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  1. Darkandroid

    Jerry Jackson

    ...Is awesome.

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Jan 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Darkandroid
    Don't **** it up.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Dec 31, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Darkandroid
    First one to get it right wins a prize.

    Note -Prize doesn't exist
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Dec 31, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkandroid
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 28, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Darkandroid
    Gundam games haven't exactly been in the good books in recent years, for every good game there are many **** ones. Dodgy controls and poor story have stopped it from becoming a great franchise it could of been. Is Gundam vs Gundam more of the same but a step in the right direction?

    A port from the arcade game of the same name, Gundam vs Gundam puts popular Gundams from each anime series against each other rather than the generic mobile suits in the series. Unlike past games in the series this one is much more fast paced and with more variety of characters, the way Gundam games should be.

    For an Arcade game you aren't going to expect much of a story, but in this game only gives a brief explanation that in the year 2030 an enemy known as the Devil Gundam has merged all the worlds into one so the many series's join forces to stop the threat. The plot makes little sense as it seems like the Gundams are facing off against each other rather than a certain enemy. But it gives a simple premise as to why all the Gundams are together in one place and that's about it. A simple short cut-scene for each series is played at the beginning of the Arcade Mode along with a nice piece of artwork at the end. The arcade mode consists of 8 stages along with a boss at the end. Though it bombards you with many options to choose from they all play out the same. Time attack mode, harder difficulties and different scenarios, though they all follow the same objective of destroying the enemy until you or the enemy has no more points left. It would of been nice to have other objectives like 'survive until time runs out' and a variety of other modes to help flesh out the single player aspect more.

    During combat are given a set number of points, each gundam takes up either 1000, 2000 or 3000 points, the more powerful the gundam the higher the points, so you can't die as many times as the weaker gundams, this is a way of balancing the game so everyone has an even chance. Once the teams points equals zero the game is over.

    The game plays out like most Gundam games (including the usual slow motion death at the end of the battle), you can perform a melee attack (Triangle), use your main weapon (Square) and sub-weapon (R) and combinations of these commands to perform other long/short range attacks. The combat system is both simple and surprisingly deep, you can easily stick to the simple attacks while those wishing to can experiment and make full use of the attacks offered. You also have a limited amount of support mecha which quickly appear and do a set command for a small amount of time, as well as a special attack which you can activate when your G-Gauge is full. 37 characters are playable (4 of which are unlockable) but each one plays and feel different, some specialise in Melee, others long range combat and some a combination of the 2, some fast and some slow, but all are well balanced. Weapons range from laser rifles, beam cannons, missles, machine guns and more, along with some different types of beam sabers, variety isn't short and you are bound to find a Gundam that suits your play style.

    During combat are given a set number of points, each gundam takes up either 1000, 2000 or 3000 points, the more powerful the gundam the higher the points, so you can't die as many times as the weaker gundams, this is a way of balancing the game so everyone has an even chance. Once the teams points equals zero the game is over.

    Beyond the Arcade mode you have a simple versus mode in which you can face off against CPU's or even watching 4 CPU's going at it, along with being able to battle it out over Wi-Fi both locally and online. I've only had the opportunity to play it locally with 3 other friends and for the most part it played out well, though there was some noticeable slow downs when things got hectic. Playing with friends can be insane fun and easily trumps the single player. Even if the single player doesn't last you very long, those dedicated enough can put many hours into the game improving you skills and playing with friends.

    The game won't appeal to many of those with little interest in Gundam or even Mecha in general, it's a game for the fans true and true and those fans are going to get a lot out of the game or at least get some enjoyment from seeing their favourite characters facing off against each other. But the lack of gameplay variety is pulling the game down, the main gameplay is fun and addictive but doesn't last long, only hardcore fans will be able to get extensive playtime out of it. It isn't perfect but it's a good step forward and if the console version play out like this Gundam games can start to be seen in a better light.

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Darkandroid

    Welsh Fail

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 24, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkandroid

    I'm Pregnant


    Craig, you're going to be the proud parent of a baby girl, and just look- isn't she just so damn cute! Based on our remote test results, your beautiful baby girl will weigh about 15 lbs, 9 oz and have blonde hair and blue eyes. Truly a Wonder To Behold!

    The Father is:


    The Pope

    Oh, girl- that is just so wrong on so many levels, we don't even know where to begin. Thanks for bringing down the Catholic Church single-handedly.


    All I can say is LMAO, they pick a random girls name and they happen to pick Elizabeth.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 24, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkandroid
    I was watching inconvenient truth the other day and theres the bit where it shows the sea level rising really high and flooding most of the world. Well i live near the sea, and don’t want to drown, so i got to thinking. Maybe if we lower the sea level a bit, when the water level rises then it won’t rise high enough to flood.

    Anyway, heres the plan. Everyone who can should take a bucket of sea water and pour it down the sink. If lots of people put the effort in, we could lower the sea level substantially and create a better world for our children to live.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 23, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkandroid

    I haven't laughed this hard is ages.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 23, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkandroid

    Advert Fail

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 22, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Darkandroid


    It's killing me on the inside. D=
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 15, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkandroid



    ****ing Brilliant.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 10, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkandroid

    He killed it

    The ****** ruined this song for me, too much emotion. XD

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 6, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Darkandroid

    Last Night...

    ...Was awesome and tiring. It started with a 6 hour coach trip into London. Had some Chinese buffet in Leicester Square and then went to queue up for the Enter Shikari. But I didn't go to see them (though it was nice to see them) No I went to see Maximum the Hormone.

    It was ****ing awesome, they were only supporting so it was only a short 6 song set, but 6 songs of awesomeness. Was being squashed to death but had a great time. I bought a T-shirt and towel (pictured below) I also got a chance to meet Nao (Drummer) from the band.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Nov 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Darkandroid

    Toffee Apple Cider. Brilliant.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 29, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Darkandroid
    It's pretty Obvious that the Top 5 haven't been done in a while. It's because I no longer have the time to carry it on, which is a real shame, as I enjoyed doing it each week. But don't worry I don't want it to die, so i'm looking for a replacement. Someone who can look at the videos for the week, pick your favourites and gives me the list, so I can post it. Here are some requirements:

    • Must have good AMV experience, if you make good AMV's you know what you are doing and therefore can tell what videos are good or not. And not just pick it because you liked the song.
    • Dedicatation, something I had to begin with, but then lost. I need to know you will be there on a regular basis. Since I'm so far behind it will be a good idea to try and do 2 or 3 a week. (It will be totally up to you, to either try and catch up or just start from the last week)
    • Unbiased, may not be a big one, but you will need to be unbiased on who you pick, don't pick a guy because you like the editor, base it on the video not the person.
    • Effort, it takes time to go through 50-100 videos a week and then pick your favourite. It can be a hard time trying to find your favourite. So be wary of the time it can take.

    Think you fit those, then PM me. Show me your best AMV work and state reasons why I should pick you.

    Deadline is the 7th November.

    Good luck.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 27, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Darkandroid
    The Official website has released a trailer for the forecoming game. Though some scenes that were in the TGS trailer appear it doesn't appear to be the same trailer. Which probably means this was the trailer for the Square-Enix event that passed in August because Xion face isn't revealed in the trailer.

    Download Raw Trailer

    Update: Thanks to member Andrefpvs for a translated version:

    Source: Square-Enix
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 17, 2008, 62 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Darkandroid
    Maybe not perfectly translated but it gives us a clue as to what is going on as well as more information about the 14th member Xion. Unforunately we can't expect HQ versions of the trailers until Square-Enix decided to post it to the public so for now we have to make do.


    Thanks to NeoCloudstrife for supplying me with the link.

    I will update later with the BBS trailer translated

    Birth by Sleep
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 14, 2008, 51 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Darkandroid

    BBS Footage

    Thanks to an anonymous tip we present to you cam footage of Birth by Sleep.

    Granted the quality isn't all that great as it's just a camera recording someone playing a PSP. But we get a short glimps at combat in the game and it appears to be as button mashingy as ever. The footage is of Terra fighting the new type of blue enemies in the field.

    Here is another video for those craving more.

    Thanks to the people who uploaded the footage to youtube.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 11, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Darkandroid


    Ruins friendships.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 1, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone