 has catched up, so stay alert for an annoucement within the next few days. If anyone in the Top 5 this week wants any comments on your video then PM me and I will be willing. [top5number1]cce13d18-6c64-41d9-93ab-9aee0097f1bb[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: WhiteRoseOfWutai | View Video Song: Colors by Crossfade 2. Submitted By: Sanne | View Video Song: Jack's Mannequin by Dark Blue 3. Submitted By: TenKaulitz | View Video Song: Diary Of jane by Breaking Benjamin 4. Submitted By: itachismaniac | View Video Song: Marching Bands of Manhattan by Death Cab for Cutie 5. Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: Fat Lip by Sum41 Now for the special mentions: Submitted By: angelsinflight14| View Video Song: Up Against The Wall by Boys Likes Girls Submitted By: Kiwi | View Video Song: N/A Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
Thanks to Member *TwilightNight* for pointing out the article to me. We have more news and more of a reliable source about an American release of Chain of Memories. The site 1UP says: I would like to point out that nothing is official yet as we are yet to hear anything from Square-Enix themselves. But I doubt this won't be true now we have this much detail on the game. Source: 1UP and KHI Also in other news Star Ocean 4 and The Last Remnant will be playable at TGS this year.
Square-Enix made a presentation yesterday at the Gamestop Expo in Las Vegas, and Chain of Memories got a mention. Someone tipped off Kotaku stating: Of course nothing is 100% official but back in July Square-Enix were auditioning an english voice cast for some Organisation members who appeared in CoM. Don't expect Final Mix+ but Re:Com is highly likely. Source: Kotaku and KHU (Voice Casting Audition)
Square Enix have annonuced the list of games appearing at this years Tokyo Game Show on the 10-12 of October. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (PSP) - Trailer and Demo Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 (DS) - Trailer and Demo Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Mobile) - Trailer only There have been demo's for the 2 games before but I believe this is the first public event where the 2 are playable so we can expect many leaked footage. (That's if they allow the demos to the public) And for those who are interested there is the rest of the list. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3/Xbox 360) - Trailer Only Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3) - Trailer Only Final Fantasy Agito XIII (PSP/Mobile) - Trailer Only DISSIDIA Final Fantast (PSP) - Trailer and Demo Dragon Quest IX (DS) - Trailer Only The 3rd Birthday (PSP) - Trailer Only Chrono Trigger (DS) - Trailer Only Star Ocean 4 (360) - Undecided Valkyrie Profile (DS) - Trailer and Demo The Last Remnant (360/PS3) - Undecided Chocobo and the Magic Picture Book (DS) - Trailer and Demo Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon (DS) - Trailer and Demo Infinite Undiscovery (360) - Trailer Only Source: TGS - Square Enix and Kotaku
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Well I've finished work now so I should be able to do 2 a week now so within a few weeks I should be catched up, thank everyone for their patience, same goes for the people who took part in the MEP. [top5number1]5358d88a-ec74-4ac5-8162-9ae800cc5963[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: JazzVideos | View Video Song: Monsters by Meg and Dia The intro is way too long, you can easily cut it down to 10 seconds, I personally think 10-15 seconds is a good length for an intro if you wish to use one, but when the video started I loved it, the use of voice overs really fitted the song, and the song really fitted the theme of Soldier. All I can say is touch up on the masking. Congrats. 2. Submitted By: KatastrophicKaylee | View Video Song: Gravity by Sara Barielles Another long intro, but not quite as long as the number 1 video. The main video itself is simple by design but it really fits the song, you don't want to overload on the effects in a slow song. And again a little touching up on the masking is all I can say. 3. Submitted By: EvilMeRc8 | View Video Song: All I Need by One Republic Another good video from you, the transistion between the intro and the song was a bit iffy, but that is just a minor fault, it was a well made video, just not the best from you. 4. Submitted By: xXArcanaFeatherXx | View Video Song: Innocence Avril Lavigne Wasn't a fan of the effect at the beginning, but I really enjoyed the video as a whole, masking needs a little touching up and some other effects didn't really fit in well like the while circle, and the fan art didn't really fit in. But it was well made. 5. Submitted By: KingdomOfFantasies | View Video Song: Dark Blue by Jacks Mannequin I thought it was a song by Go:Audio at first which would of been a surprise. Get rid of the subtitles, it does ruin the video a bit and fix the aspect ratio, I know you can fix it with the software you use, so it does ruin flow a bit. But I enjoyed the video as a whole beyond that, just a shame that it ended rather suddenly. Now for the special mentions. Submitted By: Angelinflight14 | View Video Song: Time To Dance Panic! At The Disco It is an odd pairing and a bit of a mismatch, you I can tell a lot of thought went into the weird plot, so I applaud you for making more effort than most in that department, shame most people will just skim over it. The masking was great, I have no faults from a editting standpoint. But because of the Death Note it will be a special mention which is a shame. Submitted By: Sanne | View Video Song: N/A Dead Fantasy is awesome and what you made is very good, my only flaw are the arrows, it would of looked better if you stuck to one which moved when selecting it instead of having 2. Original and very nice. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
...To knock yourself out with a guitar. Quite a few apparently.
This has become my catchphrase among my friends. Because there are stuff I have done and it has always stayed in their mind even if it was a rare occurance. Here is a list: Throw a flaming stick into a neighbours garden. Throw up on a friends sofa. Run over my friend. (He only hit the bumper) There is probably more but I can't think of them, they are that rare. I'm aware of the innuendo thank you.
The latest issue of the Official Playstation Magazine in the rumour section states that "Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development as a PS3 exclusive and will be announced at TGS". It definitely seems likely since we haven't heard any news about the next main installment in the series since Kingdom Hearts II's release. And the PS3's exclusivity isn't a shock either considering it's been a playstation exclusive from day one. Don't expect the game anytime soon, remember how long Kingdom Hearts II took. Source: Kotaku
We are awesome. =P
Ariel. XD
..nominated DAxLisbeth. Your ****ing awesome. XD Wasn't expecting that.
Ah brilliant, surprised the lady didn't get it. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHaA8jNjxCo
Use them or I will end up having to placing them there myself.
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Exuse of the week, hangover and work. I really need to get more time to do 2 a week. Anyway here is the Top 5 for this week. [top5number1]3b78e6ba-34f7-4e46-9509-9ae40137b02f[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: HazHeartz | View Video Song: Love Song Requiem by Trading Yesterday One of the best emotional videos I've seen in a while. The great editing and song choice really shine through. It's quite simply beautifiul. Brilliant work. It's been a while since this was released, but I hope things are well for you now. 2. Submitted By: Pwillard | View Video Song: Dark Knight Trailer Just a really good fanmade trailer, syncing was great, all I can say is that some lip syncing needed some touching up. 3. Submitted By: Angelsinflight14 | View Video Song: John Tucker Must Die Trailer Great masking in this video, and syncing was pretty good to, but like the small problem with pwillard, some of the lip syncing needed touching up. 4. Submitted By: KiingdomX3 | View Video Song: The Call by Regina Spektor Another great emotional video this week. Great flow, nothing of real importance to critise about. Good job. 5. Submitted By: khfan1661 | View Video Song: 100 Years by Five for Fighting Boy a very emotional themed week this is. Only complaint with the video was the flow every now and then, some points had just straight cuts or the transistion was too fast, beyond that great job. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/
While Browsing I discovered an interesting support band for Enter Shikari on their next UK tour in Oct/Nov. It's only ****ing Maximum the Hormone. A band I never thought I would see...ever. So I rushed and bought a ticket for the gig on November 3rd in London. Not only do I get to get a good live band, but also Maximum the ****ing Hormone. **** yeah. Sorry, I'm just very excited at the moment.
[searchabovead]script[/searchabovead] =O
Virgin mobile. =D
Every week, I scour the video portal's latest submissions and pick my top five favorites. Just because you don't make it into the top five does not mean that you're video wasn't good. We just have so many good videos that they're hard to choose from! Exuse time. Was going to post it late last week, but I had coursework to finish and send off. Since then I've been working and revising for an exam on the Friday. I will try to get 2 done next week. As I will also start on the MEP. Again sorry for the lateness my summer has been busier then I thought. Some of you may noticed but video editing section has moved to it's own section, rather than a sub-forum. Post your vidoes there for opinions from members. Also it will expand, stay tuned for updates on that front. Now for the Top 5. [top5number1]7bcb8c80-0c11-4ad5-a027-9adc00b50663[/top5number1] This Week's Winner: Various Editors | View Video Song: Judah (Reprise) After the Sirens Quite an epic song. Well I have no real complaints about the video, it felt like a whole rather than in pieces. Congrats to all those who took part. 2. Submitted By: Mohrchen | View Video Song: Flat on the Floor by Nikelback Only one complaint, and that was the timing, one second your timing by drums then the next the guitar, it got a bit confusing was hard to tell what you were timing. Beyond that, I really enjoyed it. Good job. 3. Submitted By: TheClamWhisperer | View Video Song: Post Blue by Placebo A very good video, something original story wise, but you abused the TV effect a bit, it added to the atmosphere of the video, but it was still abused. Beyond that, i enjoyed it. 4. Submitted By: JazzVideos | View Video Song: Diary of Jane (acoustic by Breaking Benjamin Didn't like the flow at the beginning, felt too fast for the song, especailly if you used flashes, but the core video was good, just work a bit on the flow. 5. Submitted By: Kadaj | View Video Song: Break Me Down by RED A solid video overall. Some good timing, but there was some repeated scenes and some places lacked timing, especially in the middle. But flow was generally good, a bit hit or miss. Has potential. Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time! For more information of this weeks Top 5, including the videos that just missed out aswell as your questions answered, go to: http://kh-vids.blogspot.com/