My my things have changed. So what's new, have I missed anything?
I'm speechless, that guy can play a guitar.
NO, Catch the Rain isn't leaving, I am, geez. It's been on my mind for a while now, and today is a good time to finally say goodbye and do it. I'll put it simply, the site isn't on the top of my priorities list, I haven't been given it the attention it deserves. In other words I don't do much. I've got other things on my mind and it's time to move on. I've been staff for almost 2 and a half years. (admin for almost 2) It's been fun and down right annoying at time looking after you band of nitwits. There are things I would like to remember and things I would like to forget. Bloody hell alot has changed, 3 years ago I would of never of thought I would be one of the ones running this place, it's helped in a surprising amount of ways. I'm not going to do any goodbyes because I'm not going anyway, I'm just stepping down not leaving. But I will say this, you should all appreicate the amount of effort and work CtR has done for this site, she is one of the best damn admins we have had, besides me of course. Yeah, that's about it. I will say admin for a few days until CtR comes back from her field trip. See you around, as a Premium.
Just lol
I can't breathe.
I came across this the other day after watching Skins. It's brilliant. It's about the lives of 4 17 year old guys in Sixth Form, unlike Skins it's actually quite an accurate representation of teenage life, bunking off, trying to get served at a pub, driving lessons, attempting to get laid, crush on neighbour and of course the school dance. Most of the situations are actually based on what happened to the writers when they were teenagers. I actually wasn't expecting much from the series, I saw trailers and it didn't seem that interesting, seemed liked a show running on the success of Skins, I'm glad to say I was wrong. Written by the creators of Peep Show and was in production before Skins was ever aired, it's a surprisingly funny series, a bit crude and at times seems lowbrow. But underneath all the sex jokes is a clever and well written comedy. I recommend you all to watch it. I was surprised with how many situations I related to, especially the throwing up part. Here are some clips for your amusement. Contains strong language.
The game is out today. It came through the post yesterday but didn't get much time to play it, I have only done 2 stages so far. I'm not sure if it was the hangover or the controls but it took me a half hour to get used to the controls. It's a very cover based game, if you don't use L2 a lot you will be ****ed. The story so far is well...there is no story, you invade Helghan and that's it so far, though it is presented very nicely. Very chaotic, you get the feel of a full blown war from the get go as you travel right into the battlefield. The game also looks amazing. I just wish there was co-op, it's a very squad based game, you always have at least 1 person with you at all times, so it seems odd they didn't include co-op for the single player campaign. I haven't got that far yet, but my first impressions are good.
A member reminded me of the In Memory MEP that was started last year. The other day I went to go a start finishing it off, but for some reason the videos are now gone. Not sure if I accidentally deleted them during a clear out (most likely that) or something else. All I can do is apologise for all those who took part. I thank you all for taking part, and I'm deeply sorry we can never see the finished form. I'm totally pissed off about it. Anyway now for the Top 5. Thanks Kadaj for doing this week. [top5number1]31a45388-0a58-4fab-a1c2-9ba800904b54[/top5number1] By squallxrinoa Breathing by Yellowcard Really dramatic—you did a really cool job choreographing everything togther. Nice work. Click here to see Video By blueblade In a Dream by Rockell You chose a really catchy song, and the AMV came together really well. Great job. Click here to see Video By JayMonster Breathe by Angels and Airways I loved the arrows and flips around the middle of the AMV, and everything came together really nicely overall. Wonderful work. Click here to see Video By EvilMeRc8 & Jforce321 Used to by Chris Daughtry I really enjoyed watching this. The effects used were nicely placed and the song worked well with the clips. Nice job. Click here to see Video By switchboxroxrox March (A Prelude to Spring) by Jon Foreman The song was was nice with the clips that you chose and overall I enjoyed the audio and visual aspects of the AMV. Click here to see Video
Another week, another Top 5, I'm not hangover enough to not be able to post it today. So many thanks again to Kadaj for doing this week. Kudos. By kairipanda Listen to Your Heart by DHT Really beautiful. This was wonderfully done and I really enjoyed watching it. Click here to see Video By Unknownkid Decode by Paramore A very strong AMV. You did a great job. Click here to see Video By Clur2k9 Savin’ Me by Nickelback Really cool. A lot happening, but it all came together really nicely and overall the AMV was nicely done. Click here to see Video By X13Daxter Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin Every scene you used was in its proper place and the AMV ended up very well done. Click here to see Video By kiingdomX3 To be with You by David Archuleta Every scene that you chose fit with the beautiful lyrics throughout the song. Wonderful job. Click here to see Video
I found my car on Google Earth.
Ah...made my day.
Woops, Kadaj sent this to me a while ago, but I decided to wait a little longer until posting it, well to be perfectly honest I totally forgot about it during that time. Guess I had other things on my mind, so sorry for the delay. It seems like the Portal is better now, still not sure what caused the problem, but if you video was randomly delete without explanation feel free to upload them again. Here is the top 5 for this week. 1st [top5number1]d4afe7e0-aff9-4350-95e7-9b990163e361.htm[/top5number1] By ehikari I Never Wanted to by Saosin I think the best word I can use to describe this video is ‘dramatic’. You did a really cool job as you switched between the many scenes between Sora, Namine, and the people around them. The song fits more with the storyline than the clips, but it still ran along with it quite well. Great job. Click here to see Video 2nd By yunarella We Are Broken by Paramore Fairly nostalgic for fans who played through a lot of these games. You did a great job of portraying the different scenes throughout Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and I was definitely feeling something like sadness for the characters through the AMV. Wonderful work. Click here to see Video 3rd By df77554a Savin’ Me by Nickelback Short, but sweet. I was instantly captured by the effects you used and how you captured so many scenes in a video so short, and made it work beautifully. The clips fit well with the song, and overall you did a really nice job. Click here to see Video 4th By Fansunu Waiting for the World to Fall by Jars of Clay Beautiful. The voices that echo through the AMV were well placed and the placement of the characters in different scenes was also very cool. I hope your friend has a great birthday. Click here to see Video 5th By minicoop55 Crawl by Superchick Check the spoiler alert before watching! Really cute, and you passed along some really nice messages about the different relationships throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. The enhancement you used on the clips was very nice and you did a wonderful job. Click here to see Video
Stop being a giant cock. I want my damn sleep, I don't need this **** right now. Thank you.
Big thanks to Kadaj for doing this week's Top 5. Anyway, this time I have no witty comments, rants or anything to talk about for once so here you go. Enjoy this week's Top 5. [top5number1]77eb6da9-fda4-4900-9a6b-9b940125e969[/top5number1] 1.) Unknownkid Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park From some of the AMV’s that I’ve seen, Roxas’s story seems to fit with many songs by Linkin Park. You did an especially good job with this one—beautiful job. 2.) Hazzlie Lift Me Up by The Benjamin Gate I really enjoyed watching this—the effects are beautifully placed and overall you did a really nice job. 3. )xxRhymexx Awakening by Mae I enjoyed the flashes between scenes and the overlay on each clip. Great job. 4.) Anime17 Wall to Wall by Chris Brown I’m sure that if these guys lived in reality, this AMV would make even more sense. Haha nice job. 5.) PureEnglishRose In Another Life by The Veronicas This is a really cute AMV. You mixed up some of the scenes and they fit with the lyrics really nicely. Great job.
Well technically there is only 4 this week, something is wrong with the user portal. All I can do right now is apologize if people videos are getting deleted randomly. It's something we are trying to fix as we speak. Sorry for the basic layout this week. I've been busy with other things both online and off. Big thanks to HayabusaZeroZ for doing the weeks Top 5 4. Here we go: [top5number1]3e49f1da-bb0f-4512-8d25-9b8f010fe7c8[/top5number1] 1.) Varulv: 9 Crimes by Damien Rice 2.) squallxrinoa Time is Running Out by Muse 3.) DarcAyon If Everyone Cared - Nickelback 4.) KairiLee Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation Hope you enjoy them all, and keep submitting! Maybe your video will show up here next time!
Yes people, a new year a new Top 5. This week was done by Kadaj, so thank him for all the effort, all I did was post it for him. Sorry this took so long, and I'm sorry to all those for the past 6 months who have missed it and/or uploaded a video during that time hoping to make it into the Top 5, but life was hectic. Here is this weeks: 1st: [top5number1]966f5ad7-19b8-46ce-889d-9b8600ab5fc1[/top5number1] A lot of really cool effects were used in this. The song was beautiful and strong, and it seemed to me that the chosen movements of the characters throughout Final Fantasy really suited the flow of the music. Well done. Still Alive by Lisa Miskovsky 2nd: Comatose by Skillet This one was a very close second. The enhancement of the clips was really well placed and Skillet and Advent Children are quite fitting for each other. The clips and lyrics were strategically placed and the AMV was very well done. 3rd: No One Can Touch Us by Sing it Loud A good AMV on Sora and Kairi. The zoom-ins and rotations around them really fit with the song and video. Great use of effects. Good job! 4th: Dark Carnival by Vanessa Carlton The different techniques that you used were quite interesting and helped with the flow and overall outlook of the AMV. It may have been a bit extensive on the flashes but other than that this AMV was very well made. 5th: Lullaby by Armor for Sleep The transitions fit with the flow of the song and the video is overall well choreographed. I thought it showed the tie between the two characters and you did a great job.
So 90% of KHV is crap 90% of staff are crap 90% of you is crap.